We bring tailored assessments to our companions to match their wishes. Contact us and we’ll see what kind of assessment would support your needs for development an bring you information/data to support your work.
CEA has developed a computer based adaptive (adaptive to the student's skill level) test of learning readiness to support the discretionary application process in vocational education. The aim of the test is to offer the applicant a possibility to show her/his readiness to learn in situations in which the diploma of the comprehensive school is missing or is not comparable.
The adaptive test of readiness has been in use in vocational schools since 2016 and It has been favourably received. The results have been – in addition to student selection- used also in the designing of a student’s personal curriculum.
In addition to already existing tests we constantly develop new, gather information about education and develop our indicators of assessment and reports to serve better in our companions’ developmental needs.
Come and cooperate with us in assessment. We have a large experience in carrying out different kinds of assessment as well as in collecting data and analyzing it. Cooperation with us reduces your weight in assessment and offers reliable and good-quality assessment as support for development. We publish reports to customers but for public/open use as well. We cooperate also with pleasure in planning, realization and reporting in assessment and research. All our assessmental activity rests upon research and smoothly flowing data collection, processing, analyzing and reporting.
When needed, we include suggestions of development in the report and train people to interprate the results as well as give advice in developmental work.
Contact us so that we can plan your next assessment project together.