Publikationer och presentationer

Här har vi samlat publikationer och presentationer med anknytning till SAGA-forskningen.

Martikainen, S., Linnavalli, T., & Kalland, M. (2024). Children’s health-related quality of life in early childhood education and care. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 1–16. Till publikationen

Martikainen, S., Kalland, M., Linnavalli, T., Kostilainen, K., Aittokoski, M., Reunamo, J., Vasileiou, Z., & Tervaniemi, M. (2023) Supporting social-emotional development in early childhood education and care – a randomized parallel group trial evaluating the impact of two different interventions. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research. Till publikationen

Kalland, M., & Linnavalli, T. (2023). Associations Between Social-Emotional and Language Development in Preschool Children. Results from a Study Testing the Rationale for an Intervention. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 67(5), 791–804. Till publikationen 

Kalland, M., Linnavalli, T., & von Koskull, M. (2022). SAGA–supporting social-emotional development in early childhood education. The development of a mentalizing-based intervention. Education Sciences, 12(6), [409]. Till publikationen

Linnavalli, T., & Kalland, M. (2021). Impact of COVID-19 Restrictions on the Social-Emotional Wellbeing of Preschool Children and Their Families. Education Sciences, 11(8), [435]. Till publikationen 


Tuominen, V. (2024). Multilingual children’s participation during shared reading: Examining child behaviour and the teacher’s role in facilitating participation. Pro gradu-avhandling. Helsingfors universitet. Till publikationen

Belfrage, F. (2023). SAGA, mentaliserande arbetssätt för personal inom småbarnspedagogiken. Pro gradu-avhandling. Helsingfors universitet. Till publikationen

Räike, M. (2023). Diskussioner om inre verklighet mellan lärare och barn under dialogbaserat läsande.  Pro gradu-avhandling. Helsingfors universitet. Till publikationen


Kalland M. SAGA: 3-5 vuotiaiden lasten sosioemotionaalisen kehityksen tukeminen jaetun tarinakerronan avulla. Kasvatustieteen päivät, 24.-25.11.2022, Oulu, Finland.

Martikainen S. Sosioemotionaalisen kehityksen tukeminen varhaiskasvatuksessa – Interventiotutkimus. Kasvatustieteen päivät, 24.-25.11.2022, Oulu, Finland.

Kalland M. SAGA – supporting social and emotional development in Early Childhood Education. Keynote and Workshop in Miradas – I Congreso Internacional sobre Calidad Educativa en la Primera Infancia, 22-23.5.2019, Lima, Peru. 


Lapsen Maailma (2024) Tunnetaitoja voi oppia saduista. Till publikationen

Helsingin Sanomat (2023) Tutkimus: Suomalaiset keinot saivat päiväkodin lapset auttamaan toisiaan. Till publikationen