LISMUS - Literacy and Science in multicultural schools

LISMUS is a research project that started in 2018 and studies the use of language and communication in science related education in culturally diverse schools.

The goal of this project is new knowledge about children’s learning in various learning environments. The focus is on the role of language and communication in shaping belonging and a profound understanding of the world.

By linking theoretical and analytical frameworks from both language education and science education, we create new insights about the learner’s sensitivities and understanding. Simultaneously, we study the communication and interaction in multilingual settings. The empirical studies have hitherto taken place in primary schools in Finland and Sweden. These studies include observation in classrooms and other learning contexts, interviews and discussions with teachers and pupils, and analyses of various learning materials.

Project team

Senior university lecturer, docent Lili-Ann Wolff, University of Helsinki, Faculty of Educational Sciences

Post doc Sari Vuorenpää, Stockholm University, Department of Language Education

Planned activities

The project will be expanded to include also school research in Spain.


Lili-Ann Wolff visited Stockholm University in March 2018

Sari Vuorenpää visited University of Helsinki in April and May 2018

Cooperation and funding

LISMUS is a cooperation between the University of Helsinki and Stockholm University. The project is financed 2018 by strategic funds from Stockholm University. Wolff has also received mobility funding through the Nordic Centre of Excellent Justice through Education. The project is ongoing. LISMUS cooperates with several similar projects in Sweden and Finland.

Contact information

Lili-Ann Wolff:

Sari Vuorenpää: