Circular Materials Bioeconomy Network: From Bio-based Resources to Advanced Materials

Here you can find the list of potential supervisors in CIMANET who have registered to the doctoral pilot. If you're interested in applying for a position in the thematic field of CIMANET, you should contact a possible supervisor from this list as soon as possible.

Circular Materials Bioeconomy Network (CIMANET) is an interdisciplinary doctoral education network to support the renewal of the bio-based industry through new sustainable materials and processes. CIMANET is part of the doctoral education pilot program established by Finland’s Ministry of Education and Culture, providing scientific and technological competences to promote sustainable growth. It strengthens the knowledge base required to enhance the Finnish forest and bio-based industry with novel solutions unveiling the full potential of biomass. CIMANET consists of nine universities: Aalto University, Hanken School of Economics, LUT University, Tampere University, University of Helsinki, University of Jyväskylä, University of Oulu, University of Turku, and Åbo Akademi University.

CIMANET operates in close collaboration with the industry, research organizations, as well as other stakeholders to create economic and societal impact by addressing the major challenges of our century: resource sufficiency, access to clean water, and climate change. CIMANET starts in 2024 and provides altogether 67 doctoral researchers funding for three years. Check out all the open positions at the CIMANET pilot website.

At University of Helsinki, we are looking for 4 doctoral researchers for 3-year doctoral positions to work on the following themes:

Department of Forest Sciences:

  • End user and acceptability perspective in circular forest bioeconomy: cases new wood-based construction materials and medical applications
  • Future competitiveness in circular forest bioeconomy: policy and strategy perspective

Department of Chemistry:

  • Bio-based composites via spectroscopic tools and molecular level architecture
  • Bio-based composites via reactive extraction with Ionic Liquids

Suitable candidates have a background in:

  • Forestry or Business and Management is suitable for two topics affiliated.
  • Organic or polymer chemistry, or chemistry focused chemical engineering background is preferred for composite research.

If you're interested in applying for a doctoral researcher position in the thematic field of CIMANET, but you don't have a supervisor yet, please click the link below.

Department of Chemistry
Professor Timo Leskinen

Department of Forest Sciences
Professor Anne Toppinen and Professor Ritva Toivonen