Applying for the title of docent

The holders of the title of docent have a thorough knowledge of their field, good teaching skills and the ability to conduct independent scholarly work. The title of docent is typically applied for at the second (end of the postdoctoral stage) or third level of the four-level hierarchy of teaching and research positions.

Aca­demic qual­i­fic­a­tions

According to Section 89 of the Universities Decree (Decree No. 558/2009), a title of docent may be conferred on an applicant who has ample expertise in his or her own field and who has proven his or her ability for independent scientific work with a list of publications or other research work.

On 29 September 1998 the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Arts supplemented the qualification requirements for docentships as follows: “A further requirement for a docentship is scientific publications in the field of the docentship, the academic standard and scope of which must be equal to at least two doctoral dissertations approved with the grade of good.”

According to the Section 52 of the Regulations of the University of Helsinki, the Faculty Council can consider starting the process for appointment to a title of docent on the basis of the appointments relevance to the functions of the faculty or discipline.

The Faculty Council will appoint a minimum of two assessors to evaluate the applicant’s academic competence in a written statement, unless, for special reasons, the statements are considered unnecessary.

Teach­ing qual­i­fic­a­tions

Docents are required to have good teaching skills (Section 89 of Decree No. 558/2009 on Universities). When assessing the teaching skills of the applicant, attention will be paid to pedagogical training, previous experience in teaching, the ability to develop teaching materials, any other teaching qualifications, and teaching skills as demonstrated in lectures. The applicant must give a demonstration of his or her teaching skills in a public lecture, unless the demonstration is, for special reasons, considered unnecessary.

Language re­quire­ments

The language requirement for the title of docentis the same as for all teaching and research posts at the University (Chancellor's decision 18.2.2010.) Foreign citizens or non-native Finnish citizens may be appointed without having proved their competence in the Finnish and Swedish languages.

The rights and ob­lig­a­tions of do­cents

If the docent so agrees, he or she may be appointed to carry out duties related to the teaching and research of his or her field. (The Head of the Department makes these decisions.)

According to Chancellor’s decision, (HY/977/01.08.03/2020) consideration of the field of the docentship must be based on section 52, subsection 2 of the Regulations, according to which the title of docent can be granted if it is appropriate for the operations of the faculty or discipline. The field of the docentship should be closely connected to the operations of the faculty or discipline, and it is often appropriate that the field follows the organization of disciplines established at the faculty.

From 1.1.2024, the Faculty of Arts will grant  the titles of docents in the fields listed below. Applications submitted before 1.1.2024 and any pending applications will be completed according to the fields defined in the previous applications.

The fields of the docentship at the Faculty of Arts from 1.1.2024 onwards


African and Middle Eastern languages

African Studies

Ancient Near East Studies


Art History

Asian languages

Asian studies

Baltic philology

Cognitive Science

Comparative literature

Digital humanities

Eastern European Studies

English philology

Estonian language and culture


Film and television studies

Finnish language

Finnish language and culture

Finnish Literature

Finno-Ugric linguistics

Folklore studies

French language and culture

Gender studies

General linguistics

Germanic philology

Greek language and literature


Hungarian language and culture

Indigenous Studies

Interactional linguistics

Italian philology

Latin American Studies

Latin language and Roman literature


Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies



Non-fiction studies

Nordic languages

Nordic literature

Nordic Studies

North American Studies



Portuguese philology

Romani language and culture

Russian and Eurasian Studies

Russian language and literature

Sami Studies

Slavic philology

Spanish philology

Study of European cultures and regions

Study of religions

Theatre studies

Translation Studies

In addition, the Faculty Council may, for specific reasons, propose to the Chancellor the docentship in another field, if it considers this necessary and if the definition and name of the field has been previously negotiated with the Faculty.

Also, it is possible to combine two disciplines in the field of the docentship, if the applicant fulfils the requirements for such a docentship. (Decision of the chancellor 1672/07/2004)


You can apply for the title of docent at the university's recruitment system twice a year. Application periods are 1–31 January and 1–31 August.

Next application period is 1–31 January, 2025.

External applicants apply by logging into the recruitment system via the Apply link, first by creating an account.

Applicants with user account and either a valid employment contract, grant researcher contract, visiting researcher or visiting professor contract at the University of Helsinki apply via the Employee login link.

Applications can be submitted only during the application period. Please be prepared for a long application process: it takes usually about one year from submitting the application to granting the title of docent.

Before submitting an application for a title of docent, the candidate has to discuss the adequacy of published works and the field (title) with the professor representing the field closest to the planned title. If the field of the title of docent is new (the Faculty has had no previous docents in the field in question) the application must be accompanied by a statement of the professor of the relevant discipline giving grounds for the establishment of such a docentship.

According to the Section 52 of the Regulations of the University of Helsinki, the Faculty Council can consider starting the process for appointment to a title of docent on the basis of the appointments relevance to the functions of the faculty or subject.

The docent committee can decide not to recommend the approval of the application to the Faculty Council, independent of the stance of the discipline, if it considers the application not relevant to the functions of the faculty or subject. The final decision on starting the process will be made by the Faculty Council.

Written applications should be addressed to the Faculty of Arts. Only electronic applications are accepted. Application documents must be clearly named (e.g., lastname_firstname_cv.pdf).

Applications must clearly state the field of the docentship (the title) and give the applicant’s address and other contact details (home address, email address, phone number, Finnish identity number or date of birth) and motivation (why you apply the title of docent at the University of Helsinki). The names of the supervisors of the PhD thesis are also needed; supervisors cannot be named as assessors.

The application should be accompanied by the following:

  • Curriculum Vitae (if asked, the applicant has to be able to show documentation of all the merits referred to in the Curriculum Vitae.)
  • a list of publications that follows the classification of the University of Helsinki TUHAT Publications Database (see separate instructions). Please mark the publications that are sent to the assessors. The applicant must specify their own contribution to joint publications in the publication list or in a separate statement.
  • certificates of language competence (unless language skills are contained in a completed degree at the University of Helsinki)
  • a copy of the passport (information page) or the ID card
  • a copy of the diploma of the PhD degree (date of graduation, field) if not completed at the University of Helsinki
  • a report of teaching qualifications (use only this form for the report, other documents are not accepted)
  • In addition to this, the applicant has to submit the publications on the basis of which the applicant wishes that the assessors will assess his/her academic qualifications. Max. 10 publications can be submitted. Doctoral thesis must be one of the submitted publications. Name the files clearly (e.g. lastname_firstname_publication1.pdf).

The Docent Committee of the Faculty discusses the applications and acts as an assessment committee to assess the teaching qualifications.

The Docent Committee appoints two assessors to provide a statement on the applicant’s academic qualifications after the head of the discipline has submitted a proposal for the nomination of the assessors. The applicant’s doctoral dissertation supervisor cannot be appointed as an assessor, and both assessors must be from outside the Faculty (preferably outside the University of Helsinki). A time limit of 6 weeks will be set for the assessors’ statements.

To assess the applicant’s teaching qualifications, the docent committee will appoint an assessment committee, which will arrange for the applicant to give a lecture and will draw up a statement on the applicant’s teaching qualifications (see Assessment of the teaching qualifications of applicants for docentships below).

The Faculty Council will decide whether the applicant has the academic qualifications, teaching skills and language competence required for a title of docent, and if so, will make a proposal to the Chancellor for a nomination.

According to Section 52 of the Regulations of the University of Helsinki, the faculty council will submit to the Chancellor a proposal of appointment to the title of docent, provided that the faculty council has found the applicant to fulfil the qualification requirements specified in Section 89 of the Universities Decree.

The Chancellor decides about appointments to the title of docent.

The docent committee acts as a teaching assessment committee for the applicants of the title of docent. Teaching skills are assessed in accordance with the Faculty's general instructions on the evaluation of teaching skills.

The applicant chooses the topic of the demonstration lecture. The length of the demonstration is 30 minutes. Teaching demonstrations are public events.

An applicant can give a maximum of two demonstration lectures. Should the applicant's teaching skills be considered inadequate for the applied title of docent, the applicant must give a written account on what has been done to improve the teaching skills before being able to apply again.

Defin­i­tion of qual­i­fic­a­tions

According to Section 89 of the Universities Decree (Decree No. 558/2009), the title of docent (honorary title) may be conferred on an applicant who has ample expertise in his or her own field and who has proven his or her ability for independent scientific work with a list of publications or other research work.

On 29 September 1998, the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Arts supplemented the qualification requirements for docentships as follows: “A further requirement for a docentship is scientific publications in the field of the docentship, the academic standard and scope of which must be equal to at least two doctoral dissertations approved with the grade of good.”

The Faculty Council will appoint a minimum of two assessors to evaluate the applicant’s academic competence in a written statement, unless, for special reasons, such statements are considered unnecessary.

Con­tent of the as­sessor’s state­ment

When assessing the academic qualifications of an applicant for the title of docent, the assessors are expected to take into account the above-mentioned Decree and Faculty Council decision. The assessor may concentrate on the applicant’s most important publications and provide only a brief assessment of the applicant’s other works. The assessor is expected to explicitly state either that the applicant has the academic qualifications required for the title of docent or that the applicant has not the required academic qualifications. The recommended length of the assessor’s statement is from three to five pages. The statement should be written in Finnish, Swedish, or English. As the applicant’s list of publications will be distributed to the Faculty Council with the assessors' statements, the assessors need not enclose this list with their statement.

According to the regulations of the University of Helsinki, the time limit set for the assessors’ statements may not exceed three months, unless extenuating circumstances require otherwise.


The assessor’s fee of 250 € will be paid once the assessor’s statement has been received.