Applying to study at the general upper secondary school of the Viikki Teacher Training School

Our general upper secondary school, a community of individuals, is a small and traditional institution that provides high-quality instruction and the opportunity to lay a solid groundwork for further studies. At our school, which stands for sustainable development, everyone has the right to be themselves.

Operated by the University of Helsinki, the Viikki Teacher Training School has roughly 250 general upper secondary school students. The school puts emphasis on broad-based general education and the utilisation of new technical solutions in studying. The school has a certificate in sustainable development and the Vihreä lippu (Eco-Schools) eco-label. At the general upper secondary school, students have the opportunity to complete university studies, a final examination in speech communication and several general upper secondary education diplomas. Every year, we produce a musical at the general upper secondary school. Our school’s spirit of community and an atmosphere that values students support them in their studies. The same building also houses a comprehensive school. As a school operated by the University, we also have a mission to train teachers. In relation to this, we investigate, experiment with and develop novel methods of learning and teaching, practices, and learning materials. Our class sizes are smaller than average.

The facilities of our modern school are functional and comfortable. The classrooms are grouped into subject-specific areas, which means that students have several common rooms at their disposal in the large school building. The school offers a number of applied and advanced courses, particularly in arts and crafts, such as visual arts, music, physical education, home economics and crafts. Our language programme is also diverse. University studies are available in, among other subjects, biology, physics, history, chemistry, geography, mathematics and information technology. The school has a wide range of student body and tutor activities, as well as those related to sustainable development, and various musical and performing arts productions. The school boasts an appropriate and safe learning environment. The classrooms are equipped with up-to-date technical solutions in terms of, among other things, teaching tools, ventilation and lighting.

Grade point average limits

In spring 2021, the grade point average limit for admission was 9.28 (9.25 in spring 2020, 9.23 in spring 2019 and 9.58 in spring 2018).

Extensive language options

A languages: English, French, Swedish, German; B1 languages: Swedish; B2 languages: Spanish, French, German, Russian; B3 languages: Spanish, French, German

General upper secondary education diplomas

Home economics, visual arts, crafts, physical education, music, dance

Cooperation with higher education institutions

Our most important partner is the University of Helsinki, where general upper secondary school students can complete certain courses during their general upper secondary education. With regard to this, general upper secondary school students can also take, among other things, a laboratory course in genetic engineering on Viikki Campus or participate in international projects, including at the European Organization for Nuclear Research CERN. We also implement international courses in social studies together with the Economy and Youth TAT organisation.

DELF language diplomas

Our school is an official DELF examination centre.

• Official international diplomas of the French Ministry of Education

• All levels A1–B2

• Diplomas valid indefinitely

The examinations are suited to anyone who needs a diploma on their language skills for their profession or studies. One or more diplomas can be obtained at a time in the order desired by the candidate, and in one or more countries without time restrictions. Success in the top proficiency levels also constitutes a route to further studies in France.

A PASCH school

The Viikki Teacher Training School has a twin school, Gymnasium Schloss Neuhaus, in Paderborn, Germany. We are also known as a PASCH (Schools: Partners for the Future) school and a partner school of the Goethe Institute. This means that our students of German are supported and motivated in their language studies in many ways. Various competitions and projects relating to German studies are organised for pupils and students.

Teachers too are provided continuing education and the opportunity to network with other PASCH colleagues around the world, with up-to-date teaching materials provided to the school.

Students and teachers also have the opportunity to obtain scholarships for language courses organised in Germany by the Goethe Institute. 

In addition, the Goethe Institute supports networking among teachers and students of twin schools as well as student exchange with German schools.

At our school, pupils and students can obtain language certificates at different levels of proficiency awarded by the Goethe Institute, which measure their German language skills according to the proficiency levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. 

You can apply for education that begins in August in the joint application procedure in the spring. The same form is used for applying for vocational education and training, and for general upper secondary school education.

  • The application period is in February and March.
  • The same application form can be used to apply for no more than five different options.
  • The results will be announced in June.
  • Educational institutions will organise additional application rounds for the remaining available student places, whenever applicable.