CancerBio Progress Report seminar series

CancerBio Progress Report seminar series

This is a joint seminar series for two research programs, ATG and CAN-PRO. The seminars are held on Friday mornings starting with coffee, tea and cookies at 9:15 am. The presentations start at 9:30 am. We have two presentations per seminar.

Please see information for the speakers and contact info below the program.

Program Spring 2025

7.3.2025, Skutsi 

Samantha Martin (Aaltonen group)

"title tba"

21.3.2025, Seminar room 3

Shraman Bohra (Saharinen group)

"title tba"

Siwei Zou (Taipale group)

"title tba"

4.4.2025, Seminar room 3

Enni Martikainen (Monni group)

"Translating Molecular Pathogenesis of Pediatric and Adult Soft Tissue Sarcomas to Novel Treatment Strategies"

Pauliina Kallio (Alitalo group)

"title tba"

25.4.2025, Skutsi

Juuli Hietarinne (Vanharanta group)

"title tba"

Susanna Nousiainen (Vahteristo group)

"title tba"

6.5.2022, Seminar room 1-2

Maare Arffman (Leppä group)

"Inflamed serum protein profile associates with circulating tumor DNA levels and poor outcome in patients with high-risk large B-cell lymphoma"

Sanni Alve (Ojala group)

"Wnt5b is a novel mediator of pro-metastatic melanoma crosstalk with lymphatic endothelial cells"

20.5.2022, Seminar room 1-2

Prima Sanjaya (Pitkänen group)

"Mutation-Attention (MuAt): deep representation learning of somatic mutations for tumour typing and subtyping”

Emma Viitala (Ollila group)

”scRNAseq data mining and ex vivo methods to map intestinal stromal-epithelial interactions in health and disease”

3.6.2022, Seminar room 1-2

Marika Lassila (Alitalo group)

“The function of Tcf1 (Tcf7) in intestinal adenoma development”

Päivi Sulo (Aaltonen group)

"Genome wide annotation of transposable elements from Nanopore data”

17.6.2022, Seminar room 1-2

Liangru Fei (Sahu group)

"Control of pancreatic cell fate by defined transcription factors''

Inam Liaqat (Vaahtomeri group)

"Guidance of antigen-presenting dendritic cells across lymphatic endothelium"

30.9.2022, Seminar room 1-2

Anne Pink (Saharinen group)

"The integrin inhibitor SHARPIN regulates endothelial permeability via balancing cell-cell and cell-matrix adhesion"

Anna Äyräväinen (Vahteristo group)

”Quality of life and clinical outcome after laparoscopic and abdominal myomectomy”

11.11.2022, Meeting room 8-9

Artemis Filippou (Monni group)

“Liprin-α1 contributes to oncogenic MAPK signaling and associates with MEK/ERK inhibitor response”

Abiodun Ayo (Laakkonen group)

"The central nervous system (CNS) tumor homing peptides as novel theranostic tools"

25.11.2022, Seminar room 3

Krista Tuohinto (Ojala group)

"Lymphatic transcription factor SOX18 as a viable molecular target for viral cancer Kaposi's sarcoma"

Vilja Jokinen (Aaltonen group)

"Inherited mutations in SRCAP complex genes predispose to uterine leiomyomas with moderate penetrance"

2.12.2022, Seminar room 3

Yepeng Du (Taipale group)

"Decrease cancer’s reliance on Myc gene to control cell proliferation"

27.1.2023, Seminar room 1-2

Eva Domenech Moreno (Ollila group)

"LKB1 is a gatekeeper of an IL-11 dependent tumor-promoting phenotype in fibroblasts"

Konsta Karttunen (Sahu group)

"Transposable elements as tissue-specific enhancers in cancers of endodermal lineage"

17.2.2023, Seminar room 1-2

Emma Jakobsson (Vaahtomeri group)

"Mechanisms that ensure lymphatic vessel network tissue coverage"

Aino Peura (Klefström group)

"Micromechanical Regulation of Tumor Immune Microenvironment"

3.3.2023, Seminar room 3

Aurora Taira (Aaltonen group)

"Boosting DNA demethylation with vitamin C - a clinical trial of one year"

Pauliina Kallio (Alitalo group)

"PROX1 marks colorectal cancer stem cells and protects them from radiation-induced damage"

31.3.2023, Seminar room 1-2

Yepeng Du (Taipale group)

"Finding alternative transcription factor via CGE (competitive gene editing) assay to regulate critical Myc controlled genes"

Laura Langohr (Kilpivaara group & Pitkänen group)

"Single-cell analysis reveals somatic TP53 mutations emerge in early progenitor cells but become enriched in the erythroid lineage in ERCC6L2 disease"

21.4.2023, Seminar room 3

Cinzia Bessone (Alitalo group)

"Prox1 transcription factor in colorectal cancer and intestinal cell lineage commitment during development"

Selma Sorri (Leppä group)

"Oncogenic Mutational Disruption of KLHL6 Dimers Fuels B-cell Receptor Signaling in Aggressive B-cell Lymphoma"

29.9.2023, Seminar room 1-2

Joonas Jukonen (Ojala group)

"MMP16 increases aggressiveness in melanomas bypassing sentinel lymph nodes"

13.10.2023, Seminar room 1-2

Siiri Reinikka (Vahteristo group)

"Genomic landscape of endometrial polyps"

Toni Lemmetyinen (Ollila group)

"Fibroblast-derived EGF ligand neuregulin 1 induces fetal-like reprogramming of the intestinal epithelium without supporting tumorigenic growth"

27.10.2023, Seminar room 1-2

Sadia Zafar (Ristimäki group)

"Inhibition of phosphodiesterase 4D suppresses GNAS-mutated colorectal cancer cell growth, migration, and invasion"

Niina Santio (Saharinen group)

"Endothelial Pim3 kinase protects the vascular barrier during lung metastasis"

24.11.2023, Seminar room 1-2

Leticia Castillón (Vanharanta group)

"Transcriptional injury responses link ageing and carcinogenesis in the kidney"

Ville Tiusanen (Sahu group)

"FOXA3 is it a pioneer factor or a signaling transcription factor?"

8.12.2023, Seminar room 3

Marika Lassila (Alitalo group)

"Long isoforms of Tcf1 transcription factor counteract tumor cell growth and dedifferentiation in intestinal adenomas"

Veera Timonen (Pitkänen group)

"Learning single-cell high-content phenotypes and their genetic determinants in healthy blood donors"

26.1.2024, Seminar room 1-2

Anna Dyas (Vanharanta group)

"Investigating the role of HIF2A in ccRCC using acute protein degradation and CRISPR screening"

16.2.2024, Seminar room 1-2


1.3.2024, Seminar room 1-2

Arina Värä (Monni group)

“Pre-clinical investigation of boron neutron capture therapy in HNSCC”

Abhinandan Venkatesha Murthy (Saharinen group)

"Cell junction-localized inactive integrin scaffold regulates vascular signaling"

22.3.2024, Seminar room 1-2

Jeremia Saari (Vaahtomeri group)

“Lymphatic endothelial cell collective controls sprouting of individual cells”

Divyesh Patel (Sahu group)

"Mechanism of transposable elements derepression in cancer cells: insights into epigenetic therapy"

12.4.2024, Seminar room 1-2

Yepeng Du (Taipale group)

"Finding alternative motifs to regulate critical MYC responsive genes"

Ruixian Liu (Klefström group)

"Microtubule inhibition induces immunogenic MYC-directed synthetic lethality"

27.9.2024, Skutsi 

Vilja Jokinen (Aaltonen group)

"FGFR genes activated by various genetic & epigenetic mechanisms in a subset of uterine leiomyomas"

18.10.2024, Skutsi 

Kerttu Kalander (Ojala group & Leppä group)

"Improving anti-CD19-CAR-T cell therapy in lymphomas by co-targeting macrophages"

8.11.2024, Seminar room 3

Abiodun Ayo (Laakkonen group)

"A novel brain metastasis homing peptide for targeted imaging and treatment"

Ville Tiusanen (Sahu group)

"Breaking the super-enhancer"

22.11.2024, Seminar room 3

Subhamoy Datta (Pihlajamaa group)

"Epigenetic Landscape due to Metabolic Alterations in Colon Cancers"

Tamara González Armijos (Vanharanta group)

"The role of Hypoxia-Inducible Factors (HIF) in kidney cancer"

Information for the speakers

Please plan your talk to last for 20 minutes, including at least a 5 minutes long introduction. After the presentation, there will be 10 minutes for discussion. Please bring your presentation on a USB device.

Each presentation is preceded by a short introduction (max 5 minutes) of the topic/presenter by the supervisor/PI

Credits for students

1-2 ECTS (10-20 attended seminars) + 1-2 ECTS from own presentation(s).
Note! You do not need to attend seminars within one year. In order to get credits from your own presentation(s), you need to attend 10 seminars.

Doctoral researchers can give two presentations during their doctoral project. Ideally, the first presentation would take place at the beginning of the project and focus more on the project plan, and the second presentation, held later, would focus more on their own data and results.

Contact details

Contact persons are Petri Mäkelä (ATG) and Saija Piiroinen (CAN-PRO).