A doctoral degree in the programme comprises of a doctoral thesis and 40 credits of doctoral studies. The studies are divided into discipline-specific and transferable skills.
We also organise research seminars, where you get to present your own work, receive feedback and get to know your fellow doctoral researchers.
Courses in research ethics and transferable skills are offered throughout the academic year by the Doctoral School in Environmental, Food and Biologiacal Sciences (YEB).
MBDP offers the opportunity to complete the in depth MBDP thematic courses by attending MOOCs.
You may include a MOOC in your degree if you find a suitable course. In order to get the credits, you must obtain a course certificate. To obtain the certificate, you usually need to pay a fee. MBDP supports its doctoral researchers’ participation in field-specific MOOCs with approximately 50 Euro.
The financial support can be applied using this online application form. Before applying, please discuss with your supervisor about the course you are planning to take, to make sure it fits your study plan. The planning officer Mia will review the application and decide on the funding. You should first pay the course certificate fee yourself and MBDP will then reimburse the cost to you.
Here is a collection of links for you where you can find interesting courses that can be included in your degree.
MOOC courses at the university of Helsinki
ClassCentral MOOCs
If you have any questions about the funding, please contact the planning officer by emailing to mbdp-office(a)helsinki.fi.
Fridays at 9.15
24 January, at Biocenter 2, room 2012
Sirja Viitamäki (Department of Microbiology, University of Helsinki): Seasonal differences in microbial community activity in oroarctic tundra soil
7 February, at Biocenter 2, room 2012
Ann-Kathrin Dörr (Institute for Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, University Hospital Essen, Germany): When is a change a change: identifying significant events in microbial communities
14 March, at Biocenter 2, room 2012
Katariina Pärnänen (Department of Computing, University of Turku, Finland): Antibiotic resistance in human gut metagenomes on population and global scales
24 April, at Biocenter 3, room 2402
Suvi Kuivanen (Molecular & Integrative Biosciences Research Programme, University of Helsinki): Zoonotic potential of shrew-borne viruses
Organiser: Marko Virta, marko.virta(at)helsinki.fi
10 attendances = 1 ECTS, own presentation = 1 ECTS
Maximum Microbiology Seminar credits = 3 ECTS
Thursdays at 14:15
Organisers: Ilona Rissanen, e-mail: mbdp-office(at)helsinki.fi
10 attendances = 1 ECTS, own presentation = 1 ECTS
Maximum Virus Club credits = 3 ECTS
To demonstrate their attendance, students are requested to write a short summary (5-10 sentences) of the talks in each of the sessions they chose to attend, and to submit these using Virus Club's Moodle page (course key for self-enrolment is: 2021VC).
MBDP annual meeting takes place every year during spring. The event consists of inspiring speakers and relaxed get-together. The annual meeting aims to gather MBDP students, supervisors and board members to meet in relaxed atmosphere once a year. Annual meeting participants are rewarded with one study credit.
The programme also organises annually First manuscript writing course. The course gives guidance on the academic writing process and enables during the course to write all the sections of a scientific manuscript. Participants will receive critical assessment by the course teacher and peers.
MBDP doctoral programme organises several courses in bioinformatics e.g. Bacterial genomes and Metagenomics. We prioritise MBDP members, but others are welcome to join if we have free seats available. You can find more information on bioinformatic courses here.
Events taking place at the Viikki campus are listed in this calendar (however, most info is not up-to-date)
Many courses relevant for MBDP doctoral researchers are organised all over the world.
You may find interesting and useful courses among these: