Specialisation programme in neuropsychology

Specialist training in psychology is university-level professional specialisation education completed after graduating with a master’s degree. The University of Helsinki carries the national responsibility for the Specialisation Programme in Neuropsychology (70 credits), which is organised in cooperation with the national Psykonet university network.

The programme, which is completed alongside work, is intended for psychologists who wish to train themselves as specialists in neuropsychology working with children, adolescents or adults. In addition to the three-year specialisation programme organised by the University, obtaining the qualification of a specialist in neuropsychology requires a total of four years of practical work experience (three years in a neuropsychologist position) and relevant supervised professional practice. Individuals who have completed the Specialisation Programme in Neuropsychology are able to serve in demanding expert positions in the field of clinical neuropsychology, both in their work community and society as a whole. The programme develops students’ scientific and professional special expertise in clinical neuropsychology and related fields, applying knowledge pertaining to neuropsychology in various environments.

The goal is to train specialists who are able to, on the basis of research-based knowledge, not only apply but also analyse, assess and develop professional practices in clinical neuropsychology.

The next application period is in spring 2025 (14.-30.1.2025). For the 2025 application details see Koulutukseen hakeminen -page (admission criteria are only in Finnish).


Information on the programme