INAR seminars

The schedule of the upcoming INAR seminars is found here. The seminars take place during term time on Thursdays at 14:15 in Physicum E204. Exceptionally, extra seminars at different times / on different days are organized.

Previous INAR sem­inar

Previous INAR seminar can be found here.

INAR seminar 2023

INAR seminar 2024

INAR seminars can now be attended remotely.  The intended audience is members of INAR but we also welcome external people who are interested in our work. If you are an external person who would like to join the seminar, please contact Paulina Dukat ( for more details. All attendees must follow our seminar policy (below)

INAR sem­inar policy

We encourage open communication about the work in progress and the unpublished results presented in the INAR seminar series. Please note that all content of the seminar series must be regarded as a private communication from the individual presenting the work. The content of the INAR seminars is not for public use: you must not record or photograph the seminars or share any of the presented content in public (e.g. social media). You are welcome to contact the presenters for further discussions.


30.01.2025 at 14:15 Minttu Tuominen, Leonardo Almeida-Souza, Ditte Taipale and Prof. Hanna Vehkamäki. Ice hockey, research and integration: Living with uncertainties - Perspectives from top ice hockey players and international researchers.

06.02.2025 at 14:15 CoE: Virtual laboratory for molecular level atmospheric transformations (VILMA) - Sub-seminar.

  • 14.15–15.15 Mani Sarathy, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology: “Automatic generation of combustion kinetics models for hydrocarbons and real fuels.”
  • 15.15–15.30 Coffee break
  • 15.30–16.00 Avinash Kumar, University of Tampere: “Influence of Ozone on Aerosol Precursor Formation in OH-Initiated Naphthalene Oxidation”.

20.02.2025 at 14:15 Prof. Eugenie Euskirchen, University of Alaska Fairbanks: "Carbon Balance of Permafrost Landscapes in Alaska: Insights from Long-Term Measurements and Ecosystem Modeling During Years of Climatic Extremes"

  • (Note: Additional talk in Chemicum, A110: 20.02.2025 at 12:30 Prof. Gabriele Messori, Uppsala University: "Statistics and dynamics of concurrent climate extremes").

27.02.2025 at 14:15 Dr. Ekaterina Ezhova, University of Helsinki: Explainable AI for studies of atmosphere-biosphere interactions

06.03.2025 at 14:15 Dr. Rostislav Kouznetsov, Finnish Meteorological Institute: "SILAM model: a tool for research and operational forecasting of airborne substances"

13.03.2025 at 14:15 Dr. Golnaz Roudsari, Finnish Meteorological Institute: "On the adsorption of water and ice nucleation". (CK112 in Exactum)

20.03.2025 at 14:15 Assoc. Prof. Andreas Ibrom, Technical University of Denmark: "Ecosystems as seen from the atmosphere "

27.03.2025 at 14:15 TBA

03.04.2025 at 14:15 TBA

10.04.2025 at 14:15 ATM-MP/DP student final seminar presentation. 

17.04.2025 at 14:15 CoE: Virtual laboratory for molecular level atmospheric transformations (VILMA) - Sub-seminar.

24.04.2025 at 14:15 TBA

01.04.2025 at 14:15 TBA

08.05.2025 at 14:15 TBA

15.05.2025 at 14:15 TBA

22.05.2025 at 14:15 TBA

29.05.2025 at 14:15 Dr. Clément Bouvier, University of Helsinki: "Quantifying the relationship between extratropical cyclones' intensity measures and their background state: systematic exploration of a baroclinic wave simulation ensemble"