Sustainability in education


Global societal and environmental problems require solutions that rely on a number of disciplines and transcend the boundaries between research and decision-making. Themes related to sustainable development are taught at almost all faculties, from the Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences to the Faculty of Arts. 

Since learning belongs to everyone, we provide teaching in sustainability both in short individual courses and in the form of entire degrees. We offer a course on sustainability that is targeted at all students of the University.

Wellbeing and sustainable study skills 

The university offers courses for all students to support sustainable study skills and well-being. 

Well-being and joy in studying in groups (course is in Finnish) 

Towards better well-being and studying course  

Science education inspires children and adolescents to engage in science and research

Science education is an important aspect of the operations of the University of Helsinki.  

The science education content of the Tvärminne Zoological Station is intended for groups of children and adolescents. The content is used to disseminate research-based knowledge from a positive perspective and to engage the wider public in protecting the Baltic Sea. Get to know Tvärminne’s science education offerings  

Open University studies for all

We are one of the world’s leading multidisciplinary research universities and Finland’s largest community of academic inquiry and continuous learning open to everyone. We offer the latest research-based knowledge for your needs as well as those of employers and the wider community to give a broader perspective and prepare for the changes ahead. Our objective is to be an acknowledged, attractive and accessible environment of continuous learning which meets the changing educational needs of society.