Alumni activities

The University of Helsinki defines its alumni as all graduates, current and former staff, and exchange students.

At the Faculty of Science, we have an active alumni community that is connected to many areas of Finnish society and organisations around the world.
Participate in faculty activities as alumni

As an alumni of the Faculty of Science, you can join the university’s free Helsinki Alumni community. There are currently over 57,000 members, including over 7 700 from the Faculty of Science. 

By joining our free Helsinki Alumni community, you can take part in a wide range of opportunities to expand your network, learn new skills and share your experiences with others. 

Every year the Faculty organises activities which bring together alumni of different ages to connect with and learn from each other. As a member of the free Helsinki Alumni community, you will receive our faculty alumni newsletter which is sent twice a year. Through our newsletter, we will keep you up to date with the latest research, news and events from the faculty and share opportunities for you to get involved in. 

There are also many ways for you to give back and support our students and the faculty’s mission. For example, by mentoring our current students, offering a traineeship or commissioning a master’s thesis. 

Some of our well-known alumni

Bengt Holmström, a Finnish economist and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Economics, studied mathematics at the University of Helsinki.

A.I.Virtanen received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1945.

Lars Ahlfors figures among the world’s foremost mathematicians of the 20th century.

Linus Torvalds studied at the University of Helsinki and is the most famous Finn in the field of computing.

Get involved in the Helsinki Alumni community
Contact us

Do you have a question or ideas about our alumni activities? Would you like to suggest a collaboration? 

Our alumni team would love to hear from you!