The Doctoral Programme in Clinical Veterinary Medicine (CVM or DPCVM) is defined and shaped by three closely related and interconnected research areas: animal welfare, translational and clinical veterinary medicine. The most prominent aim of the CVM is to encourage the doctoral candidates to mature into ethically conscious, professional researchers and specialists who are genuinely multidisciplinary, critical, and innovative. In addition, the doctoral candidates become well incorporated into research networks and have workable international contacts at the time of graduation.
Doctoral candidates in the Doctoral programme in Clinical Veterinary Medicine CVM may complete the following degrees: Doctor of Food Sciences, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Science (Agriculture and Forestry).
CVM’s responsible faculty is the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, and its partner faculty is the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry. Please, check which degree is available in the chosen faculty with your background studies. Both the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry have more specific instructions about its degrees.
There are more than 60 supervisors and co supervisors who guide the scientific work.
Doctoral education in CVM includes national and international courses, congresses and work visits outside own working place. CVM has wide network of experts representing several fields in clinical veterinary medicine in the Universities, institutions, national organisations and industry. In addition, doctoral candidates’ own activities (Student council) and peer support helps in networking. Research expertise, other skills and career planning are followed in annual thesis committee meetings where outside scientific experts support the progress of doctoral candidates.
All doctors graduated from CVM are employed in expert positions in various fields in translational and clinical veterinary medicine in addition to animal welfare posts in academic, authority, clinical teacher, in clinical practice and industry as well as being independent entrepreneurs.
A doctoral degree in the programme comprises of a doctoral thesis and 30 credits of additional studies, including 10 credits of transferable skills training and 20 credits of scientific content studies. The studies are divided into discipline-specific studies (20 credits), aimed to support your research project, and transferable skills training (10 credits).
Studies are completed flexibly on courses and through means other than traditional coursework: conference presentations, scientific and popular articles etc.
Want to know more? Visit our study planning instructions for current doctoral students at the university's Instructions for Students.
Courses in research ethics and transferable skills are offered throughout the academic year by the Doctoral School in Health Sciences.
The date and time when registration for a particular course opens in Sisu is given in the course announcement. Once the call is opened a deadline for registrations is given. Usually the call for applications opens approximately one month and closes approximately two weeks before the course starts. These are only guidelines – always check the deadlines for the course you are interested in! Please follow your email and the doctoral programme bulletin to stay up-to-date on courses.
Please see in more detail in the degree structure file below (short and long versions).
Follow this link to find the current degree structure of CVM:
CVM degree structure and course descriptions the instructions for students (choose CVM in the drop-down menu)
PhD candidates have many opportunities to participate in planning activities and influence on decision-making in doctoral education.
Further information on student council activities is available in the Instructions for students on the article Doctoral students and student organisation activities, and on other organization activities in the Instructions for students on the article Doctoral students as student representatives.
Read more about The University of Helsinki PhD Students organisation (HYVÄT)
More information on CVM Autumn Seminar 2024 will updated here later on.
FinBioNet - Finnish Doctoral Programme Network in Life Sciences (FinBioNet) is a national network of doctoral training in biosciences and health sciences. Its purpose is to promote research training cooperation and to coordinate research courses (FinBioNet course calendar).
CSC - IT-center for sciences
NOVA network - The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry are members of the NOVA (The Nordic Forestry, Veterinary and Agricultural University Network). Students of members faculties may participate on NOVA courses free of charge (travel and accommodation not included).
NorDoc - Nordic Doctoral Training in Health Sciences network provides doctoral training courses in health offered by the NorDoc partner organisations in Nordic countries.
CAReNet - Clinical Animal Research Network is a Nordic network of researchers and animal health care professionals with particular interest in research. The aim of the network is to strengthen and develop veterinary clinical research. CAReNet activities are open to all interested, regardless of organizational affiliation.