
Teacher Education Forum consists of members that are appointed by universities, universities of applied sciences, training schools and stakeholders. The activities are coordinated by a Coordination section that consists of the president, vice presidents, chairpersons of the subsections, and academic coordinators of the forum. The working committee of the Forum consists of representatives of stakeholders. The Forum also has an international delegation.
Coordination section
President Auli Toom

The president of the Teacher Education Forum during the term 2024–2027 is professor Auli Toom. Professor Toom is the vice-dean in charge of research in the Faculty of Educational Sciences at the University of Helsinki. She is also the director of the Centre for University Teaching and Learning.

Academic coordinators

Katri Kleemola, PhD, and Tiina Lindfors, Master of Arts (Education), are the academic coordinators of the Forum. 

Please contact Dr. Kleemola or Ms Lindfors via e-mail in relation to activities of the Teacher Education Forum. 

Vice presidents
Chairpersons of the subsections
  • Anu Kröger, title of docent (University of Turku): Section 1, Interest and staying power through foresight and student admissions
  • professor Kirsi Pyhältö (University of Helsinki): Section 2, Teachers’ competence development is research-based and continuous 
  • professor Tomi Jaakkola (University of Tampere): Section 3, Robust teacher education and continuous teacher learning by means of cooperation and networks
  • professor Laura Hirsto (University of Eastern Finland): Section 4, Skillful management to help educational institutions become learning and evolving communities
Working committee

In the working committee there are representatives from Association of Finnish Municipalities, association of principals (Suomen rehtorit), association of training schools (Harre), Finnish National Agency for Education, LUMA Center Finland, Ministry of Education and Culture, Regional State Administrative Agency, Teacher Student Union of Finland SOOL, and Trade Union of Education in Finland OAJ.

International delegation

The members of the international delegation are professor Viv Ellis (Monash University, Australia) and professor A. Lin Goodwin (Boston College, USA).