Donate to veterinary medicine

Helsinki is home to Finland’s only Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, which, in turn, houses Finland’s only Veterinary Teaching Hospital for all species. The Hospital applies the latest research, and all veterinarians who graduate in Finland complete their training in clinical work at the Hospital. Research knowledge is also applied in continuing and specialisation education for veterinarians.
Support research and teaching in veterinary medicine and treatment based on them

World-class research in veterinary medicine helps humans as well as animals. Humans and animals have many diseases in common. Among other things, we study diseases transmitted from animals to humans, such as the coronavirus. We also face the joint challenge of bacteria becoming immune to known medicines: antibiotic resistance is expected to become a threat more serious than cancer in the next few decades. We want to be a world leader in questions concerning the common health of animals and humans (One Health).

The Faculty has four endowed professorships whose efforts play a big role in research and teaching and in treatment based on them. Donated assets also enable us to annually award grants and scholarships to researchers and students of veterinary medicine. We wish to send our most sincere thank you to all our donors! You can contribute to supporting world-class research and research opportunities for young researchers, as well as students and the application of research knowledge in the treatment of animal patients.

Read more about research themes in veterinary medicine

HOH Helsinki One Health research


How to donate

Make a donation online 

You can also support us by paying your donation to the account of the University of Helsinki Funds.

Nordea: IBAN = FI15 1660 3001 0767 70, BIC = NDEAFIHH

Recipient: University of Helsinki Funds

Message: Name of the fund or the project, name of the donor and contact information

For donations over 850 euros or more we kindly ask you to send us a deed of donation.

Donate to veterinary medicine

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