Software engineering research focuses on principles, processes and tools for designing, maintaining, testing, and managing software systems. The research in software engineering aims at improving the quality and efficiency of software. The role of software engineering is essential in most areas of business and society, and a high level of software engineering knowledge and expertise is needed for success. With this background, the Doctoral pilot in Software Engineering improves doctoral education in software engineering, aligns it with real-world industry needs, and promotes deeper academic-industry collaboration.
The pilot consortium consists of all nine universities that offer doctoral education in software engineering in Finland and creates a national environment for high-quality academic work with industrial relevance.
The consortium of the Doctoral Pilot in Software Engineering consists of all software engineering (SE) research groups in Finland. In the pilot, the consortium will form an active community of doctoral researchers, supervisors and industrial partners. SE supervisors and SE thesis topics must be at the core of the pilot. Supervisory teams should include personnel with a clear SE publication record, and theses completed in the pilot must clearly be about SE and include results that can be published in high-level SE forums.
To be accepted into the pilot, prospective doctoral researchers must select a main supervisor from the “core SE” supervisor pool. It is also possible to select secondary supervisor(s) that cover a multi-disciplinary topic.
Petri Kettunen - Software Engineering
Tomi Männistö - Empirical Software Engineering
Mika Mäntylä - Software Anomaly Detection
Jukka K Nurminen - Engineering of advanced software
Antti-Pekka Tuovinen - Software Engineering
Kjell Lemström - music visualisation software
Jiaheng Lu - Database system, Quantum Algorithms and Software Engineering
Matti Nelimarkka - social data science
Petteri Nurmi - IoT systems engineering, AI for wearable systems