
Tältä sivulta löydät luettelon Seismologian instituutin tuoreimmista julkaisuista. Kaikki julkaisut vuodesta 2010 löytyvät yliopiston Tutkimusportaalista. Tällä sivulla on myös arkisto, josta löytyvät instituutin vanhemmat julkaisut vuodesta 1970 lähtien.
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Grad, M., Brückl, E., Majdanski, M., Behm, M., Guterch, A., and CELEBRATION 2000 and ALP 2002 Working Groups (incl. Komminaho, K. and Tiira, T.), 2009. Crustal structure of the Eastern Alps and their foreland: seismic model beneath the CEL10/Alp04 profile and tectonic implications. Geophys. J. Int., 177, 279-295.

Grad, M., Tiira, T. and ESC Working Group (incl. Komminaho, K. and Kortström, J.), 2009. The Moho depth map of the European Plate. Geophys. J. Int., 176, 279-292, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2008.03919.x.

Janik, T., Grad, M., Guterch, A. and CELEBRATION 2000 Working Group (incl. Komminaho, K. and Tiira, T.), 2009. Seismic structure of the lithosphere between the East European Craton and the Carpathians from the net of CELEBRATION 2000 profiles in SE Poland. Geological Quarterly, 53, 141-158.

Korja, A., Hyvönen, T., Tiira, T. and Heikkinen, P., 2009. Examining Three-Dimensional Crustal Heterogeneity in Finland. EOS, Transactions, AGU, 90 (15), 129-130.

Schijns, H., Heinonen, S., Schmitt, D.R., Heikkinen, P.J. and Kukkonen, I.T., 2009. Seismic refraction traveltime inversion for static corrections in a glaciated shield rock environment: a case study. Geophysical Prospecting, 57, 997-1008.

Raportit ja konferenssijulkaisut

Heikkinen, P., 2009. Maankuoren seisminen rakenne Suomessa. In: Haapala, I. and Pulkkinen T. (Eds.), 2009. Maan ytimestä avaruuteen. Ajankohtaista suomalaista geo- ja ympäristötieteellistä tutkimusta. Bidrag till kännedom av Finlands natur och folk 180. Helsinki: Suomen Tiedeseura, 33-42.

Heinonen, S., Heikkinen, P.J., Kukkonen, I., Snyder, D., 2009. Imaging subsurface structures with reflection seismic profiling. In: Sovelletun geofysiikan XVII neuvottelupäivät, 3.-4.11.2009, Espoo: abstraktikokoelma. Vuorimiesyhdistys. Sarja B 91. Espoo: Vuorimiesyhdistys, 27-30.

Heinonen, S., Schijns, H., Schmitt, D.R., Heikkinen, P.J. and Kukkonen, I.T.: High Resolution Reflection Seismic Profiling in Outokumpu.In: Kukkonen, Ilmo T. (ed), 2009. Outokumpu Deep Drilling Project, Third International Workshop, Espoo, Finland, November 12-13, 2009, Programme and Abstracts. Geological Survey of Finland, Southern Finland Office, Marine Geology and Geophysics, Report Q10.2/2009/61, 92 p.

Hyvönen, T., Uski, M., Korja, A., Karkkulainen, K. and Arhe, K. 2009. Earthquakes and their mechanism in Fennoscandia. In: XXIV Geofysiikan päivät Helsingissä 13.-14.5.2009. Helsinki: Geofysiikan seura, 28.

Korja, A., Heikkinen, P. J., 2009. The origin of layering of the Svecofennian crust. In: EGU General Assembly 2009, Vienna, Austria, 19-24 April 2009. Geophysical Research Abstracts 111 p. Electronic publication.

Korja, A., Heikkinen, P. J., Roslov, Y., Ivanova, N., Verba, M. and Sakoulina, T. 2009. North European Transect - part 1. In: XXIV Geofysiikan päivät Helsingissä 13.-14.5.2009. Helsinki: Geofysiikan seura, 34.

Korja, A., Heikkinen, P. J., Roslov, Y., Ivanova, N., Verba, M. and Sakoulina, T. 2009. North European Transect - geological interpretation, part 2. In: XXIV Geofysiikan päivät Helsingissä 13.-14.5.2009. Helsinki: Geofysiikan seura, 35.

Korja, A., Kosunen, P. and Heikkinen, P., 2009. A case study of lateral spreading: the Precambrian Svecofennian Orogen. In: Ring, U. and Wernicke, B. (Eds.) Extending a continent: Architecture, Rheology and Heat Budget. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 321, 225-251.


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Grad, M., Tiira, T. and ESC Working Group (incl. Komminaho, K. and Kortström, J.), 2009. The Moho depth map of the European Plate. Geophys. J. Int., 176, 279-292, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2008.03919.x.

Korja, A. and Heikkinen, P.J., 2008. Seismic images of Paleoproterozoic microplate boundaries in the Fennoscandian Shield, in: Condie, K.C. and Pease, V., eds., When Did Plate Tectonics Begin on Planet Earth? Geological Society of America Special Paper 440, 229-248.

Kukkonen, I.T., Kuusisto, M., Lehtonen, M. and Peltonen, P., 2008. Delamination of eclogitized lower crust : Control on the crust-mantle boundary in the central Fennoscandian shield. Tectonophysics, 457, 111-127.

Mäntyniemi, P., 2008. Earthquake of 4 November 1898 in northern Europe: New insights. Journal of Geophysical Research, VOL. 113, B11303, doi: 10.1029/2007JB005461.

Plomerova, J., Babuska, V., Kozlovskaya, E., Vecsey, L.. and Hyvönen, L.T., 2008. Seismic anisotropy – A key to resolve fabrics of mantle lithosphere of Fennoscandia. Tectonophysics, 462, 125-136.

Wilde-Piórko, M., Geissler, W.H., Plomerová, J., Grad, M., Babuška, V., Brückl, E., Cyziene, J., Czuba, W., England, R., Gaczynski, E., Gazdova, R., Gregersen, S., Guterch, A., Hanka, W.,  Hegedus, E., Heuer, B., Jedlicka, P., Lazauskiene, J., Keller, G.R., Kind, R., Klinge, K., Kolinsky, P., Komminaho, K., Kozlovskaya, E., Krüger, F., Larsen, T., Majdanski, M., Málek, J., Motuza, G., Novotný, O., Pietrasiak, R., Plenefisch, Th., Ružek, B., Sliaupa, S., Sroda, P., Swieczak, M., Tiira, T., Voss, P. and Wiejacz, P., 2008. PASSEQ 2006–2008: Passive seismic experiment in Trans-European Suture Zone. Zeitschrift Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica. Volume 52, Number 3, 439-448. doi:10.1007/ s11200-008-0030-2.

Raportit ja konferenssijulkaisut

Brückl, E., Behm, M., CELEBRATION 2000, ALP 2002 and ALPASS Working Groups (incl. Komminaho, K. and Tiira, T.), 2008. Crustal structures and tectonic processes in the Eastern Alps revealed by recent controlled source seismic experiments. Invited Lecture at Centenary Conference ELGI, Budapest 28th February 2008. Extended abstract, 10 p.

Heikkinen, P., Kukkonen, I. T., Kuusisto, M. and Heinonen, S. (Eds.), 2008. The 13th International Symposium on Deep Seismic Profiling of the Continents and Their Margins, Abstracts, Saariselkä, Finland, 8 – 13 June 2008. Institute of Seismology, University of Helsinki, Report S-50, 76 p.

Heikkinen, P., Kukkonen, I.T., Suleimanov, A. and Zamoshnyaya, N., 2008. Seismic image of the Fennoscandian Shield along the Baltic Sea – White Sea Transect. In: Korja, T., Arhe, K., Kaikkonen, P., Korja, A., Lahtinen, R. and Lunkka, J.P. (Eds.), 2008. Lithosphere 2008 – Fifth Symposium on the Structure, Composition and Evolution of the Lithosphere in Finland. Programme and Extended Abstracts, Oulu, Finland, November 5-6, 2008. Institute of Seismology, University of Helsinki, Report S-53, 15-16.

Heinonen, S., Schjins, H., Schmitt, D., Heikkinen, P. and I. Kukkonen, 2008. Processing of high-resolution reflection data of Outokumpu. In: Korja, T., Arhe, K., Kaikkonen, P., Korja, A., Lahtinen, R. and Lunkka, J.P. (Eds.), 2008. Lithosphere 2008 – Fifth Symposium on the Structure, Composition and Evolution of the Lithosphere in Finland. Programme and Extended Abstracts, Oulu, Finland, November 5-6, 2008. Institute of Seismology, University of Helsinki, Report S-53, 17-20.

Hyvönen, T., Tiira, T., Valtonen, O., Korja, A. and Komminaho, K., 2008. Indications of seismic anisotropy in the crust of the central Fennoscandian Shield. In: Korja, T., Arhe, K., Kaikkonen, P., Korja, A., Lahtinen, R. and Lunkka, J.P. (Eds.), 2008. Lithosphere 2008 – Fifth Symposium on the Structure, Composition and Evolution of the Lithosphere in Finland. Programme and Extended Abstracts, Oulu, Finland, November 5-6, 2008. Institute of Seismology, University of Helsinki, Report S-53, 21-22.

Hyvönen, T., 2008. Seismic Tomography and Earthquake Mechanism Beneath the Central Fennoscandian Shield. Doctoral dissertation, Department of Physics, Division of Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysics, University of Helsinki, Report S-50, Institute of Seismology, University of Helsinki.

Kilpeläinen, T., Korja, A. and Paavola, J., 2008. Elämäjärven hiertovyöhyke, osa II – lineaatiot ja kuoren kehitystulkinta. Geologi, 60, 34-43.

Korja, T., Arhe, K., Kaikkonen, P., Korja, A., Lahtinen, R. and Lunkka, J.P. (Eds.), 2008. Lithosphere 2008 – Fifth Symposium on the Structure, Composition and Evolution of the Lithosphere in Finland. Programme and Extended Abstracts, Oulu, Finland, November 5-6, 2008. Institute of Seismology, University of Helsinki, Report S-53, 132 p.

Korja, A., Heikkinen, P.J., Roslov, Y., Ivanova, N., Verba, M. and Sakoulina, T., 2008. North European Transect - a preliminary compilation. In: Korja, T., Arhe, K., Kaikkonen, P., Korja, A., Lahtinen, R. and Lunkka, J.P. (Eds.), 2008. Lithosphere 2008 – Fifth Symposium on the Structure, Composition and Evolution of the Lithosphere in Finland. Programme and Extended Abstracts, Oulu, Finland, November 5-6, 2008. Institute of Seismology, University of Helsinki, Report S-53, 29-32.

Korja, A., Kosunen, P. and Heikkinen, P.J., 2008. Lateral spreading of the Svecofennian Orogen. In: Korja, T., Arhe, K., Kaikkonen, P., Korja, A., Lahtinen, R. and Lunkka, J.P. (Eds.), 2008. Lithosphere 2008 – Fifth Symposium on the Structure, Composition and Evolution of the Lithosphere in Finland. Programme and Extended Abstracts, Oulu, Finland, November 5-6, 2008. Institute of Seismology, University of Helsinki, Report S-53, 33-36.

Koskinen, P. and Valtonen, O., 2008. Solid earth geophysics field course 2007. In: Korja, T., Arhe, K., Kaikkonen, P., Korja, A., Lahtinen, R. and Lunkka, J.P. (Eds.), 2008. Lithosphere 2008 – Fifth Symposium on the Structure, Composition and Evolution of the Lithosphere in Finland. Programme and Extended Abstracts, Oulu, Finland, November 5-6, 2008. Institute of Seismology, University of Helsinki, Report S-53, 41-44.

Kozlovskaya, E., Janik, T., Yliniemi, J. and Heikkinen, P., 2008. Petrological crust-mantle boundary vs. seismic Moho in the central Fennoscandian Shield: constraints from collocated wide-angle and near-vertical seismic profiles. In: Korja, T., Arhe, K., Kaikkonen, P., Korja, A., Lahtinen, R. and Lunkka, J.P. (Eds.), 2008. Lithosphere 2008 – Fifth Symposium on the Structure, Composition and Evolution of the Lithosphere in Finland. Programme and Extended Abstracts, Oulu, Finland, November 5-6, 2008. Institute of Seismology, University of Helsinki, Report S-53, 45-46.

Kozlovskaya, E., Silvennoinen, H., Jämsen, T. and POLENET/LAPNET Working Group (Incl. Heikkinen, P.J.), 2008. POLENET/LAPNET - a multi-disciplinary seismic array research in northern Fennoscandia. In: Korja, T., Arhe, K., Kaikkonen, P., Korja, A., Lahtinen, R. and Lunkka, J.P. (Eds.), 2008. Lithosphere 2008 – Fifth Symposium on the Structure, Composition and Evolution of the Lithosphere in Finland. Programme and Extended Abstracts, Oulu, Finland, November 5-6, 2008. Institute of Seismology, University of Helsinki, Report S-53, 55-56.

Maijanen, H., Salonen, V.-P. ja Heikkinen, P., 2008. Maaperän paksuus FIRE-linjoilla Lapissa. Geologi, 60, 157-160.

Malm, M., Pesonen, L.J. and Heikkinen, P.J., 2008. Seismic Research of Impact Craters and the Seismic Velocity Analysis of the Keurusselkä Impact Structure, Central Finland. In: Korja, T., Arhe, K., Kaikkonen, P., Korja, A., Lahtinen, R. and Lunkka, J.P. (Eds.), 2008. Lithosphere 2008 – Fifth Symposium on the Structure, Composition and Evolution of the Lithosphere in Finland. Programme and Extended Abstracts, Oulu, Finland, November 5-6, 2008. Institute of Seismology, University of Helsinki, Report S-53, 69-72.

Mäntyniemi, P., 2008. Accounts of the earthquake on 4 November 1898 in northern Europe. Institute of Seismology, University of Helsinki, Report S-51, 76 p.

Mäntyniemi, P., 2008. Maanjäristys-seismologia 2008, luentomoniste, Helsingin yliopiston Fysiikan laitos (geofysiikka), 150 s.

Mäntyniemi, P., 2008. Macroseismology as a Component of Seismicity Assessments In an Intraplate Region: Studies of Northern Europe with Emphasis on Finland. Doctoral dissertation, Department of Physics, Division of Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysics, University of Helsinki, Report S-47, Institute of Seismology, University of Helsinki, 134 p.

Silvennoinen, H., Kozlovskaya, E., Yliniemi, J. and Tiira, T., 2008. Interpretation of wide-angle reflection and refraction recordings of Vibroseis signals and 3D gravity modelling along FIRE4 profile, northern Finland. In: Korja, T., Arhe, K., Kaikkonen, P., Korja, A., Lahtinen, R. and Lunkka, J.P. (Eds.), 2008. Lithosphere 2008 – Fifth Symposium on the Structure, Composition and Evolution of the Lithosphere in Finland. Programme and Extended Abstracts, Oulu, Finland, November 5-6, 2008. Institute of Seismology, University of Helsinki, Report S-53, 111-114.

Uski, M., Sahala, K. and Korja, A., 2008. Phase amplitude ratio method in constraining the source parameters of a small earthquake. In: Korja, T., Arhe, K., Kaikkonen, P., Korja, A., Lahtinen, R. and Lunkka, J.P. (Eds.), 2008. Lithosphere 2008 – Fifth Symposium on the Structure, Composition and Evolution of the Lithosphere in Finland. Programme and Extended Abstracts, Oulu, Finland, November 5-6, 2008. Institute of Seismology, University of Helsinki, Report S-53, 119-120.


Vertaisarvioidut julkaisut

Behm, M., Brückl, E., Mitterbauer, U., CELEBRATION 2000 and ALP 2002 Working Groups (incl. K. Komminaho and T.Tiira), 2007. A new seismic model of the Eastern Alps and its relevance for Geodesy and Geodynamics. VGI Österrreichische Zeitschrift für Vermessung & Geoinformation 2/2007, 121-133.

Brückl, E., Bleibinhaus, F., Gosar, A., Grad, M., Guterch, A., Hrubcova, P., Keller, G.R., Majdanski, M., Sumanovac, F., Tiira, T., Yliniemi, J., Hegedus, E., and Thybo, H, 2007. Crustal structure due to collisional and escape tectonics in the Eastern Alps region based on profiles Alp01 and Alp02 from the ALP 2002 seismic experiment, J. Geophys. Res., 112, doi:10.1029/2006JB004687.

Grad, M., Brückl, E., Majdanski, M., Behm, M., Guterch, A. and CELE-BRATION 2000 and ALP 2002 Work-ing Groups (incl. K. Komminaho and T.Tiira), 2007. Crustal structure of the Eastern Alps and its foreland: seismic model beneath the CEL10/ Alp04 profile and tectonic implications, Geophys. J. Int., (in print)

Grad, M., Guterch, A., Keller, G. R., and POLONAISE’97 & CELEBRATION 2000 Working Groups (including T. Tiira), 2007. Variations in Lithospheric Structure Across the Margin of Baltica in central Europe and the Role of the Variscan and Carpathian Oro-gens. in Hatcher, R.D., Jr., Carlson, M.P., McBride, J.H., and Martinez Catalan, J.R., eds., 4-D Framework of Continental Crust: Geological Society of America Memoir 200, 341-356, doi:10.1130/2007.1200(17).

Gregersen, S., Wiejacz, P., Debski, W., Domanski, B., Assinovskaya, B., Guterch, B., Mäntyniemi, P., Nikulin, V.G., Pacesa, A., Puura, V., Aronov, A.G., Aronova, T.I., Grunthal, G., Husebye, E.S. and Sliaupa, S., 2007. The exceptional earthquakes in Kaliningrad district, Russia, on September 21, 2004. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 164, 63-74.

Hyvönen, T., Tiira, T., Korja, A., Heikkinen, P., Rautioaho, E. and the SVEKALAPKO Seismic Tomography Working Group, 2007. A tomographic crustal velocity model of the central Fennoscandian Shield. Geo-phys. J. Int, 168, 1210-1226.

Majdanski, M., Kozlovskaya, E., Grad, M, and SUDETES 2003 Working Group (incl. K. Komminaho, T. Tiira), 2007. 3D structure of the Earth’s crust beneath the northern part of the Bohemian Massif. Tectonophysics, 437, 17-36, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2007.02.015.

Mäntyniemi, P., 2007. Town of Tornio in November 1898: A rare survey of earthquake damage in Finland. Journal of Seismology, 11, 177-185.

Pedersen, H. A., Krüger, F., and SVEKA-LAPKO Seismic Tomography Working Group (incl. P. Heikkinen, T. Hyvönen, A. Korja and T. Tiira), 2007. Influence of the seismic noise characteristics on noise correlations in the Baltic shield. Geophys. J. Int., 168, 197-210.

Raportit ja konferenssijulkaisut

Brückl, E., Behm, M., Chwatal, W., Mitterbauer, U., CELEBRATION 2000 & ALP 2002 & ALPASS Working Groups (incl. K. Komminaho and T.Tiira), 2007. Erkenntnisse über den Tiefbau der Ostalpen aus neuen seismischen Großexperimenten. Beiträge zur Geologie Oberösterreichs, Arbeitstagung 2007 GBA, 143-150.

Heikkinen, P.J., Koivisto, E. ja Kukkonen, I., 2007. Seismisen heijastusluotauksen käyttömahdollisuuksista malminetsinnässä: kokemuksia Outokummun FIRE-luotauksesta. In: K.Kaila and T. Korja (Eds.), XXIII Geofysiikan päivät Oulussa 23.-24.5.2007, 41-42.

Janik, T., Kozlovskaya, E., Heikkinen, P., Yliniemi, J., Silvennoinen, H. and FIRE Working Group (incl. J. Keskinen, A. Korja and T. Tiira), 2007. Evidence for early plate tectonics in the northern Fennoscandian Shield derived from P- and S- wave velocity models of POLAR and HUKKA wid-eangle profiles and FIRE4 reflection profile. In: K.Kaila and T. Korja (Eds.), XXIII Geofysiikan päivät Oulussa 23.-24.5.2007, 43-45.

Kozlovskaya, E. and POLENET/LAPNET Working Group (incl. P. Heikkinen), 2007. Polar seismology in the POLE-NET/LAPNET project (IPY 2007-2009). In: K. Kaila and T. Korja (Eds.), XXII Geofysiikan Päivät Oulussa 23.-24.5.2007, 81-84.

Mäntyniemi, P., M. Zaré, M. Singh and A. Kijko, 2007. Probabilistic seismic hazard maps for ground motion in Iran based on historical and instrumental earthquake data, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Seismology and Earthquake Engineering (SEE5), International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, 13-16 May 2007, Tehran, Iran, 6 p.

Patison, N. L.; Sorjonen-Ward, P.; Ojala, V. J.; Korja, A. 2007. Tectonic set-ting of Finnish mineral deposits: evidence from the Finnish Reflection Experiment (FIRE). In: Digging deeper: proceedings of the Ninth Biennial Meeting of the Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Depos-its, Dublin, Ireland 20th-23rd August 2007. Dublin: Irish Association for Economic Geology, 1419-1422.

Silvennoinen, H., Kozlovskaya, E., Yliniemi, J., Tiira, T. ja FIRE Working Group, 2007. Kuoren yläosan nopeusrakenne FIRE4-linjan eteläosassa Pohjois-Suomessa. In: K.Kaila and T. Korja (Eds.), XXIII Geofysiikan päivät Oulussa 23.-24.5.2007, 139-142.

Tarvainen, M., 2007. Seismiset tulokset Korean demokraattisen Kansantasa-vallan 9. lokakuuta 2006 tekemästä ydinkokeesta. Inst. of Seismology, Univ. of Helsinki, Report T-78, 16 p.


Vertaisarvioidut julkaisut

Bleibinhaus, F., Bruckl, E. and ALP 2002 Working Group (incl. Tiira, T.), 2006. Wide-angle observations of ALP 2002 shots on the TRANSALP profile: Linking the two DSS projects. Tectonophysics, 414, 71-78.

Bogdanova, S., Gorbatschev, R., Grad, M., Guterch, A., Janik, T., Kozlovskaya, E., Motuza, G., Skridlaite, G., Starostenko, V., Taran, L. & EUROBRIDGE and POLONAISE Working Groups (incl. K. Komminaho, and T. Tiira), 2006. EUROBRIDGE: New insight into the geodynamic evolution of the East European Craton. In: D. Gee, R. Stephenson (eds) European Lithosphere Dynamics. pp. 599-624.

Grad, M., Guterch, A., Keller, G.R., Janik, T., Hegedus, E., Vozár, J., Slaczka, A. Tiira, T. and Yliniemi, J., 2006. Lithospheric structure beneath trans-Carpathian transect from Precambrian platform to Pannonian basin: CELEBRATION 2000 seismic profile CEL05. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 111, No. B3, B03301.

Grad, M., Janik, T., Guterch, A., Sroda, P., Czuba, W., EUROBRIDGE'94–97, POLONAISE'97 and CELEBRATION 2000 Seismic Working Groups (incl. K. Komminaho, and T. Tiira), 2006. Lithospheric structure of the western part of the East European Craton investigated by deep seismic profiles. Geological Quarterly, 50 (1), 9-22.

Hjelt, S-E., Korja, T., Kozlovskaya, E., Yliniemi, J., Lahti, I., BEAR and SVEKALAPKO Working Groups (incl. Heikkinen, P., Hyvönen, T., Komminaho, K. and Korja, A.), 2006. Electrical conductivity and seismic velocity structures of the lithosphere beneath the Fennoscandian Shield. In: D. Gee, R. Stephenson (eds) European Lithosphere Dynamics, pp. 541-559.

Korja, A., Lahtinen, R., Heikkinen, P., Kukkonen, I.T. and FIRE Working Group (incl. J. Keskinen and T. Tiira), 2006. A geological interpretation of the upper crust along FIRE 1. In: Kukkonen, I.T. and Lahtinen, R. (Eds.). Finnish Reflection Experiment FIRE 2001-2005, Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 43, 45-76.

Korja, A., Lahtinen, R. and Nironen, M., 2006. The Svecofennian Orogen: a collage of microcontinents and island arcs. In: D. Gee, R. Stephenson (eds) European Lithosphere Dynamics, Geological Society, London, Memoirs, 32, 561-578.

Kukkonen, I.T., Heikkinen, P., Ekdahl, E., Hjelt, S.-E., Yliniemi, J., Jalkanen, E. and FIRE Working Group, (incl. J. Keskinen, A. Korja and T. Tiira), 2006. Acquisition and geophysical characteristics of reflection seismic data on FIRE transects, Fennoscandian Shield. In: Kukkonen, I.T. and Lahtinen, R. (Eds.). Finnish Reflection Experiment FIRE 2001-2005, Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 43, 13-43.

Kuusisto, M., Kukkonen, I.T., Heikkinen, P. and Pesonen, L.J., 2006. Lithological interpretation of crustal composition in the Fennoscandian Shield with seismic velocity data. Tectonophysics, 420, 283-299.

Majdanski, M., Grad, M., Guterch, A. and SUDETES 2003 Working Group (incl. K. Komminaho, and T. Tiira), 2006. 2-D seismic tomographic and ray tracing modelling of the crustal structure across the Sudetes Mountains basing on SUDETES 2003 experiment data. Tectonophysics, 413, 249-269.

Nironen, M., Korja, A., Heikkinen, P. and the FIRE Working Group (incl. J. Keskinen and T. Tiira), 2006. A geological interpretation of the upper crust along FIRE 2 and FIRE 2A. In: Kukkonen, I.T. and Lahtinen, R. (Eds.). Finnish Reflection Experiment FIRE 2001-2005, Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 43, 77-103.

Patison, N.L., Korja, A., Lahtinen, R., Ojala, V.J. and the FIRE Working Group (incl. P. Heikkinen, J. Keskinen and T. Tiira), 2006. FIRE seismic reflection profiles 4, 4A and 4B: Insights into the Crustal Structure of Northern Finland from Ranua to Näätämö. In: Kukkonen, I.T. and Lahtinen, R. (Eds.). Finnish Reflection Experiment FIRE 2001-2005, Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 43, 161-222.

Pedersen, H.A., Bruneton, M., Maupin, V. and SVEKALAPKO Seismic Tomography Working Group (incl. Heikkinen, P., Hyvönen, T., Komminaho, K. and Korja, A.), 2006. Lithospheric and sublithospheric anisotropy beneath the Baltic shield from surface-wave array analysis. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 244, 590-605.

Plomerova, J., Babuska, V., Vecsey, L., Kozlovskaya, E., Raita, T. and SVEKALAPKO STWG (incl. Heikkinen, P., Hyvönen, T., Komminaho, K. and Korja, A.), 2006. Proterozoic-Archean boundary in the upper mantle of eastern Fennoscandia as seen by seismic anisotropy. Journal of Geodynamics, 41, 400-410.

Uski, M., Tiira, T., Korja, A. and Elo, S., 2006. The 2003 earthquake swarm in Anjalankoski, south-eastern Finland. Tectonophysics, 422, 55-69.

Raportit ja konferenssijulkaisut

Behm, M., Bleibinhaus, F., Bruckl, E., Grad, M., Mertl, S., CELEBRATION 2000 and ALP 2002 Working Groups (incl. K. Komminaho, and T. Tiira), 2006. A new seismic model of the Eastern Alpine crust. Proceedings of the First European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology. Geneva, Switzerland, 3-8 September 2006, 10 p.

Elbra, T., Lassila, I., Häggström, E., Pesonen, L.J. Kukkonen, I.T. and Heikkinen, P., 2006. Ultrasonic seismic P- and S-velocities – the case of the Outokumpu deep drill core and FIRE profile samples. In: Kukkonen, I.T., Eklund, O., Korja, A., Korja, T., Pesonen, L.J. and Poutanen, M. (Eds.). Lithosphere 2006 – Fourth Symposium on the Structure, Composition and Evolution of the Lithosphere in Finland. Programme and Extended Abstracts, Espoo, Finland, November 9-10, 2006. Institute of Seismology, University of Helsinki, Report S-46, 15-18.

Heikkinen, P., Kukkonen, I.T. and FIRE Working Group (incl. J. Keskinen, A. Korja and T. Tiira), 2006. FIRE transects: reflectivity of the crust in the Fennoscandian Shield. In: Kukkonen, I.T., Eklund, O., Korja, A., Korja, T., Pesonen, L.J. and Poutanen, M. (Eds.). Lithosphere 2006 – Fourth Symposium on the Structure, Composition and Evolution of the Lithosphere in Finland. Programme and Extended Abstracts, Espoo, Finland, November 9-10, 2006. Institute of Seismology, University of Helsinki, Report S-46, 33-36.

Hyvönen, T., Tiira, T., Korja, A. and Komminaho, K., 2006. Crustal tomography in central Fennoscandian Shield. In: Kukkonen, I.T., Eklund, O., Korja, A., Korja, T., Pesonen, L.J. and Poutanen, M. (Eds.). Lithosphere 2006 – Fourth Symposium on the Structure, Composition and Evolution of the Lithosphere in Finland. Programme and Extended Abstracts, Espoo, Finland, November 9-10, 2006. Institute of Seismology, University of Helsinki, Report S-46, 45-46.

Janik, T., Kozlovskaya, E., Yliniemi, J. and FIRE Working Group (incl. P. Heikkinen, J. Keskinen, A. Korja and T. Tiira), 2006. Crust-mantle boundary in the central Fennoscandian shield: Constraints from wide-angle P- and S-wave velocity models and results of FIRE reflection profiles In: Kukkonen, I.T., Eklund, O., Korja, A., Korja, T., Pesonen, L.J. and Poutanen , M. (Eds.). Lithosphere 2006 – Fourth Symposium on the Structure, Composition and Evolution of the Lithosphere in Finland. Programme and Extended Abstracts, Espoo, Finland, November 9-10, 2006. Institute of Seismology, University of Helsinki, Report S-46, 47-50.

Kosunen, P., Korja, A., Nironen, M. and FIRE Working Group (incl. P. Heikkinen, J. Keskinen, and T. Tiira), 2006. Post-collisional extension in central Svecofennian, Central Finland. In: Kukkonen, I.T., Eklund, O., Korja, A., Korja, T., Pesonen, L.J. and Poutanen, M. (Eds.). Lithosphere 2006 – Fourth Symposium on the Structure, Composition and Evolution of the Lithosphere in Finland. Programme and Extended Abstracts, Espoo, Finland, November 9-10, 2006. Institute of Seismology, University of Helsinki, Report S-46, 71-74.

Kukkonen, I.T., Eklund, O., Korja, A., Korja, T., Pesonen, L.J. and Poutanen, M. (Eds.). Lithosphere 2006 – Fourth Symposium on the Structure, Composition and Evolution of the Lithosphere in Finland. Programme and Extended Abstracts, Espoo, Finland, November 9-10, 2006. Institute of Seismology, University of Helsinki, Report S-46.

Lahtinen, R., Korja, A. and Nironen, M., 2006. Continent formation: the Fennoscandian perspective. In: Kukkonen, I.T., Eklund, O., Korja, A., Korja, T., Pesonen, L.J. and Poutanen, M. (Eds.). Lithosphere 2006 – Fourth Symposium on the Structure, Composition and Evolution of the Lithosphere in Finland. Programme and Extended Abstracts, Espoo, Finland, November 9-10, 2006. Institute of Seismology, University of Helsinki, Report S-46, 103-105.

Luttinen, A.V. and Kosunen, P.J., 2006. The Kopparnäs dyke swarm in Inkoo, southern Finland: new evidence for Jotnian magmatism in the SE Fennoscandian Shield. In: Hanski, E., Mertanen, S., Rämö, T. and Vuollo, J. (Eds.) Dyke Swarms – Time markers of Crustal Evolution. Selected papers of the Fifth International Dyke Conference in Finland, Rovaniemi, Finland, 31 July – 3 Aug. 2005. Taylor & Francis Group, London, 85-97.

Mäntyniemi, P., 2006. Kuusamon kirkonkylässä rytisi, Kaleva, 14.8.2006, s. 25.

Mäntyniemi, P., 2006. Maanjäristyshavaintoja kouluista ennen ja nyt. Dimensio, 2/2006, 42-45.

Mäntyniemi, P., 2006. Tieteellisesti antoisa maanjäristys. Helsingin Sanomat, 18.4.2006, s. D2.

Nironen, M. and Korja, A., 2006. FIRE 2 & 2A profile: interpretation and correlation to surface geology. In: Kukkonen, I.T., Eklund, O., Korja, A., Korja, T., Pesonen, L.J. and Poutanen, M. (Eds.). Lithosphere 2006 – Fourth Symposium on the Structure, Composition and Evolution of the Lithosphere in Finland. Programme and Extended Abstracts, Espoo, Finland, November 9-10, 2006. Institute of Seismology, University of Helsinki, Report S-46, 125-127.

Patison, N.L., Ojala, V.J., Korja, A., Nykänen, V. & the FIRE Working Group (incl. P. Heikkinen, J. Keskinen and T. Tiira), 2006. Gold exploration and the crustal structure of northern Finland as interpreted from FIRE seismic reflection profiles 4, 4A & 4B. In: Kukkonen, I.T., Eklund, O., Korja, A., Korja, T., Pesonen, L.J. and Poutanen, M. (Eds.). Lithosphere 2006 – Fourth Symposium on the Structure, Composition and Evolution of the Lithosphere in Finland. Programme and Extended Abstracts, Espoo, Finland, November 9-10, 2006. Institute of Seismology, University of Helsinki, Report S-46, 149-151.

Peltonen, P., Korja, A. and Heikkinen, P., 2006. Milloin laattatektoniikka alkoi? Penrose-kokous 13.-18.6.2006, Lander, Wyoming, USA. Geologi, 58:5, 175-180.

Poutanen, M. and the National ILP Committee of Finland (incl. P. Heikkinen and A. Korja), 2006. Upper mantle dynamics and Quaternary climate in cratonic areas; a proposal for an ILP Project. In: Kukkonen, I.T., Eklund, O., Korja, A., Korja, T., Pesonen, L.J. and Poutanen, M. (Eds.). Lithosphere 2006 – Fourth Symposium on the Structure, Composition and Evolution of the Lithosphere in Finland. Programme and Extended Abstracts, Espoo, Finland, November 9-10, 2006. Institute of Seismology, University of Helsinki, Report S-46, 155-156.

Strand, K., Korja, A. and Junttila J., 2006. IODP-ohjelman mahdollisuudet Suomelle. Geologi, 58:5, 188-190.

Tarvainen, M., 2006. Taustakohinan selvityksiä seismografiaseman sijoituspaikan valinnassa. Seismologian laitos, Helsingin yliopisto, Raportti T-76, 18 s.


Vertaisarvioidut julkaisut

Husebye, E.S., Mäntyniemi, P., 2005. The Kaliningrad, West Russia earthquakes on the 21st of September 2004 - Surprise events in a very low-seismicity area. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 153 (4), 227-236.

Janik, T., Grad, M., Guterch, A., Dadlez, R., Yliniemi, J., Tiira, T., Keller, G.R., Gaczyński, E. and CELEBRATION 2000 Working Group (incl. K. Komminaho), 2005. Lithospheric structure of the Trans-European Suture Zone along the TTZ–CEL03 seismic transect (from NW to SE Poland). Tectonophysics, 411(1-4), 129-156.

Korja, A. and Heikkinen, P., 2005. The accretionary Svecofennian orogen - insight from the BABEL profiles. Precambrian Research, 136 (3-4), 241-268.

Lahtinen, R., Korja, A. and Nironen, M., 2005. Paleoproterozoic tectonic evolution. In: M. Lehtinen, P. Nurmi, and O.T. Rämö, (Eds.), Precambrian Geology of Finland - Key to the Evolution of the Fennoscandian Shield. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 481-532.

Mäntyniemi, P.: A Tale of Two Earthquakes in the Gulf of Bothnia, Northern Europe in the 1880s. Geophysica, 41(1-2), 73-91.

Raportit ja konferenssijulkaisut

Accident Investigation Commission (incl. P. Heikkinen, M. Tarvainen), 2005. The natural disaster in Asia on 26 December, 2004 . Accident Investigation Board of Finland, Investigation report, no. A 2/2004 Y (published also in Finnish and Swedish), 228 p.

Heikkinen, P., Pesonen, L.J., Korja, A., Virtanen, H. ja Beckmann, A., 2005. Sumatran luonnonkatastrofin geofysiikkaa. In: A. Viljanen and P. Mäntyniemi (Eds.), XXII Geofysiikan päivät Helsingissä 19.-20.5.2005, 45-49.

Korja, A., Heikkinen, P. ja Karkkulainen, K., 2005. Miksi maapallo tärisee?. Dimensio, 4/2005, 6-10.

Korja, A., Pesonen, L.J. ja Beckmann, A., 2005. Indonesian luonnonkatastrofi – tietoa maanjäristyksistä ja hyökyaalloista. Geologi, 57, 37-46.

Kozlovskaya, E., Yliniemi, J., Janik, T., Grad, M., Tiira, T. and Karatayev, G., 2005. Lithological Moho boundary in Precambrian shields: constraints from P- and S-wave velocity models and gravity modelling. In: A. Viljanen and P. Mäntyniemi (Eds.), XXII Geofysiikan päivät Helsingissä 19.-20.5.2005, 101-104.

Kuusisto, M., Kukkonen, I., Heikkinen, P. ja Pesonen, L.J., 2005. Maankuoren koostumuksen kivilajitulkintaa Fennoskandian kilvellä seismisten aineistojen avulla. In: A. Viljanen and P. Mäntyniemi (Eds.), XXII Geofysiikan päivät Helsingissä 19.-20.5.2005, 105-110.

Liikenne- ja viestintäministeriön 16.2.2005 asettama työryhmä (mukana: Heikkinen, P.), 2005. Luonnononnettomuuksien valvontajärjestelmä (LUOVA). Liikenne- ja viestintäministeriön julkaisuja, 29/2005, 28 s.

Mäntyniemi, P., 2005. Isä ja poika Moberg sekä Hjalmar Gylling: Suomen maanjäristystutkijat 1800-luvulla. In: A. Viljanen and P. Mäntyniemi (Eds.), XXII Geofysiikan päivät Helsingissä 19.-20.5.2005, 151-154.

Mäntyniemi, P., 2005. Maanjäristysseismologia, kurssimoniste, 170 s.

Mäntyniemi, P., 2005. Planeetta Maan luonnonilmiöistä ihmiskunnan katastrofiksi. LeijonanNsanomat 14.2.2005, s. 19.

Piispa, E., Öhman, I., Karkkulainen, K., Tammenmaa, J., Pesonen, L.J. ja Jokinen, T., 2005. ”Kerkkoo 2004”: Kiinteän maan geofysiikan kenttäkurssi. In: A. Viljanen and P. Mäntyniemi (Eds.), XXII Geofysiikan päivät Helsingissä 19.-20.5.2005, 175-180.

Tarvainen, M., 2005. Maanjäristysten voimakkuus. Dimensio, 5/2005, 36-37.

Viljanen, A. and Mäntyniemi, P. (Eds.), 2005. XXII Geofysiikan päivät Helsingissä 19.-20.5.2005. 274 p.


Vertaisarvioidut julkaisut

Bruneton, M., Pedersen, H.A., Farra, V., Arndt, N.T., Vacher, P., Achauer, U., Alinaghi, A., Ansorge, J., Bock, G., Friederich, W., Grad, M., Guterch, A., Heikkinen, P., Hjelt, S.-E., Hyvönen, T.L., Ikonen, J.-P., Kissling, E., Komminaho, K., Korja, A., Kozlovskaya, E., Nevsky, M.V., Paulssen, H., Pavlenkova, N.I., Plomerova, J., Raita, T., Riznichenko, O.Y., Roberts, R.G., Sandoval, S., Sanina, I.A., Sharov, N.V., Shomali, Z.H., Tiikkainen, J., Wielandt, E., Wilegalla, K., Yliniemi, J. and Yurov, Y.G., 2004. Complex lithospheric structure under the central Baltic Shield from surface wave tomography, J. Geophys. Res., Vol 109, B10303, doi:10.1029/2003JB002947.

Bruneton, M., Pedersen, H.A., Vacher, P., Kukkonen; I.T., Arndt, N.T., Funke, S., Friederich, W., Farra, V. and SVEKALAPKO STWG (incl. Heikkinen, P., Hyvönen, T. and Korja, A.), 2004. Layered lithospheric mantle in the central Baltic Shield from surface waves and xenolith analysis. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Vol 226, 41-52.

Guterch, A., Grad, M., Keller, G.R., and POLONAISE’97, CELEBRATION 2000, ALP 2002, SUDETES 2003 Working Groups (incl. Komminaho, K., Luosto, U., and Tiira, T.), 2004. Huge contrasts of the lithospheric structure revealed by new generation seismic experiments in Central Europe. Przeglad geologiczny, Vol. 52, 8/2, 753-760.

Kozlovskaya, E., Elo., S., Hjelt, S.-E., Yliniemi, J., Pirttijärvi, M. and SVEKALAPKO STWG (incl. Heikkinen, P., Hyvönen, T. and Korja, A.), 2004. 3-D density model of the crust of southern and central Finland obtained from joint interpretation of the SVEKALAPKO crustal P-wave velocity models and gravity data. Geophys. J. Int., 158, 827-848.

Mäntyniemi, P., 2004. Pre-instrumental earthquakes in a low-seismicity region: a reinvestigation of the macroseismic data for the 16 November 1931 events in Central Finland using statistical analysis. Journal of Seismology, Vol 8, 71-90.

Mäntyniemi, P., 2004. Short Communication – A list of previously unknown earthquakes in Finland between 1877 and 1887 based on newspaper reports. Geophysica, 40(1-2), 15-22.

Mäntyniemi, P., Tsapanos, T.M. and Kijko, A., 2004. An estimate of probabilistic seismic hazard for five cities in Greece by using the parametric-historic procedure. Engineering Geology, Vol 72, 217-231.

Mäntyniemi, P., Husebye, E.S., Kebeasy, T.R.M., Nikonov, A.A., Nikulin, V. and Pacesa, A., 2004. State-of-the-art of historical earthquake research in Fennoscandia and the Baltic Republics. Ann. Geophys., Vol 47, 611-619.

Sandoval, S., Kissling, E., Ansorge, J. and the SVEKALAPKO STWG (incl. Heikkinen, P., Hyvönen, T. and Korja, A.), 2004. High-resolution body wave tomography beneath the SVEKALAPKO array - II. Anomalous upper mantle structure beneath the central Baltic Shield. Geophys. J. Int., 157, 200-214.

Soosalu, H. and Einarsson, P., 2004. Seismic constraints on magma chambers at Hekla and Torfajökull volcanoes, Iceland. Bulletin of Volcanology, Vol 66, 276-286.

SVEKALAPKO Seismic Tomography Working Group (incl. Heikkinen, P., Hyvönen, T. and Korja, A.), Yliniemi, J., Kozlovskaya, E., Hjelt, S.-E., Komminaho, K. and Ushakov, A., 2004. Structure of the crust and uppermost mantle beneath southern Finland revealed by analysis of local events registered by the SVEKALAPKO seismic array. Tectonophysics, Vol 394, 41-67.

Swieczak, M., Grad, M. and TOR and SVEKALAPKO (incl. Heikkinen, P., Hyvönen, T., and Korja, A.) Working Groups, 2004. Upper mantle seismic discontinuities topography variations beneath Eastern Europe, Acta Geophys. Polon., vol. 52, no. 3, 251-270.

Tsapanos, T.M., Mäntyniemi, P. and Kijko, A., 2004. A probabilistic seismic hazard assessment for Greece and the surrounding region including site-specific considerations. Annals of Geophysics, vol. 47, no. 6, 1675-1688.

Uski, M. & Lindblom, P., 2004. The Finnish seismograph network. In: Sharov, N.V. (ed.). Deep structure and seismicity of the Karelian region and its margins (in Russian). Petrozavodsk. 237-244.

Yliniemi J., Kozlovskaya E., Hjelt S. E., Komminaho K., Ushakov A., and the SVEKALAPKO Seismic Tomography Working Group (incl. P. Heikkinen, T. Hyvönen and A. Korja), 2004. Structure of the crust and uppermost mantle beneath southern Finland revealed by analysis of local events registered by the SVEKALAPKO seismic array. Tectonophysics, 394(1-2), 41-67.

Raportit ja konferenssijulkaisut

Ehlers, C., Eklund, O., Korja, A., Kruuna, A., Lahtinen, R. and Pesonen, L.J., 2004 (Eds.) Lithosphere 2004 - Third symposium on the Structure, Composition and Evolution of the Lithosphere in Finland. Programme and Extended Abstracts, Turku, Finland, November 10-11, 2004. Institute of Seismology, University of Helsinki, Report S-45, 131 p.

Heikkinen, P., Kukkonen, I.T., Ekdahl, E., Hjelt, S.-E., Korja, A., Lahtinen, R., Yliniemi, J., Berzin, R. and FIRE Working Group, 2004. FIRE Transects: New images of the Precambrian crust. In: Ehlers, C., Eklund, O., Korja, A., Kruuna, A., Lahtinen, R. and Pesonen, L.J., 2004 (Eds.) Lithosphere 2004 - Third symposium on the Structure, Composition and Evolution of the Lithosphere in Finland. Programme and Extended Abstracts, Turku, Finland, November 10-11, 2004. Institute of Seismology, University of Helsinki, Report S-45, 11-16.

Hyvönen, T., Tiira, T., Rautioaho, E., Korja, A. and Heikkinen, P., 2004. Seismic tomographic images of the crust in southern and central Finland. In: Ehlers, C., Eklund, O., Korja, A., Kruuna, A., Lahtinen, R. and Pesonen, L.J., 2004 (Eds.) Lithosphere 2004 - Third symposium on the Structure, Composition and Evolution of the Lithosphere in Finland. Programme and Extended Abstracts, Turku, Finland, November 10-11, 2004. Institute of Seismology, University of Helsinki, Report S-45, 29-33.

Korja, A., Lahtinen, R. and Nironen, M., 2004. The processes forming the Palaeoproterozoic Svecofennian. In: Ehlers, C., Eklund, O., Korja, A., Kruuna, A., Lahtinen, R. and Pesonen, L.J., 2004 (Eds.) Lithosphere 2004 - Third symposium on the Structure, Composition and Evolution of the Lithosphere in Finland. Programme and Extended Abstracts, Turku, Finland, November 10-11, 2004. Institute of Seismology, University of Helsinki, Report S-45, 47-51.

Kosunen, P., Korja, A., Nironen, M., Rämö, O.T. and Heikkinen, P., 2004. Stabilization processes of Precambrian continental crust - an integrated geophysical-petrological study of the Central Finland Granitoid Complex. In: Ehlers, C., Eklund, O., Korja, A., Kruuna, A., Lahtinen, R. and Pesonen, L.J., 2004 (Eds.) Lithosphere 2004 - Third symposium on the Structure, Composition and Evolution of the Lithosphere in Finland. Programme and Extended Abstracts, Turku, Finland, November 10-11, 2004. Institute of Seismology, University of Helsinki, Report S-45, 53-55.

Kotilainen, A., Hämäläinen, J., Kohonen, J., Korja, A., Mertanen, S., Ojala, J., Rämö, T., Sundblad, K. ja Vaarma, M., 2004. Syväkairausta Itämerellä – haaveista totta tällä vuosituhannella?, Geologi, Nro 9-10, 204-207.

Kukkonen, I.T., Korja, A., Lahtinen, R., Heikkinen, P. and FIRE Working Group, 2004. Thermal modelling of crustal stacking and exhumation during the Palaeoproterozoic orogenic growth of the central Fennoscandian Shield. In: Ehlers, C., Eklund, O., Korja, A., Kruuna, A., Lahtinen, R. and Pesonen, L.J., 2004 (Eds.) Lithosphere 2004 - Third symposium on the Structure, Composition and Evolution of the Lithosphere in Finland. Programme and Extended Abstracts, Turku, Finland, November 10-11, 2004. Institute of Seismology, University of Helsinki, Report S-45, 61-62.

Kuusisto, M., Kukkonen, I., Heikkinen, P. and Pesonen, L.J., 2004. Composition of the crust in the central Fennoscandian Shield: Lithological modelling of seismic velocity data. In: Ehlers, C., Eklund, O., Korja, A., Kruuna, A., Lahtinen, R. and Pesonen, L.J., 2004 (Eds.) Lithosphere 2004 - Third symposium on the Structure, Composition and Evolution of the Lithosphere in Finland. Programme and Extended Abstracts, Turku, Finland, November 10-11, 2004. Institute of Seismology, University of Helsinki, Report S-45, 67-69.

Soosalu, H., 2004. Seismic activity related to the 1991 Hekla eruption, Iceland. Doctoral theses. Institute of Seismology, Univ. of Helsinki, Report S-43.

Tarvainen, M., 2004. Kallio vavahtelee Pohjolassakin. Vieraskynä, Helsingin Sanomat, 2.10.2004, p. A5.

Tarvainen, M., 2004. The first output of the geophysical baseline monitoring in Olkiluoto nuclear waste repository area 25th August – 31st December 2003. 23p.

Uski, M., Tiira, T., Korja, A. and Elo, S., 2004. The Anjalankoski earthquake swarm in May 2003. In: Ehlers, C., Eklund, O., Korja, A., Kruuna, A., Lahtinen, R. and Pesonen, L.J., 2004 (Eds.) Lithosphere 2004 - Third symposium on the Structure, Composition and Evolution of the Lithosphere in Finland. Programme and Extended Abstracts, Turku, Finland, November 10-11, 2004. Institute of Seismology, University of Helsinki, Report S-45, 123-126.


Vertaisarvioidut julkaisut

Alinaghi, A., Bock, G., Hanka, W., Wylegalla, K, SVEKALAPKO Working Group (incl. P. Heikkinen, T. Hyvönen, A. Korja) and TOR Working Group, 2003. Receiver function analysis of the crust and upper mantle from the North German Basin to the Archaean Baltic Shield. Geophys. Jour. Int., 155 (2), 641-652.

Brückl, E., Bodoky, T., Hegedüs, E., Hrubcová, P., Gosar, A., Grad, M., Guterch, A., Hajnal, Z., Keller, G.R., Spicák, A., Sumanovac, F., Thybo, H., Weber, F., ALP 2002 Working Group (incl. T. Tiira), 2003. ALP 2002 seismic experiment. Stud. Geophys. Geod., 47, 671-679.

Cosma, C., Heikkinen, P. and Keskinen, J., 2003. Multiazimuth VSP for rock characterization of deep nuclear waste disposal sites in Finland. In: Eaton, D.W., Milkereit, B. and Salisbury, M.H. (Eds.) Hardrock Seismic Exploration. Tulsa, Oklahoma. Society of Exploration Geophysicists. 207-226.

Grad, M., Jensen, S.L., Keller, G.R., Guterch, A., Thybo, H., Janik, T., Tiira, T., Yliniemi, J., Luosto, U., Motuza, G., Nasedkin, V., Czuba, W., Gaczynski, E., Sroda, P., Miller, K.C., Wilde-Piórko, M., Komminaho, K., Jacyna, J., Korabliova, L., 2003. Crustal structure of the Trans-European suture zone region along POLONAISE'97 seismic profile P4, J. Geophys. Res., 108(B11), 2541, doi:10.1029/2003JB002426.

Grad, M., Spicák, A., Keller, G.R., Guterch, A., Bro¸ M., Hegedüs, E., SUDETES Working Group (incl. T. Tiira), 2003. SUDETES 2003 seismic experiment. Stud. Geophys. Geod., 47, 681-689.

Guterch, A., Grad, M., Spicák, A., Brückl, E., Hegedüs, E., Keller, G.R., Thybo, H., CELEBRATION 2000, ALP 2002, SUDETES 2003 Working Groups (incl. T. Tiira), 2003. An overview of recent seismic refraction experiments in Central Europe. Stud. Geophys. Geod., 47, 651-657.

Guterch, A., Grad, M., Keller, G.R., Posgay, K., Vozár, J., Spicák, A., Brückl, E., Hajnal, Z., Thybo, H., Selvi, O., CELEBRATION 2000 Experimant Team(including T. Tiira), 2003. CELEBRATION 2000 seismic experiment. Stud. Geophys. Geod., 47, 659-669.

Lahtinen, R., Korja, A. & Nironen, M., 2003. Paleoproterozoic tectonic evolution. In: Lehtinen, M., Nurmi, P.A. & Rämö, O.T. (eds.). Precambrian Geology of Finland Key to the Evolution of the Fennoscandian Shield. Elsevier, Amsterdam. In press.

Mäntyniemi, P., Marza, V.I., Kijko, A. & Retief, P., 2003. A new probabilistic seismic hazard analysis for the Vrancea (Romania) seismogenic zone. Natural Hazards 29, s. 371-385.

Sandoval, S., Kissling, E., Ansorge, J. & SVEKALAPKO STWG (incl. P. Heikkinen, T. Hyvönen, A. Korja), 2003. High-resolution body wave tomography beneath the SVEKALAPKO array: I. A priori three-dimensional crustal model and associated traveltime effects on teleseismic wave fronts. Geophys. Jour. Int., 153 (1), 75-87.

Soosalu, H., Einarsson, P. & Jakobsdottir, S., 2003. Volcanic tremor related to the 1991 eruption of the Hekla volcano, Iceland. Bull. Volcanol., Vol. 65, s. 562-577, doi:10.1007/s00445-003-0285-y.

Thybo, H., Janik., T., Omelchenko, V.D., Grad, M., Garetsky, R.G., Belinsky, A.A., Karatayev, Zlotski, G., Knudsen, M.E., Sand, R., Yliniemi, J., Tiira, T., Luosto, U., Komminaho, K., Giese, R., Guterch, A., Lund, C.-E., Kharitonov, O.M., Ilchenko, T., Lysynchuk, D.V., Skobelev, V.M., Doody, J.J., 2003. Upper lithospheric seismic velocity structure across Pripyat Trough and the Ukrainian Shield along the EUROBRIDGE'97 profile. Tectonophysics, Vol. 371, s. 41-79.

Uski, M., Hyvönen, T., Korja, A., Airo, M.-L., 2003. Focal mechanisms of three earthquakes in Finland and their relation to surface faults. Tectonophysics, Vol. 363, s. 141-157.

Raportit ja konferenssijulkaisut

EPSI Working Group (incl. M. Tarvainen, M. Uski, K. Arhe), 2003. EPSI: Earthquake parameters and standardised information for a European-Mediterranean Bulletin: Final report. European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre. 79 p.

Karkkulainen, K., Korja, A., 2003. Ahvenanmeren sedimenttikerrostuman rakenne BABEL C-linjan perusteella. Geologian 2. tutkijapäivät 12.-13.3.2003, Helsinki, s. 37.

Korja, A., Kukkonen, I.T., Heikkinen, P., Ekdahl, E., Hjelt, S.-E., Yliniemi, J., Lahtinen, R., Berzin, R. ja FIRE Working Group (mukana: T. Tiira, J. Keskinen), 2003. FIRE - Suomen kallioperän heijastusluotaustutkimukset. In: Kaila, K. & Korja, T. (eds.), XXI Geofysiikan Päivät Oulussa 22.-23.5.2003, s. 63-66.

Kortström, J., 2003. Pohjois-Skandinavian seismisten tapausten automaattinen havainnointi yksittäisiä kolmikomponenttiasemia käyttäen. In: Kaila, K. & Korja, T. (eds.), XXI Geofysiikan Päivät Oulussa 22.-23.5.2003, s. 73-78.

Kuusisto, M., Heikkinen, P. ja Korja, A., 2003. Pohjoisen Itämeren linjojen seismisen aineiston prosessointi ja alustavia tuloksia Ahvenanmereltä. In: Kaila, K. & Korja, T. (eds.), XXI Geofysiikan Päivät Oulussa 22.-23.5.2003, s. 85-88.

Kuusisto, M., Heikkinen, P., Korja, A., 2003. Pohjoisen Itämeren geofysikaaliset tutkimukset. Geologian 2. tutkijapäivät 12.-13.3.2003, Helsinki, s. 41-42.

Mäntyniemi, P. ja Nikonov, A.A., 2003. Vuoden 1926 Kuusamon maanjäristyksen makroseismisistä havainnoista. In: Kaila, K. & Korja, T. (eds.), XXI Geofysiikan Päivät Oulussa 22.-23.5.2003, s. 109-112.

Mäntyniemi, P.,2003. Maanjäristysseismologia, luentomoniste, 163 s.

Uski, M., Hyvönen, T. ja Korja, A., 2003. Vuoden 2002 lähimaanjäristysten fokussyvyydet ja alustavat siirrostasoratkaisut. In: Kaila, K. & Korja, T. (eds.), XXI Geofysiikan Päivät Oulussa 22.-23.5.2003, s. 155-158.

Valasti, P., 2003. Moderni seisminen mittaussysteemi. In: Kaila, K. & Korja, T. (eds.), XXI Geofysiikan Päivät Oulussa 22.-23.5.2003, s. 159-161.


Vertaisarvioidut julkaisut

Bruneton, M., Farra, V., Pedersen, H.A. and the SVEKALAPKO Seismic Tomography Working Group (including P. Heikkinen, T. Hyvönen, A. Korja), 2002. Non-linear surface wave phase velocity inversion based on ray theory. Geoph J. Int., 151, p. 583-596.

Czuba, W., Grad, M., Luosto, U., Motuza, G., Nasedkin, V., POLONAISE P5 Working Group (including Tiira, T.), 2002. Uppercrustal seismic structure of the Mazury complex and Mazowsze massif within East European Craton in NE Poland. Tectonophysics, 360, p. 115-128.

Grad, M., Keller, G.R., Thybo, H., Guterch, A., POLONAISE Working Group (including Luosto, U., Tiira, T.), 2002. Lower lithospheric structure beneath the Trans-European Suture Zone from POLONAISE’97 seismic profiles. Tectonophysics, 360, p. 153-168.

Janik, T., Yliniemi, J., Grad, M., Thybo, H., Tiira, T., POLONAISE P2 Working Group, 2002. Crustal Structure across the TESZ along POLONAISE’97 seismic profile P2 in NW Poland. Tectonophysics, 360, p. 129-152.

Mäntyniemi, P., Kijko, A. & Retief, P., 2001. Parametric-historic procedure for seismic hazard assessment and its application to northern Europe. Boll. Geofis. teor. appl., 42, p. 41-55.

Soosalu, H. & Einarsson P., 2002. Earthquake activity related to the 1991 eruption of the Hekla volcano, Iceland. Bull. Volcanol., 63, p. 536-544.

Sroda, P., Czuba, W., Grad, M., Guterch, A., Gaczynski, E., POLONAISE Working Group (including Tiira, T.), 2002. Three-dimensional seismic modeling of crustal structure in the TESZ region based on POLONAISE’97 data. Tectonophysics, 360, p. 169-185.

Tarvainen, M., 2002. Recognizing explosion sites usings self-organizing properties of their temporal and spatial shooting practice. In: Takanami, T. & Kitagawa, G. (Eds.). Methods and applications of signal processing in seismic network operations. Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences, 98, p. 195-207, Berliini, Springer.

Raportit ja konferenssijulkaisut

CELEBRATION Working Group (including Tiira, T.), 2002. Central European lithospheric experiment based on refraction 2000 the CELEBRATION 2000 seismic experiment. In: Michalik, J., Simon, L., Vozar, J. (Eds.) Proceedings of the XVII. Congress of Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association, Bratislava, September 1-4, 2002, Geologica Carpathica, Vol 53, special issue, Veda-publishing house of the Slovak Acad. of Sciences.

CELEBRATION Working Group (including Tiira, T.), 2002. Contrasts at lithospheric structure in the TESZ (from NE to SE Poland) along TTZ & C03 seismic profiles. In: Michalik, J., Simon, L., Vozar, J. (Eds.) Proceedings of the XVII. Congress of Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association, Bratislava, September 1-4, 2002, Geologica Carpathica, Vol 53, special issue, Veda-publishing house of the Slovak Acad. of Sciences.

Francsik, T., T. Bodoky, E. Hegedus, I. Kummer, K. Posgay, M. Tatrai and CELEBRATION Working Group (including T. Tiira): New Geophysical Results Associated with the Deep Structure of the Pannonian Basin. In: Michalik, J., Simon, L., Vozar, J. (Eds.) Proceedings of the XVII. Congress of Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association, Bratislava, September 1-4, 2002, Geologica Carpathica, Vol 53, special issue, Veda-publishing house of the Slovak Acad. of Sciences.

Hegedus, E., K. Posgay, T. Bodoky, T. Francsik, A. Cs. Kovacs, R. Csabafi and CELEBRATION Working Group (including T. Tiira): 3D Refraction Tomographic Images from the Metra-Zemplen Region. In: Michalik, J., Simon, L., Vozar, J. (Eds.) Proceedings of the XVII. Congress of Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association, Bratislava, September 1-4, 2002, Geologica Carpathica, Vol 53, special issue, Veda-publishing house of the Slovak Acad. of Sciences.

Kozlovskaya, E., Yliniemi, J., Hjelt, S.-E., Komminaho, K. and SVEKALAPKO Seismic Tomographic Working Group (including Heikkinen, P., Hyvönen, T., Korja, A.), 2002. Lithosphere Structure Beneath Southern Finland Derived by SVEKALAPKO Seismic Array Research. In: Lahtinen, R., Korja, A., Arhe, K., Eklund, O., Hjelt, S.-E., and Pesonen, L.J. 2002 (Eds.). Lithosphere 2002 - Second Symposium on the Structure, Composition and Evolution of the Lithosphere in Finland. Programme and Extended Abstracts, Espoo, Finland, November 12-13, 2002. Institute of Seismology, University of Helsinki, Report S-42, p. 59-65.

Kukkonen, I., Heikkinen, P., Ekdahl, E., Korja, A., Hjelt, S.-E., Yliniemi, J., Berzin, R. and FIRE Working Group, 2002. Project FIRE: Deep Seismic Reflection Sounding in Finland 2001-2005. In: Lahtinen, R., Korja, A., Arhe, K., Eklund, O., Hjelt, S.-E., and Pesonen, L.J. 2002 (Eds.). Lithosphere 2002 - Second Symposium on the Structure, Composition and Evolution of the Lithosphere in Finland. Programme and Extended Abstracts, Espoo, Finland, November 12-13, 2002. Institute of Seismology, University of Helsinki, Report S-42, p. 67-70.

Kuusisto, M., Heikkinen, P. and Korja, A., 2002. A Geophysical Study of the Northern Baltic Sea. In: Lahtinen, R., Korja, A., Arhe, K., Eklund, O., Hjelt, S.-E., and Pesonen, L.J. 2002 (Eds.). Lithosphere 2002 - Second Symposium on the Structure, Composition and Evolution of the Lithosphere in Finland. Programme and Extended Abstracts, Espoo, Finland, November 12-13, 2002. Institute of Seismology, University of Helsinki, Report S-42, p. 71-74.

Lahtinen, R., Korja, A., Arhe, K., Eklund, O., Hjelt, S.-E., and Pesonen, L.J. 2002 (Eds.). Lithosphere 2002 - Second Symposium on the Structure, Composition and Evolution of the Lithosphere in Finland. Programme and Extended Abstracts, Espoo, Finland, November 12-13, 2002. Institute of Seismology, University of Helsinki, Report S-42.

Nironen, M., Lahtinen, R. and Korja, A., 2002. Paleoproterozoic Tectonic Evolution of the Fennoscandian Shield – A Comparison to Modern Analogues. In: Lahtinen, R., Korja, A., Arhe, K., Eklund, O., Hjelt, S.-E., and Pesonen, L.J. 2002 (Eds.). Lithosphere 2002 - Second Symposium on the Structure, Composition and Evolution of the Lithosphere in Finland. Programme and Extended Abstracts, Espoo, Finland, November 12-13, 2002. Institute of Seismology, University of Helsinki, Report S-42, p. 95-97.

Saari, J. and Uski, M., 2002. Earthquakes and Seismotectonics in Finland. In: Lahtinen, R., Korja, A., Arhe, K., Eklund, O., Hjelt, S.-E., and Pesonen, L.J. 2002 (Eds.). Lithosphere 2002 - Second Symposium on the Structure, Composition and Evolution of the Lithosphere in Finland. Programme and Extended Abstracts, Espoo, Finland, November 12-13, 2002. Institute of Seismology, University of Helsinki, Report S-42, p. 119-122.

Tarvainen, M. & Lindblom, P., 2002. Seismisen taustakohinan taso Kilpisjärven biologisella asemalla 11.-13.9.2001. Helsingin yliopisto, Seismologian laitos, Raportti T-72, 14 p.

Yliniemi, J., Tiira, T. and Komminaho, K., 2002. Comparison of Crustal Models of the Sarmatia and Fennoscandian Shields. In: Lahtinen, R., Korja, A., Arhe, K., Eklund, O., Hjelt, S.-E., and Pesonen, L.J. 2002 (Eds.). Lithosphere 2002 - Second Symposium on the Structure, Composition and Evolution of the Lithosphere in Finland. Programme and Extended Abstracts, Espoo, Finland, November 12-13, 2002. Institute of Seismology, University of Helsinki, Report S-42, p. 145-146.


Vertaisarvioidut julkaisut

Bock, G., Achauer, U., Alinaghi, A., Ansorge, J., Bruneton, M., Friederich, W., Grad, M., Guterch, A., Hjelt, S.-E., Hyvönen, T., Ikonen, J.P., Kissling, E., Komminaho, K., Korja, A., Heikkinen, P., Pedersen, H., Plomerova, T., Raita, T., Riznichenko, O., Roberts, R.G., Sandoval, S., Sanina, I.A., Sharov, N., Tiikkainen, J., Volosov, S.G., Wielandt, E., Wylegalla, K., Yliniemi, J. and Yurov, Y., 2001. Seismic Probing of Fennoscandian Lithosphere. EOS Transactions, AGU, VOL. 82, No. 50, p. 621, 628-629.

Cosma, C., Heikkinen, P., Keskinen, J. & Enescu, N., 2001. VSP in chrystalline rocks - from downhole velocity profiling to 3-D fracture mapping. Int. Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences, Vol. 38, p. 843-850.

Cosma, C., Olsson, O., Keskinen, J. & Heikkinen P., 2001. Seismic characterization of fracturing at the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory, Sweden, from the kilometer scale to the meter scale. Int. Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences Vol. 38, p. 859-865.

Czuba, W., Grad, M., Luosto, U., Motuza, G., Nasedkin, V. and POLONAISE P5 Working Group (mukana Tiira, T.), 2001. Crustal structure of the East European craton along the POLONAISE'97 P5 profile. Acta geophysica Polonica Vol. 49, No. 2, p. 145-168.

EUROBRIDGE'95 seismic working group, Yliniemi, J., Tiira, T., Luosto, U., Komminaho, K., Giese, R., Motuza G., Nasedkin, V., Jacyna, J., Seckus R., Grad, M., Czuba, W., Janik, T., Guterch, A., Lund, C.E., Doody, J.J., 2001. EUROBRIDGE'95: deep seismic profiling within the East European Craton. Tectonophysics, Vol. 339, p. 153-175.

Guterch, A., Grad, M., Keller, G.R., CELEBRATION 2000 Organizing Committee and CELEBRATION 2000 Experiment Team (incl. Tiira, T.), 2001. Seismologists Celebrate The New Millennium with an Experiment in Central Europe. EOS, Vol. 82, No. 45, s. 529, 534-535.

Korja, A., Heikkinen, P. and Aaro, S., 2001. Crustal structure of the northern Baltic Sea palaeorift. Tectonophysics, Vol. 331, No. 4, p. 341-358.

Luosto, U. & Hyvönen, T., 2001. Seismology in Finland in the twentieth century. Geophysica Vol. 37, No. 1-2, p. 147-185.

Mäntyniemi, P., 2001. Satellites in Seismology - An Overview. Finnish Journal of the Surveying Sciences, Vol. 19, No. 1-2, p. 42-65.

Mäntyniemi, P., Kijko, A. & Retief, P., 2001. Parametric-historic procedure for seismic hazard assessment and its application to northern Europe. Boll. Geofis. teor. appl., 42, p. 41-55.

Raportit ja konferenssijulkaisut

Hyvönen, T., Korja, A., Hjelt, S-E., Komminaho, K., Kozlovskaya, E., Raita, T., Yliniemi, J. and SVEKALAPKO Seismic Tomography Working Group, 2001. SVEKALAPKO:n tomografinen koe 1998-1999. In: Airo, M. and Mertanen, S. (eds.), XX Geofysiikan päivät Helsingissä 15.-16.5.2001, p. 51-66.

Kakkuri, J. and Korja, A., 2001. National Reports, Finland. International Lithosphere Program, International Council for Science, Scientific Committee on the Lithosphere, Annual Report – 2000, Report 25, p. 68-72.

Korja, A., 2001. ILP: Kansainvälinen litosfääriohjelma - International Lithosphere Program. Geologi Vol. 53, No. 7, p. 120-121.

Korja, A., Kukkonen, I.T., Heikkinen, P., Ekdahl, E., Hjelt, S.-E., Yliniemi, J., Lahtinen, R. and Berzin, R., 2001. FIRE – Suomen kallioperän heijastusluotaustutkimukset. In: Airo, M. and Mertanen, S. (eds.), XX Geofysiikan päivät Helsingissä 15.-16.5.2001, p. 63-66.

Luosto, U., 2001. Maanjäristykset: missä, mitä, milloin. Vuosikirja/Suomalainen tiedeakatemia 2000, p. 147-156.

Luosto, U. & Heikkinen, P., 2001. Ylävaipan seismisestä rakenteesta Etelä-Suomessa. Teoksessa: Airo, M. and Mertanen, S. (eds.), XX Geofysiikan päivät Helsingissä 15.-16.5.2001, p. 117-122.

Mäntyniemi, P., 2001. Maanjäristysseismologiaa. Kurssimoniste, 149 p.

Mäntyniemi, P., 2001. Pohjois-Euroopan seismisyyden kuvausta uudella menetelmällä. Teoksessa: Airo, M. and Mertanen, S. (eds.), XX Geofysiikan päivät Helsingissä 15.-16.5.2001, p. 135-140.

Soosalu, H., 2001. Seismisiä signaaleja tulivuorilta: esimerkkeinä Hekla ja Torfajökull Islannissa. Teoksessa: Airo, M. and Mertanen, S. (eds.), XX Geofysiikan päivät Helsingissä 15.-16.5.2001, p. 209-214.

Tarvainen, M., 2001. Vedenalaisten räjäytysten seisminen valvonta: tapaus Kursk. Teoksessa: Airo, M. and Mertanen, S. (eds.), XX Geofysiikan päivät Helsingissä 15.-16.5.2001, p. 227-232.

Uski, M., Hyvönen, T. & Korja, A., 2001. Toivakan ja Kuusamon maanjäristysten lähdemekanismeista. Teoksessa: Airo, M. and Mertanen, S. (eds.), XX Geofysiikan päivät Helsingissä 15.-16.5.2001, p. 237-242.


Vertaisarvioidut julkaisut

Krysinski, L., Grad, M. and POLONAISE Working Group (incl. U. Luosto), 2000. POLONAISE’97 – Seismic and Gravimetric Modelling of the Crustal Structure in the Polish Basin. Phys. Chem. Earth (A), Vol. 25, No. 4, 355-363.

Malaska, J. and Hyvönen, T., 2000. Velocity modelling of the lithosphere beneath South Finland. Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 122, 103-114.

Neprochnov, Yu.P., Semenov, G.A., Sharov, N.V., Yliniemi, J., Komminaho, K., Luosto, U., Heikkinen, P., 2000. Comparison of the crustal structures of the Barents Sea and the Baltic Shield from seismic data. Tectonophysics, 321, 429-447.

Raportit ja konferenssijulkaisut

Heikkinen, P., Luosto, U., 2000. Review of Some Features of the Seismic Velocity Models in Finland. In: Pesonen, L.J., Korja, A. and Hjelt, S.-E., (Eds.). Lithosphere 2000 – A Symposium on the Structure, Composition and Evolution of the Lithosphere in Finland. Espoo, Finland, Oct. 4-5, 2000. Institute of Seismology, University of Helsinki, Report S-41, 35-41.

Hyvönen, T., Kozlovskaya, E. and the SVEKALAPKO Seismic Tomography Working Group, 2000. Deep Seismic Tomography of the Crust and Lithosphere-Astenosphere System in the Fennoscandian Shield – Pre-Studies and First Results. In: Pesonen, L.J., Korja, A. and Hjelt, S.-E., (Eds.). Lithosphere 2000 – A Symposium on the Structure, Composition and Evolution of the Lithosphere in Finland. Espoo, Finland, Oct. 4-5, 2000. Institute of Seismology, University of Helsinki, Report S-41, 43-48.

Kakkuri, J. and Korja, A., 2000. National report, Finland. International lithospheric program, Annual report – 1999. ICL/ILP Report 24, 70-74.

Korja, A. and Heikkinen, P., 2000. The Accretionary Svecofennian Orogen – in the Light of Seismic BABEL Lines. In: L.J. Pesonen, A. Korja and S.-E. Hjelt, (eds.). Lithosphere 2000 - A Symposium on the Structure, Composition and Evolution of the Lithosphere in Finland. Espoo, Finland, Oct.4-5, 2000. Institute of Seismology, University of Helsinki, Report S-41, 165-171.

Korsman, K., Hölttä, P., Korja, A., 2000. Granulite Metamorphism and Formation of the Lower Crust in Finland. In: L.J. Pesonen, A. Korja and S.-E. Hjelt, (eds.). Lithosphere 2000 - A Symposium on the Structure, Composition and Evolution of the Lithosphere in Finland. Espoo, Finland, Oct.4-5, 2000. Institute of Seismology, University of Helsinki, Report S-41, 101-106.

Nironen, M., Korja, A., Lahtinen, R., Tuisku, P., 2000. Crustal Boundaries of East European Craton – Keys to Proterozoic Amalgamation. In: L.J. Pesonen, A. Korja and S.-E. Hjelt, (eds.). Lithosphere 2000 - A Symposium on the Structure, Composition and Evolution of the Lithosphere in Finland. Espoo, Finland, Oct.4-5, 2000. Institute of Seismology, University of Helsinki, Report S-41, 35-41. vai 121-128.

Pesonen, L.J., Korja, A. and Hjelt, S.-E., 2000. Lithosphere 2000 – A Symposium on the Structure, Composition and Evolution of the Lithosphere in Finland. Espoo, Finland, Oct. 4-5, 2000. Institute of Seismology, University of Helsinki, Report S-41, 192 p.

Rämö, O.T. and Korja, A., 2000. Mid-Proterozoic evolution of the Fennoscandian Shield. 31st International Geological Congress, Rio de Janeiro, Aug. 2000, Abstract Volume, 1-4.

Rämö, O.T., Korja, A., Haapala, I., Eklund, O., Fröjdö, S., Vaasjoki, M., 2000. Evolution of the Fennoscandian Lithosphere in the Mid-Proterozoic: the Rapakivi Magmatism. In: Pesonen, L.J., Korja, A. and Hjelt, S.-E., (Eds.). Lithosphere 2000 – A Symposium on the Structure, Composition and Evolution of the Lithosphere in Finland. Espoo, Finland, Oct. 4-5, 2000. Institute of Seismology, University of Helsinki, Report S-41, 129-136


Vertaisarvioidut julkaisut

EUROBRIDGE Seismic Working Group (incl. Tiira, T., Luosto, U.): Seismic velocity structure across the Fennoscandia-Sarmatia suture of the East European Craton beneath the EUROBRIDGE profile through Lithunia and Belarus. Tectonophysics 314 (1999) 193-217.

Grad, M., Janik, T., Yliniemi, J., Guterch, A., Luosto, U., Tiira, T., Komminaho, K., Sroda, P., Höing, K., Makris, J., Lund, C-E-.: Crustal structure of the Mid-Polish Trough beneath the Teisseyre-Tornquist Zone seismic profile. Tectonophysics 314 (1999) 145-160.

Guterch, A., Grad, M., Thybo, H., Keller, G.R., the POLONAISE Working Group (incl. Luosto, U., Tiira, T.): POLONAISE '97 - an international seismic experiment between Precambrian and Variscan Europe in Poland. Tectonophysics 314 (1999) 101-121.

Grünthal, G. and the GSHAP Region 3 Working Group (incl. Mäntyniemi, P.): Seismic hazard assessment for Central, North and Northwest Europe: GSHAP Region 3. In: Domenico Giardini (editor), The global seismic hazard assessment program (GSHAP) 1992-1999, summary volume. Annali di Geofisica 42 (1999), 999-1011.

Korsman K., Korja, T., Pajunen, M., Virransalo, P. and GGT/SVEKA Working Group (incl. Heikkinen, P., Korja, A., Luosto, U., Malaska, J.): The GGT/SVEKA transect: Structure and evolution of the continental crust in the Paleoproterozoic Svecofennian orogen in Finland. International geology review, 41 (1999), 287-333.

Pilipenko, V.N., Pavlenkova, N.I., Luosto, U.: Wide-angle reflection migration technique with an example from the Polar profile (northern Scandinavia). Tectonophysics, 308 (1999), 445-457.

Sroda, P., POLONAISE Profile P3 Working Group (incl. Tiira, T., Luosto, U.): P- and S-wave velocity model of the southwestern margin of the Precambrian East European Craton; POLONAISE '97, profile P3. Tectonophysics 314 (1999) 175-192.

Tarvainen, M.: Recognizing explosion sites with a self-organizing network for unsupervised learning. Phys. Earth planet. Interiors 113 (1999), 143-154.

Tarvainen, M., Tiira, T. and Husebye, E.: Locating regional seismic events with global optimization based interval arithematic. Geophys. J. Int. 138 (1999), 879-885.

Tiira, T.: Detecting teleseismic events using artificial networks. Computers & geosciences 25 (1999) 929-938.

Tiira, T.: Slowness vector correction for teleseismic events - with artificial neural networks. Phys. Earth planet. Interiors 112(1999), 101-109.

Wilde-Piórko, M., Grad, M., POLONAISE Working Group (incl. Luosto, U., Tiira, T.): Regional and teleseismic events recorded across the TESZ during POLONAISE '97. Tectonophysics 314 (1999) 161-174.

Raportit ja konferenssijulkaisut

Heikkinen, P.: Seismologian laitoksen toimintakertomus vuodelta 1998. Helsingin yliopisto, seismologian laitos, Raportti T-69, 1999, 19 p.

Kakkuri, J. and A. Korja, A.: National report, Finland. International lithosphere program, Annual report - 1998. ICL/ILP Report 23, 72-77.

Mäntyniemi, P., Statistical analysis of the earthquake in Central Finland, on November 16, 1931. In: Johannes Kultima ja Jyrki Manninen (Eds), XIX Geofysiikan päivät, Sodankylässä 14.-15.06.1999. Oulu, Geofysiikan seura, 1999, 149-154. (In Finnish)

Mäntyniemi, P.: "Talo ikään kuin lainehti..." In: Helena Kukkamo et al. (Eds.), Karhunsoutaja VI, Keurusselän Seura ry:n kotiseutujulkaisu 1999. Keurusselän Seura ry, Keuruu, 1999, 149-164.

Tarvainen, M. & Suvilinna, I.: Seismic stations in Finland 1995-1997. University of Helsinki, Institute of Seismology, Report T-67, 1999. 103 p.


Felix P. Mitrofanov, Nikolai V. Sharov, Vladimir G. Zagorodny, Vladimir G., Viktor N. Glaznev and Anna-Kaisi (Annakaisa) Korja: CRUSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE BALTIC SHIELD ALONG THE PECHENGA-KOSTOMUKSHA-LOVISA GEOTRAVERSE. International geology review, 40 (1998), 990-997.

Yu.P. Neprochnov, G.A. Semenov, N.V. Sharov, U. Luosto, J. Yliniemi, K. Komminaho, 1998: SEISMIC MODELS OF THE CRUST IN THE BALTIC SHIELD AND THE BARENTS SEA. In: F.P. Mitrofanov, N.V. Sharov (Eds), Seismogecal model of the lithosphere of northern Europe: the Barents Region, Part 1: Chapter 6, Apatity, Russian Academy of Sciences, 198-225. (in Russian with English abstract)

POLONAISE'97 Working Group (incl. U. Luosto, J. Yliniemi): INTERNATIONAL SEISMIC REFRACTION AND WIDE ANGLE REFLECTION EXPERIMENT ALONG POLONAISE'97 PROFILES IN THE PERMIAN BASIN IN POLAND. Papers, 26th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, Tel Aviv, August 23-28, 1998, 112-116.

M. Grad, W. Czuba, U. Luosto and M. Zuchniak: QR - FACTORS IN THE CRYSTALLINE UPPERMOST CRUST IN FINLAND FROM RAYLEIGH SURFACE WAVES. Geophysica 34(3), 1998, 115-129.

L. Lundqvist, L. Karis, och A. Korja, 1998. BERGGRUNDSKARTOR 1:50 000. Kartbladen 18F Bräcke NV, NO och 19F Häggenås Sv,So. I Wahlgren, C.-H. (red.). Regional berggrundsgeologisk undersökning. Sammanfattning av pågående undrsökningar 1997. Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning, Rapporter och Meddelander 97, 40-49.

M. B. Stephens, T. Bergman, A. Korja, S. Lundqvist, I. Lundström, B. Mannström M. Ripa, och C.-H. Wahlgren, 1998. REFERENSKARTOR 1:250 000. Syntes av berggrundsgeologisk och geofysisk information, Bergslagen och omgivande områden. I Wahlgren, C.-H. (red). Regional berggrundsgeologisk undersökning. Sammanfattning av pågående undrsökningar 1997. Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning, Rapporter och Meddelander 97, 83-87.

H. Soosalu, 1998. Hekla - äkkipikainen tulivuori. Natura 2/1998, 12-18.


Urmas Luosto: STRUCTURE OF THE EARTH'S CRUST IN FENNOSCANDIA AS REVEALED FROM REFRACTION AND WIDE-ANGLE REFLECTION STUDIES. In: Lauri J. Pesonen (editor), The Lithosphere in Finland - a Geophysical Perspective. Geophysica, 33:1 (1997), 3-16

Jari Malaska ja Tellervo Hyvönen: KUORI-YLÄVAIPPARAKENTEEN 3-D MALLI ETELÄ-SUOMEN ALUEELLA. Julkaisussa: Tapio J. Tuomi (toim.), XVIII Geofysiikan päivät, Helsingissä 13-14.5.1997, Geofysiikan seura, Helsinki 1997, 93-98.

Matti Tarvainen: INTERVALLIARITMETIIKAN KÄYTTÖ OPTIMOINNISSA. (Optimization using interval arithmetic, case study on seismic locating problem) Julkaisussa: Tapio J. Tuomi (toim.), XVIII Geofysiikan päivät, Helsingissä 13-14.5.1997, Geosiikan seura, Helsinki 1997, 137-140.

Bozenna Gadomska, Marek Grad, Jerzy Jankowski, Andrzej Kijko, Heikki Korhonen, Annikki Lipponen, Urmas Luosto, Edward Perchuc, Christian Sucksdorff and Roman Teisseyre: ON THE POLISH-FINNISH COOPERATION IN GEOPHYSICS 1966-1996. Acta geophys. pol., 45:4 (1997), 387-409.

J. Kakkuri and A. Korja, 1997. "INTERNATIONAL LITHOSPHERE PROGRAM, NATIONAL REPORT, FINLAND" In: International lithosphere program, Newsletter, International Council of Scientific Unions and Inter-Union Commission on the Lithosphere, report 21, 78-82.

A. Korja and T. Korja, 1997. CRUSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE FENNOSCANDIAN SHIELD. In: R.W.R Rutgerland & B. J. Drummond (edit.), Palaeoproterozoic tectonics and metallogenesis: comparative analysis of parts of the Australian and Fennoscandian Shields. Papers for a workshop held in Darwin, Australia, September 1997. AGSO Record 1997/44, 67-71.

L. Lundqvist and A. Korja, 1997. Kartbladen 18F Bräcke NV, NO och 19F Häggenås Sv,So. I Wahlgren, C.-H. (red.). Regional berggrundsgeologisk undersökning. Sammanfattning av pågående undrsökningar 1996 (Regional bedrock mapping, summary of ongoing activities 1996 with an introduction in English). Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning, Rapporter och Meddelander 89, 27-34.

M. Tarvainen, 1997. SEISMOLOGIA - OPPI SUURISTA TUNTEMATTOMISTA ASIOISTA. Julkaisussa: T. Vihma ja K. Pulkkinen (toim.), Geofysiikan laitoksen 30-vuotisjuhlaseminaari luonnontieteiden opettajille. Helsingin yliopisto, Geofysiikan laitos, Seminaarisarja no. 7, 27-37.

M. Tarvainen, T. Tiira and P. Heikkinen, 1997. SEISMIC MONITORING AS A TOOL OF PUBLIC SAFETY. In: K. Nieminen and E. Pääkkönen (edit.), NBC Defence '97, Proceedings of Symposium on NBC Defence '97, 10-12 June 1997, Hyvinkää Finland. Defence Forces Research Centre, Publications A/12, 42-44.

M. Uski, 1997. LOCAL MAGNITUDE RELATIONS FOR EARTHQUAKES RECORDED IN FINLAND. Licentiate thesis in geophysics, 65p.


Päivi Mäntyniemi, 1996: SOME FEATURES OF FINNISH EARTHQUAKE DATA. Geophysica, 32(3), 273-289.

Matti Tarvainen and Timo Tiira, 1996: STUDY OF THE LOCATING CAPABILITY OF GENETIC ALGORITHMS. Geophysica, 31(2), 1-17.


Calin Cosma and Pekka Heikkinen: SEISMIC INVESTIGATIONS FOR THE FINAL DISPOSAL OF SPENT NUCLEAR FUEL IN FINLAND. J appl.Geophys., 35 (1996), 151-157.

Tellervo Hyvönen and Irina A. Sanina: STATISTICAL SEARCH FOR INHOMOGENEITIES OF THE LITHOSPHERE IN CENTRAL FINLAND. In: Seismology in Europe, Papers presented at the 25th General Assembly of the ESC, September 9-14, 1996, Reykjavik, Iceland, University of Iceland, 1996, 215-219.

Timo Tiira: SEISMIC EVENT DETECTOR BASED ON ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS. In: Seismology in Europe, Papers presented at the 25th General Assembly of the ESC, September 9-14, 1996, Reykjavik, Iceland, University of Iceland, 1996, 569- 574.


A. Korja & P. Heikkinen, 1996. EXTENSIONAL STRUCTURES OF SOUTHWESTERN FINLAND BASED ON THE BABEL REFLECTION RESULTS.In: E. Ekdahl and S. Autio (edit.), Global Geoscience Transect/SVEKA, Proceedings of the Kuopio Seminar, Finland 25.-26.11.1993. Geological Survey of Finland, Report of Investigation 136, 19-22.

U. Luosto, 1996. SEISMIC STUDIES ON LITHOSPHERIC STRUCTURE ALONG THE GGT/SVEKA TRANSECT - A REVIEW. In: E. Ekdahl and S. Autio (edit.), Global Geoscience Transect/SVEKA, Proceedings of the Kuopio Seminar, Finland 25.-26.11.1993. Geological Survey of Finland, Report of Investigation 136, 61-62.

S. E. Pirhonen, 1996. SEVENTY YEARS OF SEISMOLOGICAL RECORDING IN FINLAND. In: R. Wahlstöm (edit.), Seismic recording in Sweden, Norway - with arctic regions, Denmark -with Greenland and Finland. Proceedings from the Uppsala Wiechert jubilee seminar, Seismological Department, Uppsala University, August 22-23, 1994, 58-73.

Marja Uski and Antero Tuppurainen: A NEW LOCAL MAGNITUDE SCALE FOR THE FINNISH SEISMIC NETWORK. Tectonophysics, 261(1996), 23-37.

Calin Cosma and Pekka Heikkinen: SEISMIC INVESTIGATIONS FOR THE FINAL DISPOSAL OF SPENT NUCLEAR FUEL IN FINLAND. J appl. Geophys., 35 (1996), 151-157.


Matti Tarvainen and Timo Tiira, 1995. STUDY OF THE LOCATING CAPABILITY OF GENETIC ALGORITHMS. Geophysica, 31(2), 1- 17. (Abstract)

Matti Tarvainen ja Timo Tiira: SEISMISTEN TAPAUSTEN PAIKALLISTAMINEN GENEETTISTEN ALGORITMIEN AVULLA. Julkaisussa: XVII Geofysiikan päivät, Oulussa 11-12.5.1995, toim. P. Kaikkonen ja H. Salmirinne, Geofysiikan seura, Oulu 1995, 113-118.

Annakaisa Korja and Pekka Heikkinen: PROTEROZOIC EXTENSIONAL TECTONICS OF THE CENTRAL FENNOSCANDIAN SHIELD: results from the Baltic and Bothnian echoes from the lithosphere experiment. Tectonics, 14:2 (1995), 504-517.


Timo Tiira, Matti Tarvainen and Antero Tuppurainen: NOISE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE UPGRADED FINESS ARRAY. Geophysica, 31(1995), 71-84. (Abstract)

Päivi Mäntyniemi: BAYESIAN CRUSTAL STRUCTURE INVERSION: an investigation of the feasibilities and limitations of the method. Geophys. J. Inst., 123(1995), 420-430.



A.A. Ostrovsky, E.R. Flueh and U. Luosto: DEEP SEISMIC STRUCTURE OF THE EARTH'S CRUST ALONG THE BALTIC SEA PROFILE. Tectonophysics, 233 (1994), 279-292.

R. Meissner, P. Sadowiak, S.A. Thomas, BABEL Working Group: East Avalonia, the third partner in the Caledonian collisions:evidence from deep seismic reflection data. Geologische Rundschau, 83(1), 1994, 186-196.

Tiira, T., Tarvainen, M. and Tuppurainen, A., 1994. SPATIAL AND DIURNAL NOISE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE finess ARRAY. Teoksessa: K. Makropoulos and P. Suhadolc (Editors), European Seismological Commission, XXIV General Assembly, 1994 September 19-24, Athens, Greece, Proceedings and Activity Report 1992-1994, Vol. II, 658-667. (Abstract)

Grad, M., Luosto, U. and Tripolsky, A., 1994. SEISMIC STRUCTURE AND PETROLOGICAL MODELS OF THE UKRAINIAN AND BALTIC SHIELD. Teoksessa: K. Makropoulos and P. Suhadolc (Editors), European Seismological Commission, XXIV General Assembly, 1994 September 19-24, Athens, Greece, Proceedings and Activity Report 1992-1994, Vol. II, 965- 973.

Luosto, U., Grad, M., Guterch, A., Heikkinen, P., Janik, T., Komminaho, K., Lund, C., Thybo, H. and Yliniemi, J., 1994. CRUSTAL STRUCTURE ALONG THE SVEKA'91 PROFILE IN FINLAND. Teoksessa: K. Makropoulos and P. Suhadolc (Editors), European Seismological Commission, XXIV General Assembly, 1994 September 19-24, Athens, Greece, Proceedings and Activity Report 1992-1994, Vol. II, 974-983.

Grad, M., Guterch, A., Janik, T., Materzok, R., Luosto, U., Yliniemi, J., Lück, E., Schulze, A. and Förste, K., 1994. NEW SEISMIC REFRACTION EXPERIMENT ACROSS THE TEISSEYRE-TORNQUIST ZONE IN NORTHWESTERN POLAND AND EASTERN GERMANY. Teoksessa: K. Makropoulos and P. Suhadolc (Editors), European Seismological Commission, XXIV General Assembly, 1994 September 19-24, Athens, Greece, Proceedings and Activity Report 1992-1994, Vol. II, 995-1004.


Timo Tiira and Matti Tarvainen: DISCRIMINATION OF TELESEISMIC EVENTS IN CENTRAL ASIA WITH A LOCAL NETWORK OF SHORT PERIOD stations. Annali di Geofisica, 37(3), 1994, 433-449. (Abstract)

Toivo Korja, Urmas Luosto, Kalevi Korsman and Matti Pajunen: GEOPHYSICAL AND METAMORPHIC FEATURES OF PALAEOPROTEROZOIC SVECOFENNIAN OROGENY AND PALAEOPROTEROZOIC OVERPRINTING ON ARCHAEAN CRUST. In: Matti Pajunen (Ed.), High temperature-low pressure metamorphism and deep-crustal structures. Meeting of IGCP project 304 "Deep Crustal Processes" in Finland, September 16-20, 1994. Geological Survey of Finland, Guide 37, 1994, 11-20.

Matti Väisänen, Pentti Hölttä, Jyri Rastas, Annakaisa Korja and Pekka Heikkinen: DEFORMATION, METAMORPHISM AND THE DEEP STRUCTURE OF THE CRUST IN THE TURKU AREA, SOUTHWESTERN FINLAND. In: Matti Pajunen (Ed.), High temperature-low pressure metamorphism and deep-crustal structures. Meeting of IGCP project 304 "Deep Crustal Processes" in Finland, September 16-20, 1994. Geological Survey of Finland, Guide 37, 1994, 35-41.

Pekka R. Saastamoinen: CONSTRUCTION OF ALGORITHMS FOR OPTIMAL FERMAT RAY TRACING. Geophysica, 30:1-2(1994), 31-40.

Alexander Guterch, Marek Grad, Tomasz Janik, Rufin Materzok, Urmas Luosto, Jukka Yliniemi, Erica Lück, Albrecht Schulze and Konstanze Förste: CRUSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE TRANSITION ZONE BETWEEN PRECAMBRIAN AND VARISCAN EUROPE FROM NEW SEISMIC DATA ALONG LT-7 PROFILE (NW POLAND AND EASTERN GERMANY). C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, t. 319, serie IIa, 1489- 1496, 1994.


Hans Thybo, Ernst Flüh and BABEL Working Group (mukana Pekka Heikkinen, Urmas Luosto, Heikki Korhonen): PROJECT BABEL - INTEGRATED INTERPRETATION OF SEISMIC REFLECTION AND REFRACTION DATA ACROSS THE NARROW TORNQUIST FAN IN THE BALTIC SEA. Julkaisussa: D.G. Gee & M. Beckholmen (Eds), Europrobe symposium, Jablonna 1991. Publications of the Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, A-20 (255), 1993, 147-152.

Päivi Mäntyniemi, Rutger Wahlström, Conrad Lindholm & Andrzej Kijko: SEISMIC HAZARD IN FENNOSCANDIA: a regionalized study. Tectonohysics, 227(1993), 205-213.

Timo Tiira and Matti Tarvainen: POLARIZATION DETECTOR. Julkaisussa: XXIII General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, Prague, Czechoslovakia, 7-12 September 1992, Activity Report 1990-1992 and Proceedings, 1, Prague, 1993, 205-208.

Nikolai V. Sharov, Jurij A. Burmakov, Irina P. Kosminskaya, Heikki Korhonen, Urmas Luosto and Jukka Yliniemi: TOMOGRAFI ESKIE ISSLEDOVANIJA SKOROSTNOGO STROENIJA ZEMNOJ KORY NA JUGO-VOSTOKE FINLJANDII. Julkaisussa: A.V. Chekunov (ed.), Geofizizheskie issledovanija litosfery, Naukova Dumka, Kiev, 1993, 68-74

Matti Tarvainen and Eystein S. Husebye: SPATIAL AND TEMPORAL PATTERNS OF THE FENNOSCANDIAN SEISMICITY - an exercise in explosion monitoring. Geophysica, 29(1-2), 1993, 1-19.


Pekka Teikari: GROUND ACCELERATION MEASUREMENTS IN FINLAND. Geophysica, 29(1-2), 1993, 21-31.

B. Öhlander, T. Skiöld, S-Å. Elming, BABEL Working Group (incl. Pekka Heikkinen, Urmas Luosto, Heikki Korhonen), S. Claesson and D.H. Nisca: DELINEATION AND CHARACTER OF THE ARCHAEAN-PROTEROZOIC BOUNDARY IN NORTHERN SWEDEN. In: Roland Gorbatschev (Ed.), The Baltic Shield. Precambrian Research, 64 (1993), 67-84.

P. Mäntyniemi: SEISMIC HAZARD IN FINLAND. In: Robin McGuire (ed.) The practice of earthquake hazard assessment, IASPEI and ESC, 1993, 111-114.



Heikki Korhonen: TESTING THE COMPONENTS OF THE GLOBAL SEISMOLOGICAL SYSTEM FOR NUCLEAR TEST BAN MONITORING. Julkaisussa: Verification 1993: yearbook on arms control and the environment, ed. by J.B. Poole & R. Guthrie, London, Brassey's, 103-114.

Ragnar Stefánsson, Reynir Bödvarsson, Ragnar Slunga, Páll Einarsson, Steinunn Jakobsdóttir, Hilmar Bungum, Sören Gregersen, Jens Havskov, Jorgen Hjelme and Heikki Korhonen: EARTHQUAKE PREDICTION RESEARCH IN THE SOUTH ICELAND SEISMIC ZONE AND THE SIL PROJECT. Bull. seism. Soc. Am., 83:3 (1993) 696-716.

A.V. Chekunov, V.I. Starostenko, S.S. Krasovsky, R.I. Kutas, Yu.P. Orovetsky, I.K. Pashkevich, A.A. Tripolsky, S.V. Eliseev, P.Ya. Kuprienko, F.P. Mitrofanov, N.V. Sharov, V.G. Zagorodny, V.N. Glaznev, R.G. Garetsky, G.I. Karataev, N.V. Aksamentova, A. Guterch, T. Grabovska, A. Koblanski, V. Ryka, R. Dadlez, S. Tsvoidzinsky, H. Korhonen, U. Luosto, G. Gaal, V.A. Zhuravlev and A.S. Sadov: GEOTRANSECT EURO-3 (EU-3).(In Russian). Geofizizheskij zhurnal, (Geophysical journal), 15:2 (1993), 3-32.

Heikki Korhonen ja Heidi Soosalu: ISLANNIN ETELÄISEN ALANKOALUEEN MAANJÄRISTYSTUTKIMUS. Julkaisussa: XVI Geofysiikan päivät, Espoossa 11.-12.5.1993, toim. Satu Mertanen, Anita Laiho ja Sirkka Tattari, Geofysiikan seura, Fotogrammetrian ja kaukokartoituksen seura, Espoo 1993, 163-168.

P. Mäntyniemi: SEISMISEN RISKIN MÄÄRITYKSESTÄ. Julkaisussa: XVI Geofysiikan päivät, Espoossa 11.-12.5.1993, toim. Satu Mertanen, Anita Laiho ja Sirkka Tattari, Geofysiikan seura, Fotogrammetrian ja kaukokartoituksen seura, Espoo 1993, 25-27.

L. Tellervo Hyvönen: OLIOKEHITELMÄ FERMAT'N KAHDEN PISTEEN SÄTEENJÄLJITYKSEEN. Julkaisussa: XVI Geofysiikan päivät, Espoossa 11.-12.5.1993, toim. Satu Mertanen, Anita Laiho ja Sirkka Tattari, Geofysiikan seura, Fotogrammetrian ja kaukokartoituksen seura, Espoo 1993, 19-24.

Urmas Luosto ja Marek Grad: SEISMISTEN NOPEUKSIEN JA Q-ARVOJEN RIIPPUVUUS KALLIOPERÄN RIKKONAISUUDESTA SVEKA-PROFIILILLA. Julkaisussa: XVI Geofysiikan päivät, Espoossa 11.-12.5.1993, toim. Satu Mertanen, Anita Laiho ja Sirkka Tattari, Geofysiikan seura, Fotogrammetrian ja kaukokartoituksen seura, Espoo 1993, 7-12.

G. Poupinet, P. Mäntyniemi, U. Luosto and U. Achauer: A TELESEISMIC STUDY OF THE LITHOSPHERIC STRUCTURE ACROSS THE LADOGA-BOTHNIAN BAY ZONE IN FINLAND. Julkaisussa: A.G. Green, A. Kröner, J.-J. Götze and N. Pavlenkova (Editors), Plate Tectonic Signatures in the Continental Lithosphere. Tectonophysics, 219 (1993), 153-161.

Annakaisa Korja, Toivo Korja, Urmas Luosto and Pekka Heikkinen: SEISMIC AND GEOELECTRIC EVIDENCE FOR COLLISIONAL AND EXTENSIONAL EVENTS IN THE FENNOSCANDIAN SHIELD - IMPLICATIONS FOR PRECAMBRIAN CRUSTAL EVOLUTION. Julkaisussa: A.G. Green, A. Kröner, J.-J. Götze and N. Pavlenkova (Editors), Plate Tectonic Signatures in the Continental Lithosphere. Tectonophysics, 219 (1993), 129-152.


BABEL Working Group (mukana P. Heikkinen, H. Korhonen and U. Luosto): INTEGRATED SEISMIC STUDIES OF THE BALTIC SHIELD USING DATA IN THE GULF OF BOTHNIA REGION. Geophys. J. Int. (1993) 112, 305-324.

Andrzej Kijko, Efthimios Skordas, Rutger Wahlström and Päivi Mäntyniemi: MAXIMUM LIKELIHOOD ESTIMATION OF SEISMIC HAZARD FOR SWEDEN. Natural Hazards, 7 (1993), 41-57.

U. Luosto, 1993. MAANJÄRISTYS VAI YDINRÄJÄYTYS? Julkaisussa: Suojelun kuusi vuosikymmentä 1933-1993, Suojelukoulun perinneyhdistys, Jyväskylä, 49-57.


P. Mäntyniemi, V.I. Marza and A. Kijko: SEISMIC HAZARD PARAMETER EVALUATION FOR THE VRANCEA REGION: comparison of procedures. Julkaisussa: Proceedings of the International School-Symposium "Earthquake Prediction and Earthquake Engineering", April 16-23, 1990, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, Geophysical Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, 1992, 97-112.

N. Pavoni, T. Ahjos, R. Freeman, S. Gregersen, H. Langer, G. Leydecker, Ph. Roth, P. Suhadolc and M. Uski: SEISMICITY AND FOCAL MECHANISMS. Julkaisussa: Roy Freeman and Stephan Mueller (eds): A Continent Revealed: the European Geotraverse, Atlas of Compiled Data European Science Foundation, Cambridge University Press, 1992, 14-19.

Matti Tarvainen: LOCATING LOCAL AND REGIONAL SEISMIC EVENTS BY USING THE REGISTRATIONS OF 3-COMPONENT STATION VAF IN FINLAND. Julkaisussa: Antoni Roca and Dieter Mayer-Rosa (eds): Proceedings and Activity Report 1988-1990, 22nd General Assembly, European Seismoical Commission, Barcelona, 17-22 September 1990, Vol. 1, Servei Geologic de Catalunya, Barcelona, 1992, 249-252.

Matti Tarvainen: DATA-ADAPTIVE PHASEPICKING METHOD. Julkaisussa: Antoni Roca and Dieter Mayer-Rosa (eds): Proceedings and Activity Report 1988-1990, 22nd General Assembly, European Seismological Commission, Barcelona, 17-22 September 1990, Vol. 1, Servei Geologic de Catalunya, Barcelona, 1992, 267-271.

Andrzej Kijko and Päivi Mäntyniemi: ESTIMATION OF EARTHQUAKE HAZARD PARAMETERS FORM INCOMPLETE AND ERRONEOUS DATA FILES. Julkaisussa: Mariano Garcia-Fernadez, Antoni Roca and Georges Poupinet (eds): Applications of Personal Computers in Seismology. Including Proceedings of the Workshop WS8: Use of Pc in Seismology of the XXII General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, Servei Geologic de Catalunya, Barcelona, 1992, 43-46.

Tellervo Ahjos and Marja Uski: EARTHQUAKE EPICENTERS AND FOCAL DEPTHS IN NORTHERN EUROPE. Julkaisussa: Antoni Roca and Dieter Mayer-Rosa (eds): Proceedings and Activity Report 1988-1990, 22nd General Assembly, European Seismological Commission, Barcelona, 17-22 September 1990, Vol. 2, Servei Geologic de Catalunya, Barcelona, 1992, 667-672.

Matti Tarvainen: BACKGROUND NOISE AT THE SEISMOGRAPH STATION VAF IN FINLAND. Julkaisussa: Antoni Roca and Dieter Mayer-Rosa (eds): Proceedings and Activity Report 1988-1990, 22nd General Assembly, European Seismological Commission, Barcelona, 17-22 September 1990, Vol. 1, Servei Geologic de Catalunya, Barcelona, 1992, 273-276.


Timo Tiira and Matti Tarvainen: POLARIZATION DETECTOR: a new approach without eigenvalue problem solution. Geophysica, 28(1-2), 1992, 29-40.


Pekka Heikkinen and Urmas Luosto: VELOCITY STRUCTURE AND REFLECTIVITY OF THE PROTEROZOIC CRUST IN THE BOTHNIAN SEA. Julkaisussa: Rolf Meissner, Dave Snyder, Niels Balling and Erika Staroste (eds): The BABEL Project, First Status Report, Commission of the European Communities, Brussels, 1992, 65-69.

Matti Tarvainen: AUTOMATIC SEISMOGRAM ANALYSIS: statistical phase picking and locating methods using one-station three component data. Bull. seism. Soc. Am., 82(2), 1992, 860-869.

T. Ahjos and M. Uski: EARTHQUAKES IN NORTHERN EUROPE IN 1375-1989. Tectonophysics, 207, 1992, 1-23



BABEL Working Group (mukana P. Heikkinen, H. Korhonen, U. Luosto): REFLECTIVITY OF A PROTEROZOIC SHIELD: EXAMPLES FROM BABEL SEISMIC PROFILES ACROSS FENNOSCANDIA. Julkaisussa: R. Meissner et al. (eds): Continental Lithosphere: deep seismic reflections, Geodynamics Series, Vol. 22, American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C., 1991, 77-86.

Yildiz Altinok, Päivi Mäntyniemi and Andrzej Kijko: AN EVALUATION OF SEISMIC HAZARD IN THE NORTH ANATOLIAN FAULT ZONE, TURKEY. Acta geophys.pol., 34(3), 1991, 279-291.

A. Guterch, U. Luosto, M. Grad, J. Yliniemi, E. Gaczynski, H. Korhonen, T. Janik, P. Lindblom, R. Materzok & E. Perchuc: SEISMIC STUDIES OF CRUSTAL STRUCTURE IN THE TEISSEYRE-TORNQUIST ZONE IN NORTHWESTERN POLAND (Preliminary report). Publs Inst. Geophysics, Pol. Acad. Sci., A-19, 1991, 147-156.



V.I.Marza, A. Kijko & P. Mäntyniemi: ESTIMATE OF EARTHQUAKE HAZARD IN THE VRANCEA (ROMANIA) REGION. Pure appl. Geophys., 136(1), 1991, 143-154.

H. Korhonen & L. Mustila: MAKROSEISMISIÄ HAVAINTOJA SUOMESSA 1989-1990. Julkaisussa: XV Geofysiikan päivät, Oulussa 14.-15.5.1991, toim. Hannu Kananen, Geofysiikan seura, 1991, 7-12.

P. Heikkinen, U. Luosto, K. Komminaho, J. Yliniemi & BABEL Working Group: KUOREN RAKENNE ITÄISEN SELKÄMEREN ALUEELLA BABEL-LUOTAUKSEN TULOSTEN PERUSTEELLA. Julkaisussa: XV Geofysiikan päivät, Oulussa 14.-15.5.1991, toim. Hannu Kananen, Geofysiikan seura, 1991, 13-16.

BABEL Working Group (mukana P. Heikkinen, U. Luosto, H. Korhonen): DEEP SEISMIC SURVEY IMAGES CRUSTAL STRUCTURE OF TORNQUIST ZONE BENEATH SOUTHERN BALTIC SEA. Geophys. Res. Lett., 18, 1991, 1091-1094.

BABEL Working Group (mukana P. Heikkinen, H. Korhonen, U. Luosto): RECORDING MARINE AIRGUN SHOTS AT OFFSETS BETWEEN 300 AND 700 KM. Geophys. Res. Lett., 18, 1991, 645-648.

S. Gregersen, H. Korhonen and E.S. Husebye: FENNOSCANDIAN DYNAMICS: present-day earthquake activity. Tectonophysics, 189 (1991), 333-344.´

Yu.A. Burmakov, I.P. Kosminskaya, N.V. Sharov, H. Korhonen, U. Luosto and J. Yliniemi: TOMOGRAPHIC STUDY OF CRUSTAL STRUCTURE IN SOUTHERN FINLAND. Tectonophysics, 189 (1991), 29-35.

U. Luosto: CRUSTAL STRUCTURES OF EASTERN FENNOSCANDIA. Julkaisussa: S. Björnsson, S. Gregersen, E.S. Husebye, H. Korhonen and C.-E. Lund (Editors), Imaging and Understanding the Lithosphere of Scandinavia and Iceland. Tectonophysics, 189 (1991), 19-27.


P. Mäntyniemi & T. Ahjos: A CATALOG OF FINNISH EARTHQUAKES IN 1610-1990. Geophysica, 26(2), 1990, 17-35.


H. Korhonen, I.P. Kosminskaya, I. Azbel, N. Sharov, V. Zagorodny and U. Luosto: COMPARISON OF CRUSTAL STRUCTURE ALONG DSS PROFILES IN SE FENNOSCANDIA. Geophys. J. Int., 103 (1990), 157-162.


M. Grad and U. Luosto: SEISMIC P- AND S-WAVE MODELLING OF THE EARTH'S CRUST STRUCTURE. Acta geophys. Pol., 38:1 (1990), 31-42.

A.A. Ostrovsky and H. Korhonen: ON THE CORRELATION OF THE ENERGIES OF PRIMARY AND SECONDARY STORM MICROSEISMS. Phys. Earth planet. Interiors, 63 (1990), 196-200.

T. Ahjos: A LOOK AT THE FENNOSCANDIAN EARTHQUAKE DATA. Julkaisussa: Proc. of the Sixth workshop on the European Geotraverse (EGT) project: data compilations and synoptic interpretation, ed. by R. Freeman and St. Mueller, Strasbourg, European Science Foundation, 1990, 349-355.

U. Luosto: SEISMIC DATA FROM THE NORTHERN SEGMENT OF THE EGT AND FROM THE NEARBY PROFILES. Julkaisussa: Proc. of the Sixth workshop on the European Geotraverse (EGT) project: data compilations and synoptic interpretation, ed. by R. Freeman and St. Mueller, Strasbourg, European Science Foundation, 1990, 53-63.

U. Luosto, T. Tiira, H. Korhonen, I. Azbel, V. Burmin, A. Buyanov, I. Kosminskaya, V. Ionkis and N. Sharov: CRUST AND UPPER MANTLE STRUCTURE ALONG THE DSS BALTIC PROFILE IN SE FINLAND. Geoph. J. Int., 101 (1990), 89-110.

N.V. Sharov, I.P. Kosminskaya, I.Ja. Azbel, V.G. Zagorodnyj, H. Korhonen and U. Luosto: COMPILING DSS PROFILES IN THE SOUTHEAST OF THE BALTIC SHIELD. Geotectonics, 24:1, 1990, 35-42. (Alkuperäinen venäjänkielinen: SOPOSTAVLENIE PROFILEJ GSZ NA JUGOVOSTOKE BALTIJSKOGO SCITA. Geotektonika, 1/1990, 46-54.


U. Luosto, E.R. Flüh, C.-E. Lund and Working Group: THE CRUSTAL STRUCTURE ALONG THE POLAR PROFILE FROM SEISMIC REFLECTION INVESTIGATIONS. Tectonophysics, 162 (1989), 51-85.

K. Behrens, S. Goldflam, P. Heikkinen, H. Hirschleber, G. Lindqvist and C.-E. Lund: REFLECTION SEISMIC MEASUREMENTS ACROSS THE GRANULITE BELT OF THE POLAR PROFILE IN THE NORTHERN BALTIC SHIELD, NORTHERN FINLAND. Tectonophysics, 162 (1989), 101-111.


A. Kijko and M.A. Sellevoll: ESTIMATION OF EARTHQUAKE HAZARD PARAMETERS FROM INCOMPLETE DATA FILES. Part 1. Utilization of extreme and complete catalogs with different threshold magnitudes. Bull. seism. Soc. Am., 79 (1989), 645-654.

E. Perchuc and H. Korhonen: THE CRUSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE BALTIC SHIELD DERIVED FROM THE K AND DISTRIBUTIONS.Izvestiya, Physics Solid Earth, 25(12), 1989, 1005-1009

B. Gadomska and H. Korhonen: ISOSEISMAL DISTRIBUTION AND FOCAL MECHANISM IN THE BALKAN REGION. Acta geophys. pol., 37:2 (1989), 133-145.


N.V. Kondorskaya, A.A. Nikonov, I.V. Ananyin, H. Korhonen, K. Arhe, D.V. Dolgopolov & H.H. Sildvee: THE OSMUSSAAR, EASTERN BALTIC, EARTHQUAKE. Izvestiya, Physics Solid Earth, 24(5), 1988, 333-339.

G. Kowalle & H. Korhonen: SOME FEATURES OF SEISMICITY OF FENNOSCANDIA. In: Proceedings of the 19. General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, Moscow, October 1-6, 1984. Recent seismological investigations in Europe, Moscow, Nauka, 1988, 52-58.

W-Y. Kim, R. Wahlström & T. Ahjos: SOURCE PARAMETERS OF EARTHQUAKES IN THE BALTIC SHIELD. In: Proceedings of the 19. General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, Moscow, October 1-6, 1984. Recent seismological investigations in Europe, Moscow, Nauka, 1988, 252-254.

N.V. Kondorskaya, A.A. Nikonov, I.V. Ananyin, D.V. Dolgopolov, H. Korhonen, K. Arhe and H.H. Sildvee: OSMUSSAAR EARTHQUAKE IN THE EAST BALTICS OF 1976. In: Proceedings of the 19. General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, Moscow, October 1-6, 1984. Recent seismological investigations in Europe, Moscow, Nauka, 1988, 376-387.

H. Korhonen, U. Luosto, A. Guterch, E. Perchuc, M. Grad & R. Materzok: UPPER CRUST STRUCTURE UNDER THE SVEKA PROFILE IN CENTRAL FINLAND FROM S- AND P-DATA. In: Proceedings of the 19. General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, Moscow, October 1-6, 1984. Recent seismological investigations in Europe, Moscow, Nauka, 1988, 470-480.


C-E. Lund & P. Heikkinen: REFLECTION MEASUREMENTS ALONG THE EGT POLAR-PROFILE, NORTHERN BALTIC SHIELD. Geophys. J. R. astr. Soc., 89(1987), 361-364.

K. Arhe: AN OUTLINE OF SEISMIC VERIFICATION OF UNDERGROUND NUCLEAR TESTS. Teoksessa: Finnish Peace Making, toim: K. Kiljunen, F. Sundman and I. Taipale, Peace Union of Finland, Helsinki, 1987, 365-375.

U. Luosto: POLAR PROFILE: REFRAKTIOLUOTAUKSEN TULOKSIA. Teoksessa: XIII Geofysiikan päivät, Oulussa 14.-15.5.1987, toim. Hannu Kananen, Geofysiikan seura, Oulu, 1987, 81-84.

M.J. Tarvainen: KEVOLLA REKISTERÖIDYN PITKÄPERIODISEN MIKROSEISMIN SYNTYALUEET. Teoksessa: XIII Geofysiikan päivät, Oulussa 14.-15.5.1987, toim. Hannu Kananen, Geofysiikan seura, Oulu, 1987, 73-77.

P. Heikkinen: POLAR-PROFIILIN HEIJASTUSLUOTAUKSEN TULOKSIA. Teoksessa: XIII Geofysiikan päivät, Oulussa 14.-15.5.1987, toim. Hannu Kananen, Geofysiikan seura, Oulu, 1987, 85-88.

H. Korhonen: 60 VUOTTA SEISMOGRAFIHAVAINTOJA SUOMESSA. Teoksessa: XIII Geofysiikan päivät, Oulussa 14.-15.5.1987, toim. Hannu Kananen, Geofysiikan seura, Oulu, 1987, 57-71.



P. Teikari & V. Tobyas: CONSEQUENCES OF TRANSDUCER INDUCTANCE FOR SEISMOGRAPH CALIBRATION. Studia geoph. et geod., 30(1986), 257-267.


H. Korhonen, U. Luosto, I.P. Kosminskaya, S.M. Zverev, N.V. Sharov, C.-E. Lund,V-M. Ilmola, E. Lanne, A. Tuppurainen & A.N. Foursov: MEZDUNARODNYE PROFILI GSZ "FENNOLORA" I "BALTIK" V SKANDINAVII (The DSS international profiles "Fennolora" and "Baltic" in Scandinavia). Julkaisussa Izucenie glubinnogo stroenija vostocnoj casti Baltijskogo scita i prilegajuscih akvatorij sejsmiceskimi metodami. Apatity, Akademija nauk SSSR, Kol'jskij filial, Geologiceskij institut, 1986, 38-55.




V-M. Ilmola, H. Korhonen & U. Luosto: EGT - SEISMISET SYVÄLUOTAUKSET. Teoksessa: XXI Geofysiikan päivät, Helsingissä 14.-15.5.1985, toim. P. Alenius & H. Nevanlinna, Geofysiikan seura, Helsinki, 1985, 67-71.

M. Tarvainen: MIKROSEISMIN SUUNTA-ANALYYSITULOKSIA KEVOLLA. Teoksessa: XXI Geofysiikan päivät, Helsingissä 14.-15.5.1985, toim. P. Alenius & H. Nevanlinna, Geofysiikan seura, Helsinki, 1985, 55-58.

U. Luosto: SEISMISIÄ SYVÄLUOTAUSTUTKIMUKSIA SVEKA- JA BALTICLINJOILLA. Teoksessa: XXI Geofysiikan päivät, Helsingissä 14.-15.5.1985, toim. P. Alenius & H. Nevanlinna, Geofysiikan seura, Helsinki, 1985, 59-64.

A. Kijko & T. Ahjos: SEISMIC HAZARD IN FINLAND: EVALUATION OF Mmax. Geophysica, 21(1), 1985, 39-50.


A. Guterch, R. Materzok, E. Perchuc, M. Grad, U. Luosto, E. Lanne & H. Korhonen: DETAILED STUDIES OF THE CRUSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE BALTIC SHIELD IN FINLAND BY DSS METHOD. Publs Inst. Geophys. Pol. Acad. Sc., A-16, 1985, 3-12.


T. Ahjos, J. Saari, E. Penttilä and H. Korhonen: EARTHQUAKES AND SEISMIC HAZARD IN FINLAND. Engineering Geology, 20, 1984, 1-12.

U. Luosto, E. Lanne, H. Korhonen, A. Guterch, M. Grad, R. Materzok and E. Perchuc: DEEP STRUCTURE OF THE EARTH'S CRUST ON THE SVEKA PROFILE IN CENTRAL FINLAND. Annls Geophys., 2(5), 1984, 559-570.

R. Wahlström and T. Ahjos: MAGNITUDE DETERMINATION OF EARTHQUAKES IN THE BALTIC SHIELD. Annls Geophys., 2(5), 1984, 553-558.

P. Saastamoinen and M. Tarvainen: ALGORITHMS FOR RAYLEIGH AND LOVE WAVE DISPERSION COMPUTATIONS. Geophysica, 20(2), 1984, 157-205.

U. Luosto: AN INTERPRETATION OF DATA SET I. In: Workshop proceedings : Interpretation of seismic wave propagation in laterally heterogeneous structures, compiled by D.M. Finlayson & J. Ansorge. Interpretations of data sets I and III presented at a workshop of the IASPEI, Commission on Controlled Source Seismology at Einsiedeln, Switzerland, 7-12 August, 1983. Report 258, Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology & Geophysics, Canberra, 1984, 61-65.

U. Luosto: RECENT DSS PROFILES IN FINLAND. In: Proceedings of the First Workshop on the European Geotraverse (EGT), the Northern Segment, ed. by D.A. Galson & St. Mueller, 1984, 105-108.


T. Ahjos: SUOMEN MAANJÄRISTYKSET JA SEISMINEN RISKI. Teoksessa: XI Geofysiikan päivät, Oulussa 10.- 11.5.1983, toim. H. Kananen ja J. Yliniemi, Geofysiikan seura, 35-42.

K.K. Kahma & H. Korhonen: COMPOSITION OF MICROSEISMS AND SEA WAVES RECORDED ON THE SOUTHERN COAST OF FINLAND. Teoksessa: 6th Report IASPEI Comm. Microseisms, XVIII General Assembly (IUGG) Hamburg 15-27 August, 1983, 81-101.

H. Korhonen: SEISMISIÄ GEOTRAVERSSITUTKIMUKSIA SUOMESSA. Teoksessa: XI Geofysiikan päivät, Oulussa 10.- 11.5.1983, toim. H. Kananen ja J. Yliniemi, Geofysiikan seura, 43-47.

H. Korhonen: SEISMIC STUDIES ON GEOTRAVERSES IN FINLAND. Geol. För. Stockh. Förh., 105, 1983, 375-376.

H. Korhonen, I.P. Kosminskaya & U. Luosto: DEEP SEISMIC SOUNDINGS ON GEOTRAVERSES ON THE BALTIC SHIELD. In: The development of the deep geoelectric model of the Baltic Shield, Proceedings of the 1st project symposium, Oulu, 15-18.11.1983, ed. S.-E. Hjelt. Department of Geophysics, University of Oulu, Report no. 8, 1983, 347-354.

U. Luosto, E. Lanne, H. Korhonen, A. Guterch, M. Grad, R. Materzok, J. Pajchel, E. Perchuc and J. Yliniemi: RESULTS OF THE DEEP SEISMIC SOUNDING OF THE EARTH'S CRUST ON THE PROFILE SVEKA. In: XVIII General Assembly of the European Seismolog- ical Commission, Leeds, August 23rd-27th, 1982, vol. 2. Potsdam, 1983, 265-273.


J. Yliniemi ja U. Luosto: SEISMISIÄ SYVÄTUTKIMUKSIA LINJALLA KEMI-KAJAANI. Teoksessa: XI Geofysiikan päivät, Oulussa 10.- 11.5.1983, toim. H. Kananen ja J. Yliniemi, Geofysiikan seura, 49-53.


T. Ahjos, H. Korhonen and J. Saari: SOME ASPECTS OF THE SEISMICITY IN THE NORTH ANATOLIAN FAULT ZONE. Teoksessa: Proc. of the International Symposium on Earthquake Prediction in the North Anatolian Fault Zone held in Istanbul, March 31-April 5, 1980. Multidisciplinary approach to earthquake prediction, toim. A. Mete Isikara and Andreas Vogel, Friedr. Vieweg & Sohn, Braunschweig/Wiesba- den, 1982, 185-191.



H. Korhonen, E. Penttilä, T. Ahjos and J. Saari: EARTHQUAKES IN FINLAND DURING THE LAST HUNDRED YEARS. Teoksessa: Proc. of the 17th Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, Budapest 1980. Akademiai Kiado, Budapest, 1982, 127-132.

U. Luosto, S.M. Zverev, I.P. Kosminskaya and H. Korhonen: OBSERVATIONS OF FENNOLORA SHOTS ON ADDITIONAL LINES IN FINNISH LAPLAND. In: Proc. of the 17th Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, Budapest 1980. Akademiai Kiado, Budapest, 1982, 517-521.


T. Ahjos: BALTIAN KILVEN MAANJÄRISTYSTEN MAKROSEISMISET PARAMETRIT. Teoksessa: X Geofysiikan päivät, Helsingissä 23.- 24.4.1981, toim. M. Leppäranta, Geofysiikan seura, Helsinki, 133-137.

H. Korhonen and M.T. Porkka: THE STRUCTURE OF THE BALTIC SHIELD REGION ON THE BASIS OF DSS AND EARTHQUAKE DATA. Pure appl. Geophys., 119, 1981, 1093-1099.

K. Saviaro: SAMBIAN SEISMISYYS VUOSINA 1966-1979. Teoksessa: X Geofysiikan päivät, Helsingissä 23.- 24.4.1981, toim. M. Leppäranta, Geofysiikan seura, Helsinki, 139- 144.

E. Lanne: VASTAKKAISAIKARELAATIO KAKSIULOTTEISESSA REFRAKTIOLUOTAUKSESSA. Teoksessa: X Geofysiikan päivät, Helsingissä 23.- 24.4.1981, toim. M. Leppäranta, Geofysiikan seura, Helsinki, 147-152.

J. Yliniemi ja U. Luosto: KAIVOSRÄJÄYTYSTEN KÄYTTÖ SYVÄSEISMISESSÄ LUOTAUKSESSA. Teoksessa: X Geofysiikan päivät, Helsingissä 23.- 24.4.1981, toim. M. Leppäranta, Geofysiikan seura, Helsinki, 153-156.


H. Bungum, S. Pirhonen and E.S. Husebye: CRUSTAL THICKNESSES IN FENNOSCANDIA. Geophys. J. R. astr. Soc., 63(3), 1980, 759-774.


H. Korhonen: ACTIVITY REPORT 1976-1978 OF THE [ESC] SUBCOMMISSION ON MICROSEISMS AND SEISMIC NOISE. In: Proceedings of the XVI General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, Strasbourg, August 29-September 5, 1978, Symposia of Subcommissions. Publs Inst. Geophys., Pol. Acad. Sci., A-9, 1980, 171-173.

H. Korhonen, U. Luosto and J. Yliniemi: MICROSEISMIC STORMS IN DECEMBER 1975 AT THE FINNISH SEISMOGRAPH stations. In: Proceedings of the XVI General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, Strasbourg, August 29- September 5, 1978, Symposia of Subcommissions. Publs Inst. Geophys., Pol. Acad. Sci., A-9, 1980, 183-189.

S. Tienari and H. Korhonen: STATISTICAL ASPECTS IN THE CLASSIFICATION OF STORM MICROSEISMS. In: Proceedings of the XVI General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, Strasbourg, August 29-September 5, 1978, Symposia of Subcommissions. Publs Inst. Geophys., Pol. Acad. Sci., A-9, 1980, 191-207

T. Ahjos: SUOMEN MAANJÄRISTYSTEN MAKROSEISMISTEN PARAMETRIEN MÄÄRÄÄMISESTÄ. Teoksessa: IX Geofysiikan päivät, Oulussa 16.-17.5.1979, toim. J. Yliniemi, Geofysiikan seura, 1980, 75-88.

U. Luosto: NUMEERISESTI REKISTERÖIVÄN SEISMOGRAFIN VASTEKÄYRÄN MÄÄRÄÄMISESTÄ. Teoksessa: IX Geofysiikan päivät, Oulussa 16.-17.5.1979, toim. J. Yliniemi, Geofysiikan seura, 1980, 89-94.


S.E.Pirhonen, S. Nurminen, U. Luosto and H. Korhonen: THE FINNISH SEISMIC ARRAY. Physics Earth Planet. Interiors, 18(2), 1979, 121-126.

I. Noponen, P. Heikkinen and S. Mehrotra: APPLICABILITY OF SEISMIC REFLECTION SOUNDING IN REGIONS OF PRECAMBRIAN GEOLOGY. Geoexploration, 17(1), 1979, 1-9.


V. Tobyas and P. Teikari: CONTROL OF ELECTROMAGNETIC SEISMOGRAPH SENSITIVITY. Geophysica, 15(1), 1978, 77-100.


H. Korhonen and E. Penttilä: SEISMISESTÄ TUTKIMUKSESTA LAATOKAN PERÄMEREN VYÖHYKKEELLÄ. Julkaisussa: Laatokan-Perämeren malmivyöhyke (symposio 16.02.1978), 1978, Vuorimiesyhdistys Bergsmannafregen ry, Espoo, 59-69

H. Korhonen, U. Luosto and P. Teikari: MAANJÄRISTYSTEN LEVINNEISYYS, SYYT JA VOIMAKKUUDEN MÄÄRÄÄMINEN. Rakenteiden mekaniikka, 11(2), 1978, 1-12.


H. Korhonen: MAANJÄRISTYSHAVAINNOISTA KUUSAMOSSA 1970-76. Acta Univ. Oul. A 68(4), 1978, 25-32.

E. Vesanen and R. Teisseyre: SYMMETRY AND ASYMMETRY IN GEODYNAMICS. Geophysica, 15(2), 1978, 147-170.


S.E. Pirhonen and U. Luosto: SPECTRAL OBSERVATIONS ON ARTIFICIAL SEISMIC NOISE IN SOUTHERN FINLAND. Publs Inst. Geophys., Pol. Acad. Sci., A-5, 1977, 35-44.

U. Luosto: KAUKOJÄRISTYSTEN MAGNITUDIN MÄÄRÄÄMINEN NURMIJÄRVEN Z20 SEISMOGRAFIN P-AALLOISTA. Julkaisussa: VIII Geofysiikan päivät, Helsingissä 10.-11.3.1977, toim. J. Helminen, Geofysiikan seura, Helsinki, 53-59.

I. Noponen, P. Heikkinen and S. Mehrotra: SEISMISEN HEIJASTUSLUOTAUKSEN KÄYTTÖMAHDOLLISUUKSISTA PERUSKALLIOALUEELLA. Julkaisussa: VIII Geofysiikan päivät, Helsingissä 10.-11.3.1977, toim. J. Helminen, Geofysiikan seura, Helsinki, 197-206.

S.E. Pirhonen: JYVÄSKYLÄN MONIPISTEASEMAN VERTAILEVA KOHINATUTKIMUS. Julkaisussa: VIII Geofysiikan päivät, Helsingissä 10.-11.3.1977, toim. J. Helminen, Geofysiikan seura, Helsinki, 61-65.


E. Vesanen, M.L. Mäki, R. Teisseyre, B. Gadomska and H. Tuominen: A NOTE ON SOME FEATURES OF GLOBAL SEISMICITY AND GLOBAL DISTRIBUTION OF TECTONIC FRACTURES. Tectonophysics, 34(1/2), 1976, T17-T22.

H. Korhonen and S.E. Pirhonen: LONGPERIOD STORM MICROSEISMS FROM THE NORTH ATLANTIC. Acta Univ. Ouluensis, A 43, 1976, 35-50.