Take part in the promotion of sustainability

The University of Helsinki invites members of the University community and its stakeholders to contribute to developing an increasingly sustainable and responsible University. Join us on a journey to make the University of Helsinki a leader in sustainability and responsibility.
Sparkle – University community's sustainability and responsibility ideas

The University of Helsinki wants to create a community-owned culture of sustainability that is visible in the everyday life of our University and accelerates the achievement of our sustainability goals. The University carried out a call inviting any members of the University community to apply for funding for their sustainability and responsibility ideas, known as Sparkles.  

The Sparkles to receive funding reflect a broad spectrum of topics related to sustainability and responsibility and they will be implemented during 2024: 

  • The Sparkle proposals to receive funding reflect a broad spectrum of topics related to sustainability and responsibility, and they will be implemented during 2024: 

  • Space for growth – From a greenhouse to a space for sustainability and art education  

  • Together, we unveil the Viikki Campus Biodiversity, community well-being and sustainability  

  • Campus Forest Garden  

  • Recycling nutrients through planter boxes. A composting project of the Kampusviljely ry association  

  • Increasing the responsibility of kitchen operations at faculty of biological and environmental sciences research stations. Developing such operations into a leading example in responsibility  

  • Food Futures Sustainable Dining — App Now in Finnish!  

  • Animated video on Ethical guidelines for responsible academic partnerships with the Global South  

  • Student-oriented practices in support of inclusion and career paths in university studies  

  • A sustainable material cycle in the botanic gardens – A brainstorming seminar on creative opportunities  

  • An animated video on the energy-efficient use of fume hoods  

  • Helsinki Planetary Health Hub – the health sector as an agent of change in the promotion of planetary health  

  • Nature-based serenity solutions 

Sustainability and responsibility network of the University of Helsinki

The sustainability and responsibility network of the University of Helsinki promotes the transition towards an increasingly sustainable University and society. The network provides a place for learning, networking and influencing related to sustainability and responsibility. 

We invite students, employees and alumni of the University of Helsinki to join sustainability-themed events and be part of a dynamic community. No advance knowledge of sustainability and responsibility is required. Instead, an inquisitive mindset and interest in building an increasingly sustainable world are enough. The network’s operations stem from its participants, reflecting their attitudes and goals.

The network is open to the whole university community - no membership required.

Activities of the sustainability and responsibility network

The sustainability and responsibility network meets four times a year. The thematic meetings include panel discussions, workshops, excursions and information on the University’s sustainability and responsibility efforts.

The network operates throughout the academic year in the network’s own Teams area. Please contact the network's coordinator, Elina Tanninen, if you would like to be involved in the network and become part of the network's Teams group.  

Meetings of the sustainability and responsibility network

Incoming meetings

The next meetings will be added in spring 2025.

Past meetings

October 9, 2024 - Network meeting. Theme: Sustainability of the artificial intelligence 

April 25, 2024 - Network meeting. Theme: Sustainability expertise and transformation

March 7, 2024 - Network meeting. Theme: University's current sustainability and responsibility work and the new Sustainability and Responsibility Plan 2025-2028

November 23, 2023 - Network meeting. Theme: Sustainability and Responsibility actions by University community members and also Sparkle

September 19, 2023 - Network meeting. Theme: Sustainability Pecha Kucha

April 19, 2023 - Network meeting. Theme: Climate work and carbon neutrality.

February 28, 2023 - Network meeting. Theme: Responsible encounters in the university community.

December 15, 2022 - Network launch event

Sustainable entrepreneurship and innovation activities

The University's Incubator and Entrepreneurship Services offer easily accessible programmes, courses, and services to support the development, launch, and growth of business ideas. The services are open to all members of the university community who are interested in entrepreneurship.

Thematic pre-incubator and incubator programmes exist on each campus and many of the programmes are related to sustainability solutions.

On-campus gardening on all campuses

On-campus gardening is possible on all University of Helsinki campuses. Gardening opportunities are available to the University’s undergraduate and postgraduate students as well as staff. The inspiration for gardening originates in students, and the first grow bags were placed in the courtyards of the Snellmania and Topelia buildings at the City Centre Campus in 2013. 

Fairtrade University

As a Fairtrade university, we are committed to promoting the use and availability of Fairtrade-certified products in our procurement, as well as increasing the University community’s awareness of Fairtrade and its significance to global production and consumption networks. The University’s Fairtrade team, composed of students and staff, plans and implements the University of Helsinki’s Fairtrade activities, including communications, campaign weeks and thematic days. 

Interested? Please reach out to Elina Tanninen

Get involved in the Student Union

The Student Union of the University of Helsinki (HYY) offers students opportunities to promote sustainability and responsibility. Find out more about HYY's activities, committees and organisations.