Typical research infrastructures include
Several research infrastructure facilities of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and HiLIFE offer research services, instruments, facilities and technologies for academic research groups, companies and authorities subject for charge.
DISA, offered by the Veterinary Teaching Hospital (VTH), includes diagnostic imaging services (radiography, ultrasonography, CT and MRI) as well as animal care for researchers. Dogs, cats and horses can be hospitalized in the Clinicum building and other animals like pigs and sheep may be placed at the LAC large animal unit nearby. VTH anesthesia unit offers state-of-the-art services for all kind of animals.
FCLAP is a research and service facility that provides histotechnological services and expertise in morphological methods to assess pathological changes and specific phenotypical features in laboratory animals. We are based in the Pathology and Parasitology unit at the department of Veterinary Biosciences. FCLAP is part of the Histotechnology and Laboratory Animal Pathology infrastructure platform of the HiLIFE.
LCM is principally used to dissect and collect samples from histological sections and cell cultures, down to one-cell level and even below. A typical downstream application is RNA or DNA isolation.
University of Helsinki Life Science Research Infrastructures are available as HiLIFE platforms to all University of Helsinki researchers as well as users outside the UH.
FinGMice is a national technology platform for generation, analysis (phenotyping) and archiving of animal models. It consist of six nodes within Finnish universities that have jointly developed their services. Transgenic core facilities generate GM animal models for a large nationwide and international research community. In phenotyping, FinGMice activities and expertice range from semi-automatic processing of tissues to specialist consultations and sophisticated long-term behavioral tests.