Instructions for applying

The applications for the title of docent are submitted through the University of Helsinki Electronic Recruitment Service. Please note that applicants are not required to fill in the profile section of the recruitment portal, the attachments are sufficient enough.

Internal applicants

Internal applicant submit their applications via the following link to the SAP Success Factors 

External applicants

External applicants submit their applications via the following  link to the SAP Success Factors

Application documents

The application for the title of docent consists of the following documents:

  • Academic portfolio (please see guidelines for the academic portfolio)  OR

    CV according to the template of the Finnish Advisory Board on Research Integrity. If CV is enclosed with the application (instead of portfolio) the merits in teaching and pedagogical competence must still be recorded as instructed for the academic portfolio and taking into consideration the faculty’s teaching skills evaluation matrix so that the Teaching Skills Evaluation Committee of the faculty would have sufficient information for the evaluation of teaching skills.
  • List of publications (please see below for the classification of publications)
  • Relevant publications for the assessors (the publications (5-10 publications) should be in the field of the applied docentship)
  • Finnish applicants: documents demonstrating the required language skills in Finnish and Swedish such as an extract from the official Finnish service record (“nimikirjanote”) or a copy of the applicant’s Master’s degree diploma.
  • Foreign applicants: scanned copies of the first page of the applicant’s passport and doctoral diploma, both verified by two people

Applicant are also required to submit the following e-forms for docent committee evaluation process:

List of publications
  • A1 Scientific monographs and doctoral dissertation
  • A2 Scientific monographs published in a University of Helsinki department series
  • A3 Scientific monographs or parts of publication series edited or translated by the applicant
  • A4 Textbooks
  • A5 Popular science publications
  • B1 Scientific articles in refereed scientific journals
  • B2 Articles in scientific anthologies or printed conference proceedings
  • B3 Articles, surveys and editorials in non-peer-reviewed scientific journals as well as editorials, surveys and book reviews (at the author’s discretion) in refereed journals
  • B4 Articles in departmental publication series of the University of Helsinki
  • B5 Popular science articles

Lecture outlines, handouts and other teaching materials not classified above (e.g. as a textbook)

Applications for patents on research results

Publications outside the scope of the above classification may also be included depending on their information value

  • personalia (obituaries, birthday commemoration articles, interviews)
  • Causeries, essays, editorials
  • Reviews
  • Independent product reviews or comparisons
  • Photo reportage
  • Summaries and abstracts
  • Summarised reports of meetings
  • Illustrated articles and product presentations
More information