Profile & activities

Want to know what we're all about? On this page, we've gathered information on our research profile and the disciplines involved in the programme. Here, you will also find information on the studies and the type of activities and networks that await if you join the doctoral programme.
Key research areas

The doctoral programme in Gender, Culture and Society (SKY) is a multidisciplinary programme based at the Faculty of Arts in the University of Helsinki, but has links to all five faculties at the University of Helsinki City Centre Campus. The programme welcomes applications with an interest in gender, sexuality and feminist scholarship from all fields and disciplines. The core of the programme is an intensive and high-quality supervision. The programme brings together a large pool of supervisors from the participating faculties who are committed to gender-specific doctoral training within the programme. In addition, regular supervision group meetings and a network of eminent international scholars supporting the programme through visits and seminars guarantee an inspiring environment for doctoral research.

Theoretical and methodological teaching within the programme is mainly provided in English and the programme cooperates closely with Nordic and European gender research schools.

The programme offers its students the most up to date and stimulating research training on gender, culture and society. It understands gender as multidimensional and places strong emphasis on the categories that intersect with it including ethnicity and race, age, class, religion, and sexualities. The current research projects of our doctoral students explore gender and sexuality in both contemporary and historical settings, in people’s everyday lives as well as in film and literature, in digital environments, current legislation, and in scripture texts.

Disciplines represented

The programme promotes the innovative combination of theories and methods from various disciplinary backgrounds. To learn more about the different disciplines brought together by the programme, please visit their websites:

Courses & studying

A doctoral degree in the programme comprises of a doctoral thesis and 30 credits of additional studies. The studies are divided into discipline-specific studies, aimed to support your research project, and transferable skills training.

Most of the studies are completed flexibly through means other than traditional coursework: conference presentations, essays, scientific and popular articles, editing work etc. Want to know more? Visit our study planning instructions for current doctoral students at the university's Instructions for Students.

Regular courses at the programme include discipline-specific research seminars, where you get to present your own work, receive feedback and spur on your fellow doctoral researchers.

Courses in research ethics and transferable skills are offered throughout the academic year by the University of Helsinki Doctoral School.

Events & activities

SKY Meets

SKY MEETs are workshops organized three times a year (in January, May, and October). The participants are asked to prepare a paper that contributes to their dissertation. These and their PhD projects are discussed in small groups together with SKY supervisors and other SKY doctoral students. SKY MEETs are an excellent opportunity for interdisciplinary discussion and networking for both supervisors and PhD students.

Prepare for Postdoc

Once a year, the doctoral programme organizes this event intended to provide useful advice to SKY doctoral students, who are planning a research career. The event primarily addresses SKY PhD students approaching the end of their doctoral studies, but it is open to all SKY doctoral students considering an academic career regardless of the stage of their doctoral dissertations.

SKY Writing Group

The SKY Writing Group is a weekly gathering dedicated to improve and reflect on the writing process of a PhD dissertation as well as to facilitate the participants to write one chapter of their thesis during the period.

SKY Advanced Research Seminar

The SKY Advanced Research Seminar (also known as Christina Research Seminar) is held every two weeks during the Autumn and Spring semesters to bring together researchers from different fields of gender related research. The seminar is open to everyone and it consists of a public talk given by a national or international guest researcher followed by a discussion.

SKY Courses

SKY Courses are organised regularly in different fields of multidisciplinary gender studies. Courses are mainly held in English and are organised both as thematic courses centred on a specific issue or author and as workshop-like courses concentrating primarily on individual PhD projects.

SKY Doctoral thesis projects

Updated 12.2.2024

Arts = A
Educational Sciences = E
Law = L
Social Sciences = S
Theology = T

Alanko, Vilja: Mothers and Daughters: Stories of Feminine Becoming in Early Christian Hagiography. Supervisors: Outi Lehtipuu and Elina Vuola. New Testament Studies, T.

Alin, Ella: Relationships at the Intersection of Gender and Race: Deconstructing Whiteness in Multicultural Finland. Supervisors: Elina Oinas, Eija Ranta and Veronika Honkasalo. Sociology, S. 

Ameen, Suzy: Honour and Ownership – A Study of the Contestations Surrounding Egyptian Women’s Bodies in Private and Public Spheres. Supervisors: Mulki Al-Sharmani, Kuura Irni, and Elina Oinas. Gender Studies, A.

Clark, Stephanie: Otherness ad the construction of masculinities in Anglo-Western migrant men in Finland. Supervisors: Marjut Jyrkinen, Mira Karjalainen. Gender Studies, A.

Eggert, Eija: On the Finns party women's conceptions of equality. Supervisors: Riikka Taavetti, Johanna Rainio-Niemi. Political Science, S.

Gregersen, Sofie Skovfoged: White identities in an egalitarian society: an intersectional study of gender, race and 'colorblindness' in the Nordics. Supervisors: Josephine Hoegaerts, Saara Kekki and Leonardo Da Costa Custodio. Area and Cultural Studies, A.

Haggrén, Heidi: Kollektiivisen edunvalvonnan ja sosiaalisten sitoumusten väliset jännitteet. Sairaanhoitajien järjestäytyminen 1945 -1971. Supervisor: Pauli Kettunen. Political History, S.

Haikonen, Iris: Aikakauslehti maailmankuvan rakentajana. Supervisors: Lotte Tarkka and Satu Apo. Folklore Studies, A.

Harju, Otso: Daughter-Mother relationships and the reproduction of gender and class in urban India. Supervisors: Elina Oinas and Tuija Pulkkinen. Gender Studies, A.

Heinonen, Anna: Intimate Relations in Finnish Communes. Supervisors: Elina Penttinen and Anna Moring. Gender Studies, A.

Hirvonen, Meri-Tuuli: Dancehall Made Me Do It. Supervisors: Päivi Berg and Inga Jasinskaja-Lahti. Social Psychology, S.

Horsmanheimo, Laura: Seksityö nyky-yhteiskunnassa: Rajojen tuottaminen ja rikkominen performatiivisissa prosesseissa. Supervisors: Emilia Palonen, Niina Vuolajärvi. Political Science, S.

Huotari, Edna: Medical Electricity in France and Germany ca. 1740-1840: Shining a Light on Medical Knowledge Construction and the Birth of the Modern Medical Subject. Supervisors: Soile Ylivuori, Johanna Skurnik. History, A.

Huttunen, Katriina: The Ethics and Politics of a Touristic Vaccine Trial: Producing Knowledge and Other. Supervisors: Salla Sariola and Elina Oinas. Sociology, S.

Hyytinen Johanna: Ambigious voices in Kaija Saariaho's opera "Only the Sound remains". Sensing the voice and the body producing the voice. Supervisors: Susanna Välimäki, Milla Tiainen and Laura Wahlfors. Musicology, A.

Joki, Milla-Maria: Caring About Cats. A Feminist and Critical Analysis of Rescuing Cats in Finland. Supervisors: Kuura Irni and Touko Vaahtera. Gender Studies, A.

Jussila, Utu-Tuuli: Extra/Ordinary - the Norms and Utopias in Visual Representations of Non-Binary Genders. Supervisors: Kuura Irni, Julian Honkasalo. Gender Studies, A.

Jämsä, Linnea: Vihapuhe naispoliitikkojen kokemana: Aktiivinen kansalaisuus ja vihapuheen kulttuuriset merkitykset. Supervisors: Pia Olsson, Heidi Härkönen, Tuija Saresma. Ethnology, A.

Kettunen, Paju: Cissexist, ableist, racist and classist background assumptions in science journalism on etiology of homosexuality. Supervisors: Kuura Irni  and Venla Oikkonen. Gender Studies, A. 

Kinnunen, Moona: The Queer Gender of Jesus in the Gospel of John. Supervisors: Martti Nissinen, Ismo Dunderberg and Rose-Marie Peake. Biblical Studies, T.

Koivisto, Maija: Tyhjä syli – kuurot naiset, avioliittolaki, pakkoabortoinnit ja -sterilisaatiot Suomessa vuosina 1929–1969. Supervisors: Hisayo Katsui and Julian Honkasalo. Social Policy, S.

Korpijärvi, Anna-Leena: Chinese Womanhood beyond Dragon Ladies and China Dolls. Supervisors: Outi Hakola and Tiina Airaksinen. Area and Cultural Studies, A.

Koskinen, Pekka: Vammaisjärjestöihin institutionalisoitunut aktivismi: erot, identiteetti ja ääni. Supervisors: Reetta Mietola and Marjut Jyrkinen. Gender Studies, A.

Kujanpää, Emmi: Transnational European Contemporary Folk Singing: Activist Agency and Experiences of Gender. Supervisors: Lotte Tarkka, Kati Kallio and Milla Tiainen. Folklore Studies, A.

Lappalainen, Topi: Verklighetsbilder – mimesis, intertextualitet, och alienation i Henrika Ringboms författarskap. Supervisor: Hadle Andersen. Scandinavian Literature, A.

Linnamäki, Katinka: Production and Reproduction – A Feminist Analysis of the Populist Discourse and its Historical Context in Hungary and Austria. Supervisors: Emilia Palonen, Anne Holli and Katja Kahlina. Political Science, S.

Löf, Riku: Maskuliinisuudet ympäristökriisin Suomessa - tapaustutkimuksena Elokapina ja kansalaiskeskustelu sen ympärilla. Supervisors: Anu Korhonen, Outi Hakola. Cultural Studies, A.

Lönnroth-Olin, Marja: Young Muslim masculinities – An intersectional approach. Supervisors: Inga Jasinskaja-Lahti and Satu Venäläinen. Social Psychology, S.

Malm, Karla: Jihadistista tyttövoimaa? Radikalisoituminen, toimijuus ja poliittinen väkivalta osana nuorten naisten elämänkulkua. Supervisors: Hanna Kuusi, Leena Malkki and Marja Vuorinen. Political History, S.

Markkanen, Kristiina: Gender-based violence in the lives of survivors of human trafficking from Nigeria. Supervisors: Reetta Toivanen, Faith Mkwesha. Gender Studies, A.

Mela, Kia Marianne: Poliisin lähisuhdeväkivallan määrittely, tunnistaminen sekä puuttumisen mahdollistavat rakenteet ja kompetenssit. Supervisors: Elina Penttinen, Marjut Jyrkinen and Marita Husso. Gender Studies, A.

Mäki, Kirsi: Feminismien poliittinen historia 1930- ja 1940-luvun Suomessa. Supervisors: Pauli Kettunen and Marianne Liljeström. Political History, S.

Nasser El-Dine, Soraja: Negotiating the New Normal: Gender and the Normalization of Cosmetic Surgery in Lebanon. Supervisors: Susanne Dahlgren and Tuija Pulkkinen. Gender Studies, A.

Niinisalo, Tommi: Discourses of Queer Teachers: Variation in Language Use and Interactive Styles as Socially Meaningful Phenomena. Supervisors: Liisa Tainio, Elizabeth Peterson. Education, E.

Oertel, Noora Talvikki: Being touched through Dance Practices during Times of Infectious Diseases in the Finnish Indepenent Society. Interpretations and Perceptions from the 1918 Flu Pandemic over the Peak of HIV/AIDS Infections to the Digital Age of COVID-19. Supervisors: Kirsi Saarikangas, Leena-Maija Rossi and Tara Mehrabi. Art History, A.

Ostrovljanovic, Marjukka: Give her a Voice! Victims of Violence - a Reading of Judges 19. Supervisors: Martti Nissinen, Outi Lehtipuu and Elina Vuola. Biblical Studies, T.

Paajanen, Annukka: Geenipankit ja lajien asema antroposeenin aikakaudella. Supervisors: Elina Penttinen, Sanna Karhu and Kuura Irni. Gender Studies, A.

Paavilainen, Aleksi: Varhaiskasvatus ekokriisin aikakaudella: ekofeministinen etnografia ympäristötietoisessa varhaiskasvatuksessa. Supervisors: Kuura Irni, Sanna Karhu and Sirpa Lappalainen. Gender Studies, A.

Pöllänen, Katri: Gender and Emotional Abuse at Work – Tolerance of Gendered Violence. Supervisors: Marjut Jyrkinen, Elina Penttinen and Raminta Pucetaite. Gender Studies, A.

Rantala, Marjo: Judging Sex. Interpretations of sex/gender in non-discrimination law. Supervisors: Johanna Niemi and  Panu Minkkinen. Gender and law, L.

Rautanen-Uunila, Saara: Destination Finland - Integration and Agency of Latin American Women in Finnish Society. Supervisor: Professor Martti Pärssinen. Latin American Studies, A.

Rinta-Pollari, Alma: Maskuliinisuuden representaatioista suomalaisessa rap-musiikissa. Supervisors: Riikka Rossi, Leena-Maija Rossi and Elina Westinen. Literature Studies, A.

Riverin, Maude: Looking at Insanity: Feminist Aesthetics in New French Extremity Cinema. Supervisors: Outi Hakola, Jaakko Seppälä. Film Studies, A.

Ruotsalainen, Nelli: Normatiivisen valkoisuuden haastaminen feministisessä toiminnassa. Supervisors: Suvi Keskinen and Johanna Leinonen. Sociology, S.

Aldrin Salskov, Salla: Acts of Homonationalism: Understanding Racilization in Finnish/Nordic LGBTIQ Politics. Supervisors: Tuija Pulkkinen and Elina Oinas. Gender Studies, A.

Schwanck, Ada: Facing Silence: Witnessing Trauma Fiction. Supervisor: Elina Penttinen, Julian Honkasalo and Hanna Meretoja. Gender Studies, A.

Seling, Hanna: Representations of Female Sexual Desire in Erotic Literature. Supervisors: Elina Penttinen, Eva Maria Korsisaari and Heta Rundgren. Gender Studies, A.

Setälä, Esa: Queer(ing) Finland? Family and Close Relationships of Queers in Finland in the 2020s. Supervisors: Elina Penttinen, Anna Moring, Sanna Karhu. Gender Studies, A.

Sood, Ira: Impact of Organizational Culture on Imposter Phenomenon in women leaders in the ICT sector in Finland. Supervisors: Marjut Jykrinen, Mira Karjalainen. Gender Studies, A.

Sundström, Satu: Global Feminism. Transformation and Transformative Politics. Supervisors: Teivo Teivainen and Marjaana Jauhola. Political Science, S.

Suni, Anna: "Hyvät kollegat, pyytäisin että käyttäytyisitte kuin aikuiset": Nuorten osallistuminen, kuuluminen ja yhteiskunnallinen toimijuus. Supervisors: Reetta Mietola and Reetta Toivanen. Area and Cultural Studies, A.

Tainio, Luca: Trans Bodies, Vulnerability and Resistance. Supervisors: Kuura Irni and Marie-Louise Holm. Gender Studies, A.

Taivaloja, Nita-Helena: Hetero- and mononormativity in consensually non-monogamous ways of forming romantic, emotional and sexual relationships in Finland. Supervisors: Päivi Berg, Satu Venäläinen and Kari Vesala. Social Psychology, S.

Tayenjam, Arvind: Right to health and transgender women: a path torwards a more inclusive Women's Convention. Supervisors: Marianna Muravyeva, Johanna Niemi. Law, L.

Tuomenvirta, Kaarna: Trans healing journeys: narratives and moments. Supervisors: Kuura Irni, Lottamari Kähkönen. Gender Studies, A.

Utkina, Valeriya: Young Women in Public Administration: Gender Discrimination and Career Paths. Supervisors: Marianna Muravyeva, Anna-Liisa Heusala. Gender Studies, A.

Vainio, Mari: Äitiys sosiaalisessa steriloimiskysymyksessä vuosina 1950–1970. Supervisor: Pauli Kettunen. Political History, S.

Viljanen, Vuokko: Redefined Kinship in Queer Communities – The Politics of Judith Butler’s Thought Supervisors: Antu Sorainen and Tuija Pulkkinen. Gender Studies, A.

Virtanen, Ella: Registering every step of the way: body maps and memories as counter-narratives of Central American migrant women's experiences in Mexico. Supervisors: Sarah Green, Heidi Härkönen, Katja Uusihakala. Social and Cultural Anthropology, S.

Weaver, Cai: Gays, Perverts, Degenerates and Democratic Values. The Governance of (Homo)sexuality in Putin’s Russia. Supervisors: Jemima Repo and Sergei Prozorov. Political Science, S.

Weiland-Särmälä, Katja: Pappisperheen elämäntapa 1800-luvun lopusta 1900-luvun alkuun. Supervisor: Juha Siltala. Finnish and Nordic History, A.

Yli-Räisänen, Heli: Female and Queer Desires in the Ancient Near Eastern Literature. Supervisors: Martti Nissinen and Tuija Pulkkinen. Biblical Studies, T.

Zhabenko, Alisa: Russian Lesbian Families and Motherhood form Stalinism to Putinism – an empirical multi-method study. Supervisor: Tuija Pulkkinen. Gender Studies, A.

Zhu, Yanjin: Adolescent Asian Girl Victims' Narratives of Acquaintance Sexual Violence and the Criminal Justice System in Europe. Supervisors: Inga Jasinskaja-Lahti, Satu Venäläinen. Gender Studies, S.


Ali, Ali: Queer in Exile and Exile in Queer. Journeys for Asylum and Belonging across Borders and Norms. Supervisors: Elina Oinas, Magdalena Kmak. Sociology, S. 3.11.2023.

Oroza, Siboné: "When I'm on Stage, I Rule" - Cholita Futurism in Cochabamba, Bolivia. Supervisors: Klisala Harrison, Pirkko Moisala, Eva Korsisaari. Musicology, A. 28.4.2023.


Liisa Tuomi: Poplaulaja mediassa. Popmusiikin naiskuva 2000-luvun alun suomalaisissa sanoma- ja aikakauslehdissä. Supervisors: Susanna Välimäki, Taru Leppänen, Milla Tiainen. Musicology, A. 23.9.2022

Weiland-Särmälä, Katja: Pappisperheen aineeton perintö. Supervisor: Juha Siltala. Finnish and Nordic History, A. 28.5.2022

Salminen, Janne: Gender Narratives of Hollywood Legacy Blockbuster Franchises in the 2010s. Supervisors: Mikko Saikku, Outi Hakola. Area and Cultural Studies, A. 16.5.2022


Joutseno, Astrid: Life Writing from Birth to Death – How M/others Know. Supervisors: Kirsi Saarikangas, Eva Korsisaari, Tuija Saresma. Gender Studies, A. 22.9.2021.

Helosvuori, Elina: Procreative entanglements - Embryos, clinical practices and experiences of childlessness in the age of assisted reproduction. Supervisors: Mianna Meskus, Ilpo Hélen. Sociology, S. 11.9.2021

Svanström, Maria: Speech and Politics in Deliberative Democracy and Sexual Difference Philosophies. Supervisors: Sergei Prozorov and Kristian Klockars. Political Science, S. 7.5.2021

Hyvönen, Henri: The Meaning of Self-care that Increases Occupational Well-Being in Men’s Lives. Supervisors: Marjut Jyrkinen and Jukka Lehtonen. Gender Studies, A. 19.3.2021


Avdeeva, Anna: Natural Parenting in Contemporary Russia: When 'Nature' Meets Kinship. Supervisors: Antu Sorainen and Marianna Muravyeva. Gender Studies, A. 14.8.2020


Kurki, Tuuli: Immigrant-ness as (Mis)fortune? – Immigrantisation through integration policies and practices in education. Supervisors: Kristiina Brunila and Elina Lahelma. Educational Sciences, E. 22.2.2019

Vaahtera, Touko: Toward a Theory of Able-bodied Belonging: Cripping Swimming – Culture, Ableism, and the Re-articulation of Able-Bodiedness. Supervisors: Sirpa Lappalainen, Kristiina Brunila and Minna Uimonen. Educational Sciences, E. 31.5.2019

Kinnunen, Heini: The Public Sphere, Feminism and the Left: the Concept of Public Sphere in Three Feminist Theorists’ Works. Supervisors: Tuija Pulkkinen and Anna Elomäki. Gender Studies, A. 14.8.2019

Jyrkiäinen, Senni: Virtual and Urban Intimacies: Youth Desires, and Mediated Relationship in an Egyptian City. Supervisors: Sarah Green and Susanne Dahlgren. Social and Cultural Anthropology, S. 14.9.2019

Väkiparta, Maria: Young Men as Agents for Gender Equality - Case Female Gential Cutting. Supervisors: Marjut Jyrkinen and Lena Näre. Gender Studies, A. 13.12.2019


Rantala, Teija: Beyond Sisters and Mothers: Women’s Aspirations Within the Conservative Laestadian Movement. Supervisors: Marjut Jyrkinen, Johanna Kantola and Mirka Koro-Ljungberg. Gender Studies, A. 11.5. 2018

Taavetti, Riikka: Queer Politics of Memory. Undisciplined Sexualities as Glimpses and Fragments in Finnish and Estonian Pasts. Supervisors: Pauli Kettunen and Kirsti Salmi-Niklander. Political History, S. 5.10.2018

Järviö, Nina: Polkuja suomalaiseen tasa-arvoon? Kansalaistoiminta, Tahdon2013 ja translaki. Supervisors: Marjut Jyrkinen, Johanna Kantola and Anna Moring. Gender Studies, A. 15.12.2018 


Härkönen, Mitra: Tibetan Nuns between Oppression and Opportunities - An Intersectional Study. Supervisors: René Gothóni, Juha Janhunen and Eva Maria Korsisaari. Study of Religions, A. Defence 11.1.2017

Katto, Jonna: Beautiful Mozambique. Haptics of belonging in the life narratives of female war veterans. Supervisors: Axel Fleisch, Tuija Saresma and Isabel Casimiro. African Studies, A. Defence 1.2.2017   

Karhu, Sanna: From Violence to Resistance: Judith Butler's Critique of Norms. Supervisors: Tuija Pulkkinen and Johanna Oksala. Gender Studies, A. Defence 23.9.2017

Alava, Henni: "There is Confusion." - The Politics of Silence, Fear and Hope in Catholic and Protestant Northern Uganda. Supervisors: Elina Oinas and Mika Vähäkangas. Development Studies, S. Defence 14.10.2017

Venäläinen, Satu: Women as Perpetrators of Violence – Meanings of Gender and Violence in Womens’ Accounts and in Tabloids. Supervisors: Päivi Berg and Suvi Ronkainen, Social Psychology, S. Defence 10.11.2017


Honkasalo, Julian: Sisterhood, Natality, Queer. Reframing Feminist Interpretations of Hannah Arendt. Supervisor: Tuija Pulkkinen. Gender Studies, A. Defence 23.1.2016.

Hart, Linda: Relational Subjects: Family Relations, Law and Gender in the European Court of Human Rights. Supervisors: Anna-Maija Castrén and Kevät Nousiainen. Sosiology, S. Defence 13.5.2016.

Pellander, Saara: Gatekeepers of the Family: Regulating Family Migration to Finland. Supervisors: Pauli Kettunen and Johanna Kantola. Political History, S. Defence 11.6.2016.

Saari, Milja: Samapalkkaisuus – neuvoteltu oikeus. Naisten ja miesten palkkaeriarvoisuus poliittisena ja oikeudellisena kysymyksenä korporatistisessa Suomessa. Supervisors: Johanna Kantola and Juri Mykkänen. Political Science, S. Defence 27.8.2016.

Ikävalko, Elina: Vaikenemisia ja vastarintaa. Valtasuhteet ja toiminnan mahdollisuudet oppilaitosten tasa-arvosuunnittelussa. Supervisors: Kristiina Brunila, Johanna Kantola and Elina Lahelma. Educational Sciences, B. Defence 2.9.2016.

Sivelä, Jonas: AIDS Myths and Myths about AIDS Myths: A Study about AIDS related Perceptions in South Africa. Supervisors: Axel Fleisch and Annika Teppo. African Studies, A. Defence 11.11.2016

Rundgren, Heta: Vers une théorie du roman postnormâle. Féminisme, réalisme et conflit sexuel chez Doris Lessing, Märta Tikkanen, Stieg Larsson et Virginie Despentes. Supervisors: Tuija Pulkkinen and Anne E. Berger. Cotutelle, Universite Paris 8 – Vincennes – Saint-Denis / UH, Gender Studies, A. Defence 12.12.2016.


Hakkarainen, Minna: Between Ideas of Democracy and Gendered Local Practices in Vietnam A Bakhtinian Reading of Development Aid Practice. Supervisors: Tiina Kontinen and Adam Fforde. Development Studies, S. Defence 24.1. 2015

Kornak, Jacek: Queer as a Political Concept. Supervisor: Tuija Pulkkinen. Gender Studies, A. Defence 4.2.2015.

Kuronen, Tanja: Hoivapommin purkajat. Supervisors: Antti Karisto and Silva Tedre. Social Policy, S. Defence 14.11.2015.


Xu Qingbo: The Evolutionary Feminism of Zhang Kangkang and the Developing Dialogue between Darwinism and Gender Studies. Supervisors: Anna Rotkirch and Kirsi Saarikangas. Gender Studies, A. Defence 5.11.2014.

  • Elina Helosvuori, four years, 2014–2017 (Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences)
  • Soili Petäjäniemi-Brown, one year, 2014 (Gender Studies, Faculty of Arts)
  • Elina Ikävalko, one year, 2014 (Educational Sciences, Faculty of Behavioural Sciences)
  • Heta Rundgren, one year, 2015 (Gender Studies, Faculty of Arts)
  • Heini Kinnunen, two years, 2015–2016 (Gender Studies, Faculty of Arts)
  • Satu Venäläinen, two years, 2015–2016 (Social Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences)
  • Hanna Etholén, three years, 2016–2018 (Gender Studies, Faculty of Arts)
  • Nina Järviö, one year, 2017 (Gender Studies, Faculty of Arts)
  • Henri Hyvönen, four years, 2017-2020 (Gender Studies, Faculty of Arts)
  • Riikka Taavetti, two years, 2017-2018 (Political History, Faculty of Social Sciences)
  • Astrid Joutseno, four years, 2017-2020 (Gender Studies, Faculty of Arts)
  • Marjo Rantala, two years, 2017-2018 (Gender and Law, Faculty of Law)
  • Cai Weaver, one year, 2017 (Political Science, Faculty of Social Sciences)
  • Tuuli Kurki, half a year, 2018 (Education, Faculty of Educational Sciences), granted by the Faculty of Educational Science)
  • Suzy Ameen, four years, 2018-2021 (Gender Studies, Faculty of Arts)
  • Ada Schwanck, four years, 2018-2021 (Gender Studies, Faculty of Arts)
  • Elisabeth Wide, ten months, 11.11. 2018–31.8.2019 (Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences)
  • Anna Heinonen, four years, 2019–2022 (Gender Studies, Faculty of Arts)
  • Ella Alin, four years, 2020-2023 (Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences)
  • Katinka Linnamäki, four years, 2021-2024 (Political Science, Faculty of Social Sciences)
  • Stephanie Clark, four years, 2022-2025 (Gender Studies, Faculty of Arts)
  • Aleksi Paavilainen, four years, 2023-2026 (Gender Studies, Faculty of Arts)
  • Annukka Paajanen, four years, 2024-2027 (Gender Studies, Faculty of Arts)

Publishing tips

Planning to publish an article? Here are our best tips for a beginner:

  • Read the instructions.
  • Word limits are word limits. Don’t bother to ask for more words, you’ll just embarrass yourself.
  • Politics of open access (some funders demand that you publish in open access journals – what level of open access is the journal? Go for green!)
  • Citation Practices (Male authors are cited more often than women. Pay attention to who you cite. Do you cite non-western authors?).
  • Article-Based PhDs. The length of the synopsis can be up to 60,000 words. Is it beneficial to do so? Is it less work?
  • Language of Publication… Support other languages than English. It is important to keep publishing in local languages.
  • You need a reason to publish, not because you must, but rather because you have something to say and contribute to the debate.
  • Patience and perseverance. It’s not a quick nor an easy process. You can send a follow-up email but do not hound the editors.
  • You can disagree with the reviewers. If you feel the reviewer has completely missed the point of your paper, you can ask for it not to be sent back to that reviewer.
  • Spend time responding to the reviewers. Go methodologically through the reviewers’ points, respond on a point-by-point basis. This helps with the editor too and, if you are convincing, this can help to avoid a second round of reviews.

Examples of journals

Trying to find the right forum for your publication? For easy reference, we put together an alphabetical list of journals related to our research profile. Also check out the University of Helsinki Library's Gender Studies Subject Guide.