Stem Cells and Metabolism Research Program (STEMM)

Stem Cells and Metabolism Research Program (STEMM) brings together eleven research groups and four associated clinical researchers interested in cellular metabolism as a driving force in tissue homeostasis, cellular differentiation and degenerative diseases.

Many of the groups take advantage of the possibilities of stem cell and genome editing technologies to understand molecular disease mechanisms in order to develop innovative treatments. Close ties to pediatric and neurology clinics enable efficient use of our research findings for diagnosis, patient care and counselling.

STEMM Research Program's website

Program director

Anu Wartiovaara
Mitochondrial Medicine
Biomedicum Helsinki 1

PO Box 63, 00014 University of Helsinki
Tel. +358 9 471 71965

  • Nahid Khan
  • Rubén Torregrosa Munumer
  • Pirjo Isohanni 
  • Risto Lapatto 
  • Niklas Pakkasjärvi
  • Emil Ylikallio 
Key Pub­lic­a­tions from STEMM