Apply for the title of docent
The Faculty Council assesses whether the applicant fulfills the requirements for the title of docent. Before making its decision, the Faculty Council will acquire statements on the applicant’s academic competence from two assessors, in addition to which the applicant’s teaching skills will be assessed by the teaching skills committee. At the University of Helsinki, the title of docent is granted by the chancellor.
A docent shall be entitled to participate in the teaching of his or her discipline, the supervision of students, and the examination of dissertations and theses, as well as in other University activities as agreed upon on a case-by-case basis. The title of docent does not constitute an employment relationship with the university, and based on title alone, the docent does not have the right to teach at the university. Without a separate agreement, the docent does not have the right to remuneration or benefits belonging to university personnel. A possible docent contract will separately agree on the forms and conditions of cooperation. The agreement always requires willingness from both parties.
The title of docent can be granted to a person who has
The Faculty Council will acquire statements on the applicant’s academic competence from two assessors, unless, for special reasons, the statements are considered unnecessary.
Docents are required to have good teaching skills. The Faculty’s teaching skills committee makes an overall assessment of the teaching skills of the prospective docent. The assessment is based on the teaching merits documented in the application documents, an evaluation of the teaching demonstration, as well as an interview.
The teaching skills committee assesses teaching skills and a related demonstration on separately announced dates.
A docent must be proficient in the language, Finnish or Swedish, in which he or she provides teaching. Moreover, a docent must have at least satisfactory oral and written skills in both languages (Government Decree on Universities 770/2009).
Foreign citizens or non-native Finns may be exempted from the requirement regarding proficiency in the Finnish and Swedish languages (Regulations of the University of Helsinki, section 32).
You can apply for the title of docent at the university's recruitment system twice a year. Application periods are 1–31 March and 1–30 September.
Call for applications in the spring term 2025 is now open. You may leave your application here.
After the application period closes, the Faculty’s research committee will make a preliminary assessment on whether the applicant fulfills the requirements for the title of docent on the basis of their list of publications and CV. If the assessment is affirmative, the committee will appoint two assessors to review the candidate's application, in addition to which the committee will also comment on the field of the docentship. In both choosing the assessors and determining the field, the committee has the right to consult professors of the field. As regards the teaching skills of the applicant, the committee has the right to consult the chair of the teaching skills committee.
If the assessment by the research committee is negative, the applicant can choose to withdraw their application or request the Faculty Council to decide whether the application will be further processed.
The application must be accompanied by the following enclosures.
Individuals who have been granted the title of docent can also use their expertise in support of the University’s goals and more actively serve as a member of the Faculty by concluding a docentship agreement. For this purpose, the forms of cooperation and the term of the agreement will be agreed with the dean, after which any practical arrangements will be carried out with University Services. Docents will receive a University account and email address, as well as access to data systems and library databases.