Employment as a doctoral researcher

Once a year, the doctoral programme opens a call for applications for university-funded doctoral researcher positions. The doctoral researchers selected for these positions complete their doctoral research employed by the university. Both current University of Helsinki doctoral researchers and new applicants planning on doctoral studies are eligible to apply for these positions.
Funding for doctoral research

The next application period for University-funded doctoral researcher positions starting in 2025 is 27.8.-9.9.2024. 

Application instructions can be found from the University's Instructions for Students pages


Funding options for a PhD project at the University of Helsinki:

  1. University-funded doctoral researcher position. Application instructions can be found from the University's Instructions for Students pages. 
  2. Salary or grant paid by the supervisors through their research project funding. Many research groups have project funding from e.g. Research Council of Finland, Business Finland, ERC, foundations, etc. and can hire doctoral researchers. You are expected to contact prospective supervisors independently and agree on the details of the thesis project with them.
  3. A personal grant from a private foundation applied by the doctoral researchers themselves. You can apply for funding from several Finnish or foreign foundations: research.fi/en/funding-calls
  4. Doctoral researchers may also fund their studies themselves or pursue their degree in tandem with work.

The University of Helsinki does not collect tuition fees from doctoral researchers, and studies at the university are free. However, as a doctoral researcher, you are expected to cover your own costs for living and accommodation. More information on Funding for doctoral research.

Please note that applying for a doctoral study right is a separate process from applying for funding for a doctoral researcher position. More information on how to apply for doctoral study right.

Decisions 2024

Proposal for UH-funded doctoral researcher positions starting in 2025

Doctoral Programme Brain & Mind (B&M) received 39 eligible applications for the University of Helsinki -funded doctoral researcher positions starting in January 2025. The applications were evaluated by external reviewers representing all B&M research areas. The selection procedure was based on the application and on an interview of shortlisted candidates. Based on the evaluation results, the decision was made by the B&M Board on November 8th, 2024. The host institution of the doctoral researcher makes the funding decision.

The names of the doctoral researchers recommended for funding by all doctoral programmes are given at website of the University of Helsinki Doctoral School.

The decisions for doctoral study right applications are given separately by the Faculty in question by the end of November.