Returning loans

You can return materials borrowed from Helsinki University Library to all the Library locations. However, material from other Helka libraries or the National Library of Finland cannot be returned to Helsinki University Library.
Re­turn­ing ma­ter­ial

Use the check-in machine to return your borrowed materials.

You can return materials you have borrowed from Helsinki University Library to all the library sites. However, materials from other Helka libraries or the National Library of Finland cannot be returned to Helsinki University Library.

Loan periods for books vary by collection. Check Helka for the due dates of the items you have borrowed.

After-hours re­turn­ing

Drop boxes

The Helsinki University Library locations have book drop boxes where you can return books outside opening hours.

At the Main Library in Kaisa House (Fabianinkatu 30), there is an overnight return machine on the left side of the main entrance. The machine can be operated with a library card. The books will be registered as returned on the following working day. If the overnight return machine at the Kaisa House is facing technical issues and not working properly, you can always return books to Kumpula return box.

For Kumpula Campus Library, the overnight return box is located to the right of the Physicum (Gustaf Hällströmin katu 2) main entrance, next to the grey side door. The books will be registered as returned on the following working day.

No after-hours returns are possible at Meilahti Campus Library. You can only return books during the opening hours of Terkko Health Hub. The return box is located inside the lobby of the building, close to the main entrance (Haartmaninkatu 4) on the left. Items returned after 17:00 will be registered as returned on the following working day. Please note that on the campus library's premises on the 2nd floor of Terkko, you can return your loans with a check-in machine and the loans will be registered as returned immediately.

Re­turns by post

You may also return a book at your own risk by post. The borrower is responsible for the book until it has been received by the library.

Use the library's PO Box number when sending books by post.

Helsinki University Library

Kaisa House

PO Box 53 (Fabianinkatu 30)

00014 University of Helsinki

Phone number: +358 50 4150491

Over­due fines

If you return or renew your loans late, you will be subject to overdue fines. Fines accrue for a maximum of 14 days, after which you will be denied permission to borrow material.

The University of Helsinki staff are not charged overdue fines for research literature. However, the staff are still subject to overdue fines for textbooks. 

Overdue fines will start to accumulate on the day after the due date and can be seen in your customer account in Helka. You can pay the fines once you have renewed or returned the overdue books.