The person performing the university's teaching and research position is required to master the language in which he or she must provide teaching.
In universities where a degree can be completed in both Finnish and Swedish, the person performing the teaching and research position is also required to have at least satisfactory oral and written skills in Finnish and Swedish. The University may grant exemption from these language proficiency requirements as laid down in the Code of Conduct.
These requirements cover all Swedish-language positions.
When the language of instruction is Swedish, the language proficiency recommended for successfully attending to the duties of the position corresponds with level C2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. At the faculty’s discretion, level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages may be accepted as a minimum Swedish language proficiency requirement.
During the application process, language proficiency is demonstrated with documents, an interview and a teaching demonstration. If needed, applicants may be requested to provide further clarification of their language proficiency.
Instead of or alongside a certificate, Swedish language proficiency can also be demonstrated in other ways. In assessing applicants, language proficiency will be taken into account both when assessing applicants’ qualifications for appointment to the position in question and their mutual ranking.
In practice, teaching and research tasks require good English language skills.
A curriculum vitae (CV) is an overview of an individual’s studies, professional career, academic merits and other achievements. The aim of the template is to provide guidelines for the writer of a CV so that the individual’s merits are presented as comprehensively, truthfully and comparably as possible. We ask applicants use the cv model created by The Finnish National Board on Research Integrity (TENK).
Published works and works accepted for publication are listed according to Ministry of Education and Culture. See the national classification for publications (by default in Finnish; you can change the language from the top right corner of the website).
For each publication, give a complete literature reference, indicating the authors and the title of the article or publication as well as the publisher. Please number the list of publications and clearly indicate the five most important publications for the position / research plan.
At the University of Helsinki, teaching skills are assessed when recruiting teaching and research staff, as well as when applying for the title of docent. Teaching skills are assessed as a whole, taking into account
The assessment encompasses both the teaching merits and qualifications described on the electronic form provided for this purpose and the public demonstration of teaching skills. A five-step scale, in which the grade ‘good’ represents the intermediate level (Regulations on Degrees and the Protection of Students’ Rights, section 37), is used for the assessment. The assessment of teaching skills is governed by the Regulations of the University of Helsinki and by a rector’s decision (HY/8046/ on the practices for the assessment of teaching skills at the University of Helsinki.
In accordance with the Regulations and the rector’s decision, the minimum requirements for teaching skills vary between positions. This will be taken into account when assessing teaching skills and their sufficiency in relation to the position to be filled.
As part of an application process, applicants will be asked to complete an electronic form outlining their teaching qualifications and merits in specific areas. As the assessment of these qualifications and merits is based on the responses given on the form, please answer each question carefully. And acquaint yourself with the evaluation matrix before filling out the e-form.
The overall assessment of teaching qualifications and merits focuses on the following areas:
The requirements of each assessment criteria are described in the evaluation matrix. Each of the assessment criteria will be graded according to the matrix. The overall grade for teaching skills is not necessarily the mathematical average of the assessed areas; rather, different areas may compensate for each other or be emphasised to varying degrees in relation to the position in question and its requirements.
The demonstration of teaching skills is open to the public. The duration of the actual demonstration is 20 minutes. Before the teaching demonstration, the applicant can briefly describe (max. 5 minutes) the target group, learning outcomes and context. After the teaching demonstration, the teaching skills committee and the audience may pose questions for up to 10 minutes. The teaching demonstration is attended by the teaching skills committee, members of the appointment committee and, potentially, other audience members.
At the demonstration, the applicant should teach as in a genuine teaching situation. The demonstration may also include ‘meta-speech’ about how the applicant would implement a section in a real teaching situation. The applicant is expected to interact with the audience as if they were students in the target group.
In the case of a recruitment process, the topic, target audience and language of the demonstration of teaching skills will be announced to the applicant in advance. In contrast, those applying for the title of docent can choose their own topic. Applicants must submit a short syllabus (max. 2 pages) to the HR specialist.
Prepare a 20-minute demonstration of teaching skills related to the course introduced in the syllabus. The teaching should be carried out in a manner that corresponds to the applicant’s understanding of good teaching. During the demonstration, the applicant can use teaching equipment as they see fit. The teaching room has the usual educational technology equipment.
The assessment of the teaching demonstration (see the assessment matrix below) focuses on the following areas:
We comply with the principles of equality, non-discrimination and inclusion. Inclusion means accommodating all, as a matter of course, so that everyone can participate equally in any activity. An accessible environment does not differentiate between people based on their ability to move and function. Enabling equal participation requires, among other things, accessibility. In an accessible environment, everyone can function equally well, regardless of factors relating to eyesight, hearing, mobility, age or other personal characteristics.
For more information on accessibility in our buildings, see the City of Helsinki Service Map:
You can ask more about accessibility at the University of Helsinki by contacting the Accessibility Officer: