Profile & activities

Want to know what we're all about? On this page, we've gathered information on our research profile and the disciplines involved in the programme. Here, you will also find information on the studies and the type of activities and networks that await if you join the doctoral programme.
Key research areas

The Doctoral Programme in Mathematics and Statistics offers dissertation topics and guidance in pure and applied mathematics and mathematical statistics which are represented in the research profile of the department. These include analysis, inverse problems, mathematical biology, mathematical physics, mathematical logics and statistics. Topics bordering other research fields can be considered if they have a strong mathematical component.

Courses and stydying

A doctoral degree in the programme comprises of a doctoral thesis and 30 credits of additional studies. The studies are divided into discipline-specific studies, aimed to support your research project, and transferable skills training.

Part of the studies are completed flexibly through means other than traditional coursework: conference presentations, essays, scientific and popular articles, editing work etc. Want to know more? Visit our study planning instructions for current doctoral students.

The programme organizes seminars and intensive discpline-specific courses and our Master's programmes have a wide selection of courses which you can complete. You can also complete courses, which support your research work, even outside our university.

Courses in research ethics and transferable skills are offered throughout the academic year by the Doctoral School.

Events and activities

The programme organises a Monthly Meetup, where current issues in doctoral education are discussed.

The programme also organises a yearly student seminar, which brings together all the students in the programme. At the seminar, the students get to give flash talks about their research and meet other students and supervisors.