
Livsmedels- och näringsvetenskaper – forskningsgrupperna
Livsmedels- och näringsvetenskaper – forskningsgrupperna

Forskningsgrupper som helt eller delvis är verksamma inom avdelningen i alfabetisk ordning.

Den internationella forskningen bedrivs på engelska, så forskningsgruppernas webbplatser är vanligtvis på engelska.


Carbohydrate Chemistry and Enzymology
Group leader: Maija Tenkanen



Family nutrition and wellbeing
Group leader: Maijaliisa Erkkola
Our research group has a special research focus on diet and nutritional status of vulnerable populations; children, families, and low socioeconomic status subgroups. We design and initiate interventions for sustainable health promotion, seek to find solutions to enhance the transition from the current to more sustainable food system, and develop research and food education methods.


Food Materials Science
Group leader: Kirsi Mikkonen
We characterize and valorize polysaccharides, especially those obtained as side streams from various bioprocesses, in food and food contact materials. We are interested in understanding the behaviour of polysaccharides in dispersed systems: their emulsifying properties and capacity to inhibit lipid...


Food Quality & Safety
Group leader: Marina Heinonen
The research focuses in investigating the effect of proteins on both the oxidative and physical stability of food. The expert work encompasses also safety assessment of novel foods. 


Food quality and safety: lipids, vitamins and other bioactive compounds
Group leader: Vieno Piironen
We investigate food components and reactions affecting nutritional and sensory quality and safety of foods. The focus lies on bioactive compounds, enhancement of nutritional quality (esp. B12) by bioprocessing, lipids and their reactions, utilization of micro algae and antinutrients in legumes.



Grain Technology
Group leader: Kati Katina
Grain technology groups researches and teaches the physical and chemical properties of the cereal grains and grain legumes to develop industrial grain uses and processes. Our aim is to help create high quality and healthy foods for the world's growing population. Current research is focused on beta-glucan and other cereal fibres, cereal proteins, faba bean and bioprocessing of grain-based raw materials.



Meat Science and Technology
Group leader: Per Ertbjerg
The Meat Science and Technology group investigates reactions that affects the physical and chemical properties and eating quality of meat and meat and meat products. The research is focused on meat proteins, their oxidation, denaturation and proteolytic degradation during storage and processing.


Molecular Dairy Microbiology
The group studies bacteria adapted to various food environments. We aim in translating molecular level knowledge into development of science-based and sustainable bioprocesses for value-added healthy foods and into improved control strategies of harmful bacteria in food production chain.


Molecular Nutrition
Group leader: Anne-Maria Pa­jari
In Pajari Lab we study how diets, nutrients and phytochemicals exert their effects on gut metabolism and health, thereby preventing chronic diseases.



PREVIEW — PREVention of diabetes through lifestyle Intervention and population studies in Europe and around the World
The primary goal of PREVIEW is to identify the most efficient lifestyle pattern for the prevention of type-2 diabetes in a population of pre-diabetic overweight/obese individuals.



Senses and Food
Group leader: Mari Sandell
Senses and food team is fascinated by the interaction between human behaviour and sensory food perception. Our research is focused on 1) multisensory perception including senses of smell, taste, sight, touch and hearing, 2) the relationship between individual differences in sensory perception and food consumption, 3) sensory based food education both for children and adults. Team members are working at the University of Helsinki and at the University of Turku.