Rooms for researchers

Helsinki University Library has special work rooms for UH researchers and thesis writers.
Researcher facilities

Researcher facilities in Kaisa House are available for booking by researchers and teachers of the University of Helsinki.

  • Room 6034 on the sixth floor of Kaisa House accommodates one to four people.
  • Room 7046 on the seventh floor of Kaisa House accommodates two to eight people.

You can also use the facilities without booking, but those with a booking are always given priority.

Bookings can only be made by the University's researchers and teachers. The facilities are booked through the Office365 calendar.

Names of the facilities in the Office365 calendar

  • Kaisa-talo, Researcher Lounge 7046
  • Kaisa-talo, Researchers' Reading Room 6034.
Book a mobile storage unit for thesis materials

Students of the University of Helsinki can borrow a mobile storage unit for storing material needed in their research or thesis work. The storage trolleys make it easy to store and move working materials around the library facilities.

The storage units can be found at all library locations.

  • The loan period for the storage units is 28 days.
  • Making a request for a unit is free, but for requests that have not been picked up you will be charged a fee of €3.
  • The overdue fine for storage units is €1/day, with a maximum total charge of €15.
  • You are not allowed to keep reference material or material you haven’t checked out in the unit.
  • If necessary, the library staff have the right to unlock a storage unit that is currently out on loan, and inspect its contents.

The units can be located using the Helka database, with the keyword 'gradukärry'.

Alumni room

As an alumnus or alumna of UH, you can book the alumni room (2024) on the 2nd floor of Kaisa House for a meeting, group work or open discussion.

You can book the alumni room for two hours at a time on Mon-Fri between 4 - 8 pm and on Sat 11 am - 5 pm in Helsinki Alumni Hub.

Room equip­ment

In­struc­tions on how to book a room with Of­fice 365 Cal­en­dar
  1. Open your O365 Calendar. Click New event on the upper left corner. Type the name of the booking and select the date and time.
  2. Go to Search for a room or location. The menu shows earlier rooms you've booked. Select + Browse with Room Finder.
  3. Type Kaisa-talo, keskusta on Building section under the Room Finder.
  4. Choose a suitable researcher room from the list and click Send.
  5. The reservation is valid only after you have received en email to confirm it. Always check the email sent by the room and save it in case there is a problem with the reservation.  

Your reservation will be rejected if

  • it is too long (more than three hours),
  • the reservation is outside the opening hours,
  • you don't have reserving rights, or
  • if someone else has made a reservation at the same time as you.

You can cancel your reservation in your own O365 calendar.