Department of biochemistry and developmental biology

Welcome to the Department of Biochemistry and Developmental Biology. Our focus is on unraveling the molecular foundations of health. We offer basic education in Finnish, Swedish, and English in the programs of medicine, dentistry, and translational medicine. The department's research service units organize courses for postgraduate students.

Our research groups strive to advance biomedical research by exploring human health, disease mechanisms, and innovative therapeutic strategies in cancer, aging, metabolic regulation, and the vital lymphatic and cardiovascular systems. We employ diverse cutting-edge methodologies spanning biochemistry, molecular, cell, and structural biology, disease models, bioinformatics, genome-wide and systems biology, and systems pharmacology approaches. Committed to an inclusive and globally competitive environment, we prioritize exceptional education for aspiring scientists and clinicians.


The Department of Biochemistry and Developmental Biology gives undergraduate teaching in Finnish, Swedish and English on the degree programs in medicine, dentistry and translational medicine. The department is responsible for the periods: cell structure and function, genome and development and endocrinology and genitals during the preclinical education and participates in teaching courses on all organ systems. The department is responsible for the coordination of the international master's programme in translational medicine (TransMed) and participates in the implementation of several courses on the program. The research infrastructures of the department also organize several courses in UH doctoral programs.

The teaching is predominantly problem-based small group teaching (PBL) and lecture-oriented. In addition, developmental biology studies are supported with courses in dissection and biochemistry with hands-on laboratory work.

The researchers at the department supervise students at all career stages including under- and postgraduate students with their projects for advanced studies, master´s and doctoral theses. We are always looking for highly motivated individuals at all career levels to join our research teams!

For project inquiries do not hesitate to directly get into contact with any of the research groups and associated researchers via email or any other means.

Contact details

Head of de­part­ment

professor Pipsa Saharinen

PO BOX 63 (Haartmaninkatu 8)

00014 University of Helsinki


PO BOX 63 (Haartmaninkatu 8)

00014 University of Helsinki