The Learning Centre

The primary task of the Learning Centre is to support and serve the teachers, researchers and students of the Swedish School of Social Science and University of Helsinki. The Learning Centre is also open to the public.

The Learning Centre houses approximately 20 reading desks, which can be used to read the books, periodicals and other material available at the Learning Centre or to work on one’s own material or laptop computer. You must have a University of Helsinki username to use the six public computers at the Learning Centre. There are six computers available for University students and staff.

The latest Bachelor’s theses completed at the School can be accessed via the thesis kiosk at the Learning Centre.

Further information on the services of the Learning Centre for staff of the Swedish School of Social Science is available on Flamma.


The collections of the Learning Centre are primarily intended to be used only at the Learning Centre. If staff are available, you can borrow some material for use inside the School during the day. Reading room copies are available for weekend, Christmas or summer loans when the Learning Centre is closed. The Learning Centre’s reading room copies can be checked out between noon and 14.00 on Friday, and they must be returned before 10.00 on Monday. There is a late fee of €5.

To borrow books you must have a Helka library card.  

In­ter­lib­rary loans

The Learning Centre does not provide interlibrary loans to other libraries.

The Learning Centre can arrange loans from other libraries for students and staff of the Swedish School of Social Science. More information is available on Flamma.

Terms of use

The Helsinki University Library’s Terms of Use also apply to the Learning Centre, but there are additional terms (in Swedish) that apply to the Learning Centre alone.


The Helsinki University Library price list applies to late fees at the Learning Centre.

With the exception of Bachelor’s theses completed at the Swedish School of Social Science, all Learning Centre collections are registered in the Helka system, but they are intended for use only at the Learning Centre. The collections include:

  • Reading room copies of textbooks which are available for weekend loans.
  • Reference material and law books
  • Dailies
  • A selection of Swedish-language and other Nordic periodicals published in Finland
  • Bachelor's theses

Read­ing room cop­ies of text­books

Reading room copies of most textbooks (marked with red tape on the spine) are available. In the Helka system, they are indicated by the signum Sk Läsesal. These copies are intended for reference use only in the Learning Centre, but they can also be borrowed and used elsewhere at the Swedish School of Social Science, or taken out on a weekend loan. The books have alarms so that they cannot be taken out of the Learning Centre without checking them out. If no staff are present, you can read the books at the Learning Centre.

Reserve a reading room copy

To ensure that a particular reading room copy will be available, you can reserve one in advance.   Reserve a book by writing your name with the desired date and time on the list at the back of the book you wish to read. You can reserve a book for a maximum of three hours at a time.

Please note that you can only reserve a book once on the list. If there is more than one reading room copy of the title, you can only reserve the book once per title and book. To cancel your reservation, cross your name off the list.

Bach­el­or's theses

The latest Bachelor’s theses completed at the Swedish School of Social Science can be accessed via the thesis kiosk at the Learning Centre. The theses are registered in the E-Thesis database but are not freely available online. Information about Bachelor’s theses completed between 1987 and 2016 are stored in a separate database, which as of autumn 2024 no longer works. Older theses (Bachelor’s essays) can be found in the card catalogue.

Bachelor’s theses from 2011– August 2016 are available as print copies on the shelves of the Learning Centre. Older theses are in the Learning Centre's storage facility. Ask the staff for access to the theses in storage. Theses are not available for home loan.

Learning Centre of the Swedish School of Social Science

Snellmansgatan 12 (PO Box 16)
00014 University of Helsinki
Tel. +358 2941 28407  

Information specialist
Maria Villbacka-Henriksson
Tel. +358 2941 28404   

Monday - Thursday: 8 – 20, Friday: 8 – 18

Staff are reliably available on Mondays 9 – 11 am and Fridays 12 – 14 pm. 

Any exceptions to these hours will be announced at the Learning Centre. If staff is not on-site and you have questions please contact us by e-mail.