Digital solutions support interaction and learning in studying logopedics

Logopedics is a multidisciplinary field, which is also evidenced in related teaching based on research. Students familiarise themselves with standard and non-standard speech, language and interaction as well as vocal control and swallowing throughout the life cycle.

Our students are motivated and interested in integrating the latest research-based knowledge into practical work already at the early stages of their studies. In fact, this is a viewpoint emphasised in our teaching. As a degree programme, we develop the constructive alignment of teaching with a long-term and future-oriented approach.

Learning takes place through interaction, which is why encounters and dialogue are important tools of learning. Consequently, engaging students in teaching by utilising, for example, discussion and flipped learning is not only rewarding but also promotes learning. And contrary to assumptions, digital solutions may increase the depth of such encounters. When lectures are viewed in advance in video format, the time shared can be spent on discussion and content review, which advances learning. Expert videos and tutorials created in the digital leap project of the Master’s Programme in Logopedics expand the potential of such instruction.

Training organised by the University of Helsinki’s digital leap network and the Centre for University Teaching and Learning is useful, and such offerings are often directly adopted for active use to benefit students. The opportunity to receive expert assistance for considering pedagogical solutions at the Faculty of Medicine is a valuable asset. Information on novel teaching methods can also be found on social media, particularly on Twitter. The sky is the limit!

Satu Saalasti, university lecturer

Department of Psychology and Logopedics