Carbon tree is an interactive web page installation. It presents both artistic animation and traditional graphs to visualize the real time uptake and release of carbon in a Scots pine tree at SMEAR II. Besides the on-line data, the web pages include interactivity: a user can change the state of the environmental factors and see the effect on the rate of CO2 exchange. We also have an interactive carbon tree installation for exhibitions.
Real-time data on aerosol particles measured from SMEAR II can be followed in augmented reality in Josefina Nelimarkka’s newest piece of art on your phone. A Kairos2 application is available for Android (iOS coming soon). is a climate change study module for higher education on any discipline. It was developed in collaboration with the University of Helsinki and Lappeenranta University of Technology.
Open Ilmasto-opas is a material bank for climate change related teaching in Finnish primary schools.
OpenIFS provides an easy-to-use version of the Integrated Forecasting System for external users for research and teaching.