Classification Scheme - Other Collections

The classification scheme for Other Collections in the Main Library

Textbooks – all city center subjects together:

  • 3. krs Kurssikirjat = 3rd floor text books
  • 3. krs Kurssikirjat, lyhytlainat = 3rd floor text books, short term loans
  • 2. krs Kurssikirjat, ei-lainattavat = 2nd floor text books (reference only)

Dictionaries, more can be found in the language collections (reference only):

  • K3 Kielet Sanakirjat = basement floor K3, dictionaries for home loan
  • 2. krs Sanakirjat, ei lainattavat = 2nd floor, dictionaries (reference only)

Other study related literature:

  • 3. krs Menetelmäkirjallisuus = 3rd floor Methodology literature
  • 3. krs Opiskelun tukiaineistot = 3rd floor Study support material
  • K4 Tietosanakirjat = reference books, encyclopedias (reference only)

Journals, newspapers (reference only):

  • 3. krs Sanomalehdet ja yleisaikakauslehdet = 3rd floor Daily newspapers, magazines
  • Journals: the newest issues of selected journals (last and this years) 7th floor
  • K4 Lehdet = basement floor K4 Journals


  • K4 Sarjat = basement floor K4 Serials (map): Archeology, Asian and African studies, Development studies, Educational sciences, Folklore studies, History, Linguistics 
  • Philosophy: 6th floor (map)
  • Social sciences: basement floor K3 (map)
  • Theology: 6th floor (map)


  • In closed stacks in K4 (do a call slip request in Helka) or electronically (either open access or local use).