Matematiikan ja tilastotieteen seminaarit ja kollokviot

Tälle sivulle on koottu lista matematiikan ja tilastotieteen ajankohtaisista seminaareista ja kollokvioista.

Kollokvion kuvaus (englanniksi): The departmental colloquium is a monthly event where a mathematics or statistics expert gives a talk at a level generally accessible to department staff and graduate students. The duration of the presentation is 45 minutes with an additional 15 minutes for questions. The talk is followed by mingling with food and drinks. The colloquium provides a nice setting to bring our whole department together once a month.

1-5/2025, organiser Tuomas Sahlsten

All talks take place in Exactum CK112

  • 29.1, 16:15: Klaus Nordhausen (University of Helsinki): On the usage of joint diagonalization in multivariate statistics
  • 26.2, 16:15: Ted Slaman (University of California Berkeley)
  • 26.3, 16:15: TBA
  • 23.4, 16:15: Tuomas Orponen (University of Jyväskylä)
  • 28.5, 16:15: Mostafa Sabri (New York University Abu Dhabi)


1-5/2024, järjestäjänä Peter Hästö


  • 31.1. klo 16.15, Jihoon Ok (Sogang University), "Regularity theory for partial differential equations from Calculus of variations".
  • 28.2. klo 16.15, Tom Rosenström (University of Helsinki), "On the nature and measurement of mental disorders: statistical, dynamic, and machine-learning perspectives"
  • 12.3. klo 16.15, Jon Star (Harvard University), Mathematical flexibility: A promising focus for research and practice. *Note that this is not the usual colloquium time!*
  • 24.4. klo 16.15, Riikka Korte (Aalto University), Sphericalizations preserving energies
  • 29.5. klo 16.15, Juliette Kennedy (University of Helsinki), Two programs in set theory: an exercise in Gödelian methodology

9-12/2023, järjestäjänä Hans-Olav Tylli

  • 27.9.2023 Tilaisuus peruttu
  • 25.10.2023, 16.15.  Christian Webb (University of Helsinki): Logarithmically correlated random fields
  • 29.11.2023, 16.15. Samson Abramsky (University College London): Contextuality: At the Borders of Paradox
  • 20.12.2023, 16.15. Petri Ola (University of Helsinki): Teichmüller Meets Medical Imaging

1-5/2023, järjestäjänä Matti Pirinen

  • 25.1.2023, 16.15. Tuomas Hytönen (Helsingin yliopisto): Matrix weights, convex bodies, and the angle between past and future.
  • 1.3.2023, 16.15. Menachem Magidor (Hebrew University): Regularity properties of subsets of the real line and other Polish spaces
  • 29.3.2023, 16.15. Matti Vihola (University of Jyväskylä): Random thoughts about scalable Bayesian computing
  • 26.4.2023, 16.15. Eveliina Peltola (Aalto University and University of Bonn): Loewner theory in complex analysis and random geometry
  • 31.5.2023, 16.15. Antti Honkela (University of Helsinki): Mathematics of privacy and anonymity using differential privacy

9-12/2022 Järjestäjänä Eva Kisdi

Ke 28.9.2022, 16.15. Philip Maini (University of Oxford): Modelling collective cell movement in biology and medicine

Ke 2.11.2022, 16.15. Lauri Oksanen (University of Helsinki): On Calderón's problem

Ma 28.11.2022, 16.15. Tom Britton (Stockholm University): Mathematical models for epidemics (including Covid-19)

Ke 14.12.2022, 16.15. Hildegard Uecker (Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology): Mathematical population genetics of bacteria: Evolutionary dynamics on extra-chromosomal DNA elements

1-5/2022 Järjestäjänä Christian Webb

Ke 26.1.2022, 16.15. Roland Bauerschmidt (University of Cambridge). Otsikko: Random forests and the OSp(1|2) nonlinear sigma model

Ke 16.2.2022, 16.15. Dallas Albritton (Institute for Advanced Study). Otsikko: Non-uniqueness of Leray solutions of the forced Navier-Stokes equations. Huomaa, tämä ei ole kuun viimeinen keskiviikko!

Ke 30.3.2022, 16.15. Istvan Prause (Itä-Suomen Yliopisto). Otsikko: Complex proofs of real theorems

Ke 27.4.2022, 16.15. Joni Teräväinen (Turun Yliopisto). Otsikko: On the Möbius randomness principle

Ti 24.5.2022, 16.15. Peter Hintz (ETH Zürich). Otsikko: General relativity, spectral theory, and microlocal analysis. Huomaa, kollokvio on tiistaina keskiviikon sijaan.

Linkki Wiki-sivulle, jolla on lista vanhoista kollokvioista