Employment as a doctoral researcher

The next application period for salaried positions is 27.8.-9.9.2024.

Other ways of funding a PhD project is a salary paid by the supervisor or a personal grant from a private foundation applied by the doctoral candidate him/herself. Doctoral candidates may also fund their studies themselves or pursue their degree in tandem with work.
Salaried position call 2024

The next application period for university-funded doctoral researcher positions is 27.8.-9.9.2024. in the University’s Open Positions -website. Please find the instructions on the Instruction for Students -website (select CVM in the drop-down menu).

De­cision on salaried po­s­i­tions 2023

CVM received altogether 21 applications. Applicants who had not previously received a salaried position from CVM were evaluated by two external evaluators. Applicant who were applying for a continuation of their previous salaried positions were evaluated by the CVM board. Decisions were made based on the evaluations, and conflicts of interest were taken into account.


Funding was awarded to (in alphabetical order):

1. Continuation of previous salaried positions

Sanna Aarnio, 1 year (supervisor Thomas Grönthal)

Kristina Ahlqvist, 2 years (supervisor Mari Heinonen)

Vilja Hukkinen, 2 years (supervisor Anna Valros)

Saara Junttila, 2 years (supervisor Katriina Tiira)

Emilia König, 1 year (supervisor Mari Heinonen)

Aino Pietikäinen, 2 years (supervisor Peter Kawczel)


2. New salaried doctoral researchers

Petra Kangas, 2 years (supervisor Tarja Pääkkönen)

Tuomo Kähkönen, 2 years (supervisor Heli Simojoki)

Sara Mikkonen, 4 years (supervisor Hannes Lohi)

Reeta Nurminen, 4 years, One Health position (supervisor Annamari Heikinheimo)

Elina Rautala, 1 year (supervisor Anna-Mariam Kiviranta)

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