
Here you can find information of our top-quality science in terms of publications, ERC grants and rankings of INAR researchers in global ISI Web of Knowledge ranking.
ERC grants

All together 115 ERC grants has been nominated to Finland (18.4.2017) and 11% of them have been granted to people tightly linked to INAR. See all ERC Grants.

Inar Publications

INAR community has published altogether 49 Nature and Science papers by the end of year 2021. 

See Nature and Science publications.

ISI web of know­ledge

Prof. Markku Kulmala has been the most cited researcher in geosciences since 2012. In addition, five of our researchers have been selected as Thomson Reuters Highly Cited Researchers in years 2014-2016: Markku Kulmala, Douglas Worsnop, Veli-Matti Kerminen, Tuukka Petäjä and Ari Laaksonen. 

Thomson Reuters ISI Web of Knowledge (rankings <2000 listed)