Persons not enrolled as undergraduate or postgraduate degree students at the University of Helsinki may be granted a right to complete non-degree studies. This right may be granted to enhance the applicant’s professional or academic expertise or to incorporate the studies in question in a degree completed at another educational institution.
Supplementary studies (i.e., studies that supplement a degree completed at the University of Helsinki) also count as non-degree studies.
NB! As a rule, students at universities and higher education institutes that are parties to the Flexible Study Right Agreement should apply for the right to study using the Flexible Study Right (JOO) application form.
Issues to be taken into account when considering applications for the right to complete non-degree studies include the relevant department’s teaching resources, the applicant’s prior studies and the grounds given by the applicant. The right to complete non-degree studies does not give the applicant the right to pursue degree studies at the Faculty, and non-degree students do not enjoy the same rights and benefits as degree students. The right to complete non-degree studies only covers the studies for which the right has specifically been granted. The right to study is granted for a maximum of two years.
Eligible applicants for the right to complete non-degree studies include
Applicants should apply for the right to complete non-degree studies using an electronic form. Applications will be processed twice per term.
Non-degree studies are subject to a fee. The fee covers teaching arrangements, materials and related services, not teaching and examinations. The fee must be paid before the beginning of studies.
Fees for studies from 1st May 2025 (Dean's decision 6/2025, 18th February 2025):
Bachelor's level (EQF level 6) €15 per credit.
Master's level (EQF level 7) €30 per credit.
For the faculty's teaching-intensive studies that require personal guidance or are otherwise high-cost implementations (e.g., laboratory and field courses) €45 per credit.
The invoice will be sent to the student upon admission.
Further information on available courses can be found, e.g., in the Faculty’s course catalogue. Up-to-date information can be found on Sisu, where you can search for course information with, e.g., the course title, abbreviation or five-digit registration code. You can also browse and view information on courses taught at the Faculty using the University’s course search service. The search service can be accessed without a university username or password.
All Finnish universities are parties to the Flexible Study Right (JOO) Agreement that enables undergraduate and postgraduate students to include studies completed at other Finnish universities in their degrees free of charge. Students must register as attending students at their home university to apply for the flexible study right and to complete studies at another university.
The flexible study right scheme aims to expand the course selection of the students’ home university, to increase study options and to support the smooth progress of studies. For students, the flexible study right scheme provides an opportunity to include in their degrees relevant studies taught by other universities as well as to make use of experts and specialist fields of other universities.
The Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry offers the following doctoral degrees: Doctor of Science (Agriculture and Forestry), Doctor of Food Sciences, and Doctor of Philosophy.