Price list

Helsinki University Library price list effective from 1st of January 2025.
Pay­ment meth­ods

You can pay with a debit card or with the most common credit cards (Visa, Visa Electron and MasterCard) in all library locations. In Helka you can pay fees with Finnish online banks.

Cash is accepted only in the Main Library at Kaisa House.

Re­ser­va­tion fees
Fee for reservation that is not picked up
(Applies only for coursebooks and interlibrary loans to UH staff members)
Over­due fines
Textbooks, mobile storage units and objects 1,00, maximum 15,00 / loan
Short loans 5,00, maximum 30,00 / loan
Other books
(Does not apply to UH staff members)
0,50, maximum 5,00 / loan
Other fees
Collection one month after the due date collection agency fees
Suspension of borrowing rights amount of unpaid fees exceeds 15.00 or
a loan is overdue more than 15 days
Compensation for lost or damaged items:
Acquisition cost of new material
minimum 80.00
Replacement for a lost library card 5,00
Compensation for a lost key 80.00 or as invoiced
SUPPLIES €, inc. VAT 25,5 %
Canvas bag 5,00


Renting library facilities

Helsinki University Library follows the guidelines of the University’s Facilities and Properties Management.

According to the internal price list
OF the Facilities and Properties sector
/ price group / € / hour, VAT 0 %
Other customers
According to the external price list
OF the Facilities and Properties sector
/ price group / € / hour, incl. VAT 25,5 %
Kaisa house, meeting room 7062, 110 m2 (50 persons) A5 / 47,00 / hour A5 / 115,46 / hour
Kaisa house, group work room 2024, 32,3 m2 (12 persons) A1 / 18,00 / hour A1 / 54,97 / hour

* In addition to the internal net price, Helsinki Innovation Service and Helsinki University Hospital pays 25,5 % VAT.

Photographing and filming in the library's premisis:

Without permission, you may film or take photographs of the library buildings and premises only for personal use. For other purposes, productions photographed or filmed alone or with one model or interviewee are subject to the base price.

As a rule, using the Helsinki University Library facilities as a shooting location for purposes other than media use is subject to a fee.

Print­ing and copy­ing
Unigrafia printing card 5.00 
Doc­u­ment de­liv­ery (In­ter­lib­rary loans)
UH student, uh Staff INCL. HUCH Loan / Article copy / €, VAT 0 %
From EU (incl. Finland) 0,00 
From outside EU 0,00 
Other customers Loan / Article copy / €, VAT 0 %
From EU (incl. Finland) 32,00 / 14,00
From outside EU 33,00 + cost from a sending library / 19,00
Libraries (public and research) Loan / Article copy / €, VAT 0 %
From Helsinki University Library 9,00 / 6,00
From EU (incl. Finland) - / 14,00
From outside EU - / 19,00
State, municipalities  Loan / Article copy / €, VAT 0 %
From Helsinki University Library's collections 18,00 /12,00
From EU (incl. Finland) - / 14,00
From outside EU - / 19,00
Company or organisation Loan / Article copy / €, VAT 0 %
From Helsinki University Library's collections 20,00 / 15,00
From EU (incl. Finland) - / 16,00
From outside EU - / 22,00
Delivery abroad to all customer groups Loan / Article copy / €, VAT 0 %
From Helsinki University Library's collections 32,00 / 12,00-15,00
Express Delivery (if applicable) to all customer groups Loan / Article copy / €, VAT 0 %
  double the price

The fee of interlibrary loan is charged whether or not the loan is picked up by the customer. If the sending library charges a fee for reserving or renewing the loan, it will be charged from the customer based on the fee charged by the sending library. The customer is responsible for any fees charged for delayed, lost or destroyed material.

When picking up the interlibrary loans and documents in the library, any fees will be paid at the customer service desk. Payment methods: Cash in accepted only in the Main Library in Kaisa House. You can pay with a debit card or with the most common credit cards (Visa, Visa Electron and MasterCard) in all library locations.

Other ex­pert services
EXPERT SERVICES UH and HUH units and staff, degree students and
post-degree students / €, VAT 0 %
Other customers / €
Information specialist's work / starting hour 60,00 107,00, VAT 0 %
134,30, inc. VAT 25,5 % *
IT specialist work   168,80, inc.VAT 25,5 %
Open courses in information retrieval / person / starting hour 0,00 26,80, VAT 0 %
Customized courses for groups / starting hour 0.00 + Rent for premises ** 207,80, VAT 0 % + Rent for premises
according to the internal price list of
the Facilities and Properties sector with VAT

* If the library specialist's work is related to a service on which VAT is charged (e.g. renting premises, using library location for photographing/filming, consulting), a 25,5 % VAT is added to the price for external customers and HUH. Extensive consultations are charged on occasion as projects or service contracts. University of Helsinki in-house companies are considered as other customers.

** If the customer books the premises through his / her own university unit, the library will not bill the customer for the rent.

IT Services
SERVICE Description additional INFORMATION
Licence for Medic database Finnish domestic database in Medicine and Health Sciences Available to FinELib consortia members through FinELib
Read more about Medic database
Digital Repository Service Helda Digital Repository Service for researchers' publications, organizations' publication series, study materials and research data. Read more about Helda