ICOS (Integrated Carbon Observation System) has been operational since 2015, when ICOS ERIC was established. It has its statutory seat and the Head office in Finland. ICOS Finland is operated by five institutes (University of Helsinki, Finnish Meteorological Institute, University of Eastern Finland, University of Oulu and Natural Resources Institute) and currently consists of 18 stations, contributing to all three domains (Atmosphere, Ecosystem, Ocean). The Atmosphere station network covers a latitudinal gradient from 60°N (Utö) to 68°N (Pallas). The twelve Ecosystem stations (two of Class 1, three of Class 2, and seven Associated) cover the major boreal ecosystem types in Finland: unmanaged and managed forests, pristine and forestry-drained peatlands, agricultural field, and lake. One of the very few urban Ecosystem stations in whole ICOS (Kumpula/SMEAR III station in Helsinki) is part of the Finnish network. Finland contributes to the Ocean domain of ICOS with two Ocean stations, Tvärminne FOS, which is also an Ecosystem associate station, producing CO2 and CH4 flux data on Baltic coast, and Silja Serenade SOO which is travelling between Helsinki and Stockholm. Visit ICOS Finland webpages here.