General qualification requirements
An appointee to a position at the University shall have the education, experience and language proficiency necessary to successfully complete the duties of the position. Specific criteria shall be determined for each position before the beginning of the appointment process.
Before the employment decision is made, the language proficiency stipulated in the Government Decree on Universities and the other language skills required for the position shall be verified through application documents and, where relevant, a teaching demonstration.
When filling a teaching and research position, foreign citizens, non-native Finnish citizens or citizens who have not been educated in Finnish or Swedish may be exempted from the Finnish and Swedish language requirement of the Government Decree on Universities without a separate application. The exemption shall be granted by the administrative organ or person who makes the appointment decision. When filling a professorship, the exemption shall be granted by the dean or, in the case of an independent institute, the chair of the board.
A foreign citizen or a non-native Finnish citizen appointed to a teaching or research position may be required to acquire a reasonable level of proficiency in Finnish or Swedish within a certain period of time, if deemed necessary. This requirement shall be mentioned in the call for applications.
Provisions on the degrees and other qualifications required for teaching and research positions shall be issued elsewhere in these Regulations.
Special qualification requirements
If a position involves the management of a unit or sector, the appointee shall have a second-cycle degree, familiarity with the field of the position and the leadership experience necessary for the position. The director of an independent research institute or the head of a faculty research unit shall, however, hold a doctoral degree. Holders of such positions shall also be required to have the skills necessary for serving as an academic leader.
An appointee to a professorship shall hold a doctoral degree and have top-level scholarly qualifications, experience in the supervision of scientific research, as well as the ability to provide top-level research-based teaching and to supervise theses and dissertations. In addition, the appointee shall present documentation of international cooperation in the field of research that he or she represents. Holders of professorships shall also have the skills necessary for serving as an academic leader.
When considering the applicant’s qualifications, attention shall be given to scientific publications and other research results of scientific value, teaching experience and pedagogical training, the ability to produce teaching material, other teaching merits and, if necessary, a demonstration of teaching skills as well as the applicant’s participation in doctoral education. Account shall also be taken of the applicant’s activity in the scientific community, success in obtaining external research 2(3) funding, international research experience and international elected positions as well as leadership and interaction skills.
Assistant professor
An appointee to the position of assistant professor in the tenure track system shall hold a doctoral degree, have the ability to conduct independent scholarly work and have the teaching skills necessary for the position. In addition, applicants for assistant professorships shall demonstrate their ability and motivation for an academic career through publications and other means.
When considering applicants’ qualifications, account shall be taken not only of their research work and teaching qualifications, but also of their success in obtaining external research funding, international research experience and other international experience.
Professor of practice
A holder of a doctoral degree with professional merits and experience of particular significance from outside the academic world that can benefit the University may be appointed professor of practice.
The position shall be filled by invitation and always for a fixed term.
Research director and senior curator
An appointee to the position of research director or senior curator shall hold equivalent qualifications as an appointee to a professorship, but when considering qualifications, special attention shall be given to scientific work, the efficient leadership of a research group, success in obtaining external research funding and evidence of international research cooperation.