Institute’s board and director

The highest decision-making body of the Institute of Seismology is the board, the task of which is to decide on financial and operational matters relevant to the institute's operations and on the employment of permanent staff. The director of the institute handles and resolves matters of the institute that have not been assigned to the board.

The board consists of at least six members. At least one of the members should be authority on civil defense, one on arms control and administration of foreign affairs and at least one member should represent the personnel of the Institute. Vice member can be appointed to each member. The Rector of the University of Helsinki appoints the chair of the board and other board members for a term of four years. The board shall meet at least twice a year.

The board shall

  • make proposals for the development of the institute's activities;
  • prepare a proposal for an action and human resources plan for the institute;
  • discuss the budget of the institute;
  • make a proposal for the hiring of the director of the institute;
  • if necessary, make a proposal for the rules of procedure of the institute; and
  • resolve those issues that the director of the Institute considers important or far-reaching therefore referred it to the Board.

The duties of the director of the institute are:

  • direct and supervise the research and training of the institute and the tasks of the authorities;
  • be responsible for the development of the institute and the implementation of the University's strategic plan at the institute;
  • be responsible for the finances, efficiency and effectiveness of the institute;
  • be responsible for the preparation and presentation of matters to be discussed by the management board and their implementation;
  • co-operate within the Department of Geosciences and Geography and with domestic and foreign institutions in the field; and
  • complete other duties specified in the statutes of the institute and in the rules of procedure of the institute and the Department of Geosciences and Geography.