Alternative access

The availability of articles in the Helsinki University Library is based on license agreements directly negotiated with publishers or through the FinELib consortium.
Ongoing negotiations

In the negotiations with publishers, the goal is to achieve agreements that ensure access to journals for researchers and students and provide researchers with the opportunity to publish their articles open access free of charge in the journals of their choice. 

Access to journals

Access to journals is primarily based on negotiated fixed-term licence agreements.

Open access publishing

The right to open access publishing without article processing charges is part of the negotiated license agreement.


Alternative access to articles

Below are some of the services helping you to find open access publications, and browser extensions that automatically search for open access versions of articles.

Bor­row from other lib­rar­ies

Through interlibrary loans, you can request material not available in Helsinki University Library as loans or as photocopies. 

The Helsinki Unversity Library´s interlibrary loan service is free of charges for the students and staff until 31 August 2025. You can order 10 articles or books per month. 

Interlibrary loan services are subject to charges. To make an interlibrary loan request you need to have Helka library card and your customer information in the Helka database. Your requested material will be delivered to Helsinki University Library where you can pick it up. The fee for the interlibrary loan will be charged when you collect the book.


Search En­gines and Data­bases

BASE is a German search engine that provides more than 150 million documents. About 60% of these documents are Open Access. BASE is a user-friendly way to search for free versions of research articles from different publishers. It also offers versatile search and sorting functions. 

Core on laaja brittiläinen tietokanta, joka haravoi avoimia aineistoja tehokkaasti eri lähteistä. Esimerkiksi Iris.AI-tekoälysovellus käyttää Corea lähteenään. Coreen voivat liittyä jäseniksi kaikki halukkaat avoimet tietoarkistot ja avoimet lehdet, jolloin niiden sisältö yhdistetään tietokantaan (mukana myös Helsingin yliopiston Helda). Core haravoi systemaattisemmin avointa aineistoa ja raakadataa kuin Google Scholar, joka perustuu vain avoimesti internetissä olevaan aineistoon. Kaikki Coren materiaali on avoimesti ja välittömästi saatavissa ja tekstejä on tällä hetkellä yli 135 miljoonaa. 

Core is a large UK-based database that harvests open repositories effectively from various sources. It is also a source for other services, for example for the Iris.AI platform. The Core database welcomes all open repositories and journals that are interested in joining. Helda, the Digital Repository of the University of Helsinki, is one of the repositories that has joined Core’s set of repositories. Compared to Google Scholar, Core’s harvesting technique is more systematic. All material in Core is openly available. It indexes currently more than 135 million documents. 

Google Scholar on erityisesti tieteellisille teksteille tarkoitettu Googlen hakupalvelu, joka sisältää paljon avointa materiaalia. Palvelussa on saatavilla aineistoa useilla kielillä, myös suomeksi.  

OpenAIRE - EU:n komission rahoittama OpenAIRE-portaali haravoi eurooppalaisia ja kansainvälisiä julkaisuarkistoja, ja avoin tietokanta sisältää noin 10 miljoonaa avointa julkaisua tai datasettiä. OpenAIREn perushaussa näkyy selvästi dokumentin avoimuus ja luonne (esim. opinnäyte tai preprint). Hakutuloksissa näkyy myös tieteenalaluokittelu ja pysyvä tunniste, jos sellainen on. 

Browser ex­ten­sions and plug-ins

You can install a browser extension or a plug-in to facilitate finding articles which are open access.

Articles from other researchers

You can also make a direct request to the corresponding author. The author’s name is usually shown on the preview page of the article. 

You can also request articles from your colleagues working in other domestic as well as foreign organisations. Your colleagues can supply the article if this is permitted under the licence agreement concluded between their organisation and the publisher.