Research cooperation

The Swedish School of Social Science engages in extensive research cooperation with the University of Helsinki as well as national and international partners.
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Within the University of Helsinki, the School is involved in the Helsinki Inequality Initiative (INEQ) and the Helsinki Institute for Social Sciences and Humanities (HSSH). INEQ brings together researchers from several University of Helsinki faculties around issues of inequality. HSSH is a pioneer in extensive research in the human sciences and promotes a new culture of multidisciplinary research both in Finland and abroad.

The Swedish School of Social Science engages in extensive research and education cooperation with the authorities and organisations outside the academic world. The School cooperates closely with other universities and higher education institutions in Finland and the Nordic countries.

Researchers and teachers participate actively in various international research programmes, networks and projects. The Nordic frame of reference plays a key role in both teaching and research. The School has concluded agreements with distinguished visiting researchers and professors representing research fields that strengthen the School’s profile areas.

The Nordic frame of reference plays a key role in both teaching and research.