Make a donation to the social sciences

The Faculty of Social Sciences studies social phenomena and educates critical thinkers. For more than 75 years, the Faculty’s international, world-class research has made a major impact on the fabric of Finnish society, now and in the future.

Donated assets are extremely important to the Faculty. They enable research and education related to the phenomena of a changing world even before the impact of such phenomena is really felt. The Helsinki Graduate School of Economics, disability research and practically oriented teaching in communication have recently received considerable support from donated funds.

How to donate

Donate easily using an online form.

You can also donate by making a bank transfer.

Account number: Nordea: IBAN = FI15 1660 3001 0767 70, BIC = NDEAFIHH

Recipient: University of Helsinki Funds

Message: Name of the intended fund or project, name and contact information of the donor 

For donations of €850 or more, please complete a deed of donation as well.

Read more about donating on the University’s website.

Donations have a significant impact on the Faculty
Read more about the impactful efforts of our endowed professorships

By endowing a professorship, you help support the pioneering nature of an important research field or the creation of an entirely new one. Thank you, our donors and collaboration partners!