Right to complete other studies

Students can obtain further professional or academic qualifications by completing non-degree studies, minor subject studies or other studies for inclusion in a degree pursued at another university.
Non-degree studies at the Faculty of Pharmacy

The right to pursue non-degree studies can be granted to applicants who are not entitled to complete a degree at the University of Helsinki and who wish to upgrade their professional qualifications.

The right to complete non-degree studies can be granted within the limits of the Faculty’s teaching resources and based on the scope and grades of the applicant’s previous studies. Successful applicants cannot complete a degree or receive the rights and benefits of undergraduate and postgraduate students at the University. The right to study is restricted to those studies for which it has been granted, and it is valid for two years.

Fees are charged for non-degree studies. Courses are subject to a fee of €15 per credit. Decisions on the right to complete non-degree studies are made twice per academic year. 

The next application dates:

  • 1.-15.4.2025
  • 1.-15.10.2025

The right to pursue non-degree studies can be requested by completing the electronic form. Electronic form is available during the application period. 

Required enclosures:

If the right to study is requested for studies to be included in a degree pursued elsewhere, the application must be accompanied by a copy of the official transcript of studies and a supporting statement from the home educational institute.

If the right to study is requested to supplement a previous degree so as to obtain professional qualifications, the application must be accompanied by official copies of the transcript of studies and the degree diploma. Also a statement of reasons for the studies must be accompanied.

If the right to study is requested to upgrade one’s professional qualifications, the application must be accompanied by a statement from the employer as well as copies of certificates related to the field.

If the right to study is requested for studies needed for licensing in Finland based on a pharmacy degree completed abroad, the application must be accompanied by a copy of the relevant Valvira statement as well as the required language certificates.

JOO flex­ible study rights

Sometimes the topic of a doctoral dissertation or Licentiate thesis requires complementary studies at another university.

Finnish universities have concluded an agreement on student mobility and flexible study rights, known as the JOO agreement (JOO stands for joustava opinto-oikeus, or flexible study right). Students at Finnish universities may apply for a fixed-term right to pursue studies at another university and have these studies incorporated into their degree from their home university.

The right to complete studies within the JOO scheme must be applied for from the university at which the student wishes to study. The application must contain a statement by the home university, indicating that it will underwrite the costs of the studies at the other university.


Minor subject studies

For information on the optional studies offered to students of other degree programmes, please follow the link. 

Specialisation studies

In addition to undergraduate and postgraduate education, the Faculty of Pharmacy offers specialist education in industrial pharmacy as well as community and hospital pharmacy. The specialist education is available to both Bachelor and Master of Science (Pharmacy) degree holders. More information on specialist education.

Post­gradu­ate education

The Faculty offers the postgraduate (third-cycle) degrees of Doctor of  Science (Pharmacy) as well as the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. The primary postgraduate degree is the doctorate.