Interdisciplinary studies in the transmed programme

The Master’s Programme in Translational Medicine (TRANSMED) combines basic skills in life sciences and natural sciences with biomedicine and research skills relevant to clinical medicine. The programme bridges the gap between basic research and patient care.

Students of varying educational backgrounds constitute a strength of the teaching provided in the Master’s Programme in Translational Medicine.

A range of groupwork options provide the opportunity for peer learning, as biologists can learn from bioinformation specialists and pharmacists from psychologists. Interaction skills are developed further, as learning is described to fellow students representing different fields of science.

During studies, students meet with researchers, patients and clinical specialists, as well as practise writing, including scientific and popular science texts.

Knowledge and skills honed in teams

Information acquisition and problem-solving skills are practised in courses utilising team-based learning. Students familiarise themselves in advance with the learning material, after which they apply their learning in the teaching situation by solving problems in small groups. When solving the problems, the groups also have at their disposal any information available online. Finally, students advance their learning by discussing the solutions of all groups under the direction of the teacher.

At the end of their studies, students draw up a research plan for a research idea of their own, defending it orally in the presence of an expert. Many believe that this is an opportunity to show the full spectrum of their learning up to that point.

Watch a video introducing the programme.

Tiina Immonen, university lecturer

director of the Master’s Programme in Translational Medicine (TRANSMED)