International education projects

University of Helsinki is actively participating in international education projects, such as Erasmus+ funded projects. Throughout many years, UH has been successfully contributing to a variety of projects developing education, contributing to innovation and capacity building both as coordinator and a partner. On this page you can find information about our ongoing and former education projects.
University of Helsinki as project partner

University of Helsinki Faculties, units and degree programmes are encouraged to actively participate in developing teaching and education by taking part in international cooperation projects. University of Helsinki has set internal guidelines for taking part in externally funded education projects. The guidelines are used as the starting point for preparing for new project initiatives or taking part in external project proposals.

Project funding applications need to be well prepared in cooperation with the project participants and enough time has to be reserved for the preparation of the project funding application. University of Helsinki can only take part in projects for which the funding application and budget have been prepared in cooperation.

If a partner wishes to invite us to join a project proposal, all documentation related to the project proposal must be submitted to the University of Helsinki for revision well in advance before the application is submitted to the funder. Project proposals sent close to the application round deadline will be automatically discarded.

Contact for all education project related matters is

Our education cooperation projects since 2014
Erasmus+ projects since 2014

Cooperation partnerships in higher education, since 2021

Cooperation partnerships in school education, since 2021

Cooperation partnerships in youth, since 2021

  • ROOT, Resilient youth through local heritage 2024

Small-scale partnerships in vocational education and training, since 2021

Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness, since 2021

Strategic Partnerships for higher education, funding granted in 2014-2020

Strategic Partnerships for school education, funding granted in 2014-2020

Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training, funding granted in 2014-2020

Strategic Partnerships for youth, funding granted in 2014-2020

Strategic Partnerships for adult education, funding granted in 2014-2020

Strategic Partnerships addressing more than one field, funding granted in 2014-2020

Nationally funded projects since 2014

Restoring Ecosystems in Madagascar and Mozambique: Collaborative Training of Future Experts on Global Climate and Biodiversity Crises

Developing the Artificial Intelligence of Things

Co-creation and implementation on curriculum development for promotion of nature-based solutions in Lower Mekong Basin (LMB) higher education

Playful learning pedagogy in early childhood education and care: co-designed and co-taught blended intensive course by Finnish and Chinese universities

Digital Humanities: Ensuring university teaching in times of crisis

Intensive courses for state-of-art atmospheric measurement and analysis in India 2023

Inclusive education in co-teaching teams: collaborative teaching practicum by Finnish and Southeast Asian teacher education students 2023

Museums, morphology, and molecules: new ways of evolution education 2023

Digital learning in STEAM pedagogy for the Equity of Education 2023

Oral and maxillofacial surgery training - experts of medicine in combining virtual 3D design and facial reconstruction 2023

Combating Antimicrobial Resistance: Finland-Brazil Partnership for Education and Awareness 2023

From Toxity to Safety 2023

NDDS, New Directions in Development Studies, and Sustainability: Reconsidering global challenges and local realities 2022

A Finnish-Mozambican collaboration to build capacity in higher education in food and nutrition sciences 2022

Indigenous Studies on languages, traditional knowledge and the environment within Amazonian-Finnish collaboration 2022

Indigenous Cultures in Evolution: Governing Rights and Responsibilities through Sustainable Law and Ethics 2022

Finland-China collaborative course on Global Food Safety: An approach to enhance global sustainability 2022

​​​​​​Cultivating pharmaceutical expertise within Taiwanese –Finnish cooperation 2021

Approaches to Digital Language Typology 2021

​​​​​​Microbiology from the One Health perspective 2021

Finnish-Russian Network on Area studies and Methodologies 2021

Pan-Eurasian EXperiment –Finnish-Russian Earth System Research Network 2021

Some examples of Erasmus+ projects coordinated by the University of Helsinki
Some examples of HEI ICI projects coordinated by the University of Helsinki

The Higher Education Institutions' Institutional Cooperation Instrument (HEI ICI) supports cooperation projects between higher education institutions in Finland and the developing world that are designed to enhance higher education provision in these countries. The projects support the higher education institutions in developing their subject-specific, methodological, educational and administrative capacities.

Finland’s Ministry for Foreign Affairs provides funding for the programme through its development cooperation funds and the Finnish National Agency for Education (EDUFI) administrates the programme.

University of Helsinki has been actively participating to the HEI ICI programme for several years.