Food and Nutrition

Food is an everyday necessity. We promote a sustainable food system that makes it possible for humans and the environment to thrive. Key to our operations are the technical, chemical and perceptible quality and safety of food products as well as good nutrition.

We respond to sustainability challenges associated with the food system by investigating and developing raw materials used in food and production techniques on the road to an increasingly healthy and environmentally friendly diet. In our changing society, the need for research-based knowledge on food, diets and their health effects as well as the special needs of different consumer groups is growing.

We possess strong expertise in research on the significance of nutrition and food among different population groups, children and adolescents in particular, in the promotion of health and prevention of diseases.

We extensively investigate the properties of various biological materials, including sidestreams, as food product ingredients, food products and packaging materials.

Bioprocessing is another strong area of expertise. Managing the physical properties and chemical reactions of domestic raw materials in the food production process and throughout the supply chain makes it possible to develop food structures, ensure preservation and safety as well as adapt perceptible properties. Minimising food waste and safeguarding food security constitute important elements of our research efforts.

We have state-of-the-art experimental production plants and measuring methods at our disposal. We value multidisciplinarity and constructive collaboration with the food industry and research partners in Finland and on the international stage. We wish to contribute to making Finland a leader in the transition towards a healthy and sustainable global food system system – Food Research and Innovation Strategy for Finland 2021-2035.

With regard to food quality and safety as well as its effects on health, our expertise is also widely utilised in societal decision-making. We contribute as experts, for example, to drawing up national and Nordic nutrition recommendations as well as ensuring food safety in the European Union.

In Finland, we hold a key role as an educator of future specialists in the food sector. We coordinate the Bachelor’s Programme in Food Sciences, the Master’s Programme in Food Sciences as well as the Master’s Programme in Human Nutrition and Food-related Behaviour, in addition to which we actively contribute to doctoral education in the Doctoral Programme in Food Chain and Health (FoodHealth), the Doctoral Programme in Population Health (DocPop) and the Doctoral Programme in Integrative Life Science (ILS). Employment opportunities in the food sector are good and secure.


We coordinate degree studies