Reporting, research impact and publication metrics

The library enhances impact of research and reporting and offers services relating to publication metrics.
Research Portal

The Research Portal introduces researchers and research at the University of Helsinki. The portal includes researchers, teachers and other experts, research infrastructures as well as research groups and communities. International research cooperation can be viewed in the map and network view. Researchers maintain their own data in the Tuhat research information system

Contact info:

Some of the data is collected from the centrally maintained databases of the University of Helsinki. The national research portal contains information on publications of Finnish universities and university hospitals from 2011, and the publications of universities of applied sciences starting from 2012.

OR­CID re­searcher iden­ti­fier

ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is an international author identifier which identifies individual researchers and links research output to its authors. The University of Helsinki requires its researchers to use the ORCID identifiers and the library provides support and guidance for using the identifier.

The researcher's data will only be transferred from the University of Helsinki's research information system to the portal if the ORCID identifier is used and the researcher has given consent to the data transfer and has published his/her data on the portal.

Pub­lic­a­tion ana­lyses

Units, research groups and individual researchers may request publication analyses from the library's metrics team. These can involve citation analyses, benchmarking or visualisations. Analyses are also conducted for research administration, for example, in conjunction with annual reporting or research assessment.

Research impact

The library offers research impact services for the University community, providing information on the online distribution, reception and use of publications. The library provides support and guidance in using the following services: Kudos  and Altmetric Explorer.

Guides for meas­ur­ing research im­pact

The library’s guide on metrics provides information on measuring publication activity – the role of measurement(s), the interpretation of data, the impact of various channels of publication, the available evaluation tools and the most common citation databases. In addition to this, the guide offers instructions for evaluating research impact independently.